Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?

Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?
Bruised nose: what to do and how to treat?

No one is safe from anything. That is why it is recommended to be very careful always and everywhere. But sometimes, no matter how careful you are, you can still get hurt. The front part of the face is the area that suffers the most, the diagnosis of "bruise, fracture of the nose" is especially common. This organ is very important for human life, it takes part in the processes of smell and breathing.

bruised nose
bruised nose

Briefly about everything

Only a surgeon or a traumatologist can correctly diagnose and prescribe treatment for this injury. The most commonly affected by bruising: the nasal septum, bones and cartilage. Rarely, but there is a rupture of the wings of the organ and the separation of its tip.

You can guess that a nose bruise has occurred, according to a number of signs characteristic of this injury. The main thing in this situation is to take the necessary measures to prevent the consequences. The more severe the damage, the more pronounced the signs of injury.

Need to remember that seriousnessdamage is influenced by several factors: age, impact power and strength of the nasal septum.

The reasons that cause injury to the olfactory organ include: a blow with a blunt object (this situation usually occurs when playing sports), a fall. The second reason is most relevant to children.

Signs of a simple bruised nose are similar to the symptoms that appear when it is fractured. But you still need to be able to distinguish between them. Let's talk about this and much more in more detail.

child's nose injury
child's nose injury


A bruised nose is a consequence of a blow, a fall on a hard object and is accompanied by the following symptoms.

  • Sharp pain, which, when touched to the bruised place, becomes stronger and more intense.
  • Swelling and bump appear instantly as soon as the injury occurs. They increase over time.
  • Difficulty breathing through the nose. The reason for this condition is swelling and congestion of the nasal passages with blood clots.
  • Subcutaneous hemorrhage results in bruising around the nose and under the eyes.
  • Involuntary lacrimation.
  • Sometimes an injury is accompanied by bleeding, the intensity of which can be different, depending on the strength of the vessels.

In addition to the above signs, a severe bruise of the nose is usually accompanied by: concussion, swelling of the tissues of the entire face, headache, nausea, vomiting, fever. In this case, you cannot do without the help of a doctor.

Symptoms begin to decrease as early as the fourth dayafter an injury, the rehabilitation process begins.

Signs of a combination of injury and complications

This "union" deserves special attention, as its symptoms are very dangerous for human life. The first sign of such unity is the inability to stop the bleeding. What other symptoms accompany the combination of trauma and complications?

contusion of the nose
contusion of the nose
  • Strong lacrimation. It appears when the eye socket and tear ducts are damaged.
  • The appearance of cerebrospinal fluid is a consequence of damage to the ethmoid bone, which is located near the upper nasal passages.

A person who has nothing to do with medicine will not be able to distinguish cerebrospinal fluid from tears. That's why when you release fluid from the nose with blood, immediately consult a doctor. Delay can cost lives.

But before qualified help arrives, the condition of the victim should be alleviated at home.

First aid

The basic rule is to do everything not only quickly, but also correctly.

  • The first step to take is to calm the person down.
  • Then immobilize him. This is done so that the bleeding does not increase.
  • If there is an open wound, it must be washed. Use warm water and soap.

After carrying out the above procedures, proceed to the process of stopping bleeding:

  • A cold compress is applied to the bridge of the nose.
  • Assume a posture in which the blood will come out naturallyway. In no case should the head be thrown back. Otherwise, blood clots can enter the esophagus and stomach.
  • In severe bleeding, insert cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide into the nasal passages.
  • In order to prevent the occurrence of complications, Naphthyzin or Rinozalin drops are used.
bruised nose mcb 10
bruised nose mcb 10

Even if the bleeding has stopped and the injured person is doing well, be sure to visit a specialist anyway. This should be done in order to determine whether there was a fracture or not, and to prevent complications.


After a nose bruise has occurred, the symptoms that appear at the same time do not disappear, but, on the contrary, worsen, you should immediately consult a specialist. The doctor will conduct diagnostic measures:

  1. Visual examination of the nose for the presence of swelling, swelling, hematoma.
  2. The condition of the wings of the nose and the central bone is assessed.
  3. The presence of hemorrhages in the tissues adjacent to the injury is diagnosed.
  4. With the help of palpation, the integrity of the nasal cavity is determined.
  5. Rhinoscopy is a procedure performed using special mirrors to examine the nasal cavity.
  6. X-ray. The image is examined and a diagnosis is made.

When examining the nose, the doctor determines the type of wound, whether there has been a transformation of the nose or not, whether there are hemorrhages in the subcutaneous region. Rhinoscopy, palpation, X-ray help to determine the presence of serious complications.

After thediagnosis, the necessary treatment is prescribed. We will talk about him now.


The task is to eliminate the symptoms. If the bruise of the nose is of moderate and complex severity, the following measures are taken:

nose fracture
nose fracture
  • For forty-eight hours, cold compresses are placed on the bridge of the nose every two to three hours. The duration of the procedure is from ten to fifteen minutes.
  • On the third day, heating is prescribed using a heating pad, a warming patch.
  • Physiotherapy warming treatments. They will help relieve swelling, improve blood circulation.
  • During the week, vasoconstrictor drugs are instilled. Frequency - twice a day.
  • An internal application of an ointment is carried out to prevent inflammatory processes.
  • If there is a hematoma, a puncture is made. This procedure is performed only in a hospital, using a syringe with a needle.
  • Severe contusion of the nose (ICD-10 assigns code S00.3 to this injury) is treated only in a hospital, under round-the-clock medical supervision.

If you follow all the doctor's instructions, the problem will be solved and there will be no complications. But they will still be discussed, but below. At the moment, let's talk about folk methods of therapy.

Treatment with folk remedies

To solve the problem, you can also use traditional medicine, but only after consulting a doctor:

  • Decoction or tincture of buttercup flowers. The injured area is rubbed. The procedure is carried out twice a day.
  • Bruising of the nose, swelling and inflammation can be removed with the help of ordinary white cabbage. A sheet is taken, rumpled until juice appears, applied to a sore spot, fastened with a bandage. The compress is changed every hour. For these purposes, you can use raw potatoes. It is cut into thin plates and attached to the bruised area with a bandage.
  • Get rid of bruises will help hot lotions with Epsom s alts. An alternative to it is table s alt, sand. Warming up is carried out no more than three times a day. Remember: you can’t go out into the cold after the procedure.
  • Reduce pain will help honey. It is mixed with aloe, superimposed on the injured area.

All of the above methods are used only with a slight bruise of the nose. With moderate and severe severity, these funds will not help.

bruised nose swelling
bruised nose swelling

Child injury

The olfactory organ in children often suffers, and the mother is not always present. That is why you should immediately pay attention to the behavior of the baby. If he is sick, he became drowsy, immediately run to a specialist. A bruised nose in a child should not be ignored.

Baby began to breathe badly? Most likely, he has a hematoma on the nasal septum. This situation promotes the multiplication of pathogenic microorganisms, which can cause suppuration of the nasal septum and an abscess.

When bleeding, be sure to calm the child, his negative emotion and overexcitability increase bleeding. Then pack the nose with drugs (hydrogen peroxide) that stop the bleeding. Duringduring this procedure, try to keep the baby from moving, sneezing, or coughing.

Injury to the nose is a painful and unpleasant procedure. An adult is not able to withstand it, but what about a child ?! He needs the affection and love of a loved one.

Consequences and complications

If a bruised nose is treated in a timely and correct manner, then there will be no problem. Otherwise, an inflammatory process may develop. It appears when an infection enters the wound.

The consequences of injury include:

  • Permanent runny nose, accompanied by snoring, whistling.
  • Chronic sinusitis, rhinitis, sinusitis.
  • Deviated septum, nose deformity.
severe nose injury
severe nose injury

To avoid these problems, consult a specialist and be sure to follow all his recommendations. After all, the injury to the olfactory organ seems to be not serious, but only with timely assistance, it can remain so, otherwise you cannot do without unpleasant surprises.
