Benign skin tumors: names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Benign skin tumors: names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Benign skin tumors: names, causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Neoplasms on the human skin may have a different structure, but everyone will be united by the same mechanism of their development, that is, the uncontrolled reproduction of cells that have not reached maturity, as a result of which they are not able to fully perform direct functions. In this article, we will take a closer look at the different types of benign tumors on the skin.

Distinguishing Features

Neoplasms on the skin are usually called tumors or neoplasias. Benign tumors on the skin have some distinguishing criteria, thanks to which a specialist can differentiate these neoplasms from a malignant form. These criteria include:

  1. Slow growth.
  2. The neoplasm does not grow into nearby tissues.
  3. Cellular elements are unable to spread beyond the neoplasm.
  4. The size of the tumor is increasingevenly.
  5. Benign skin tumors are atypical structures that do not tend to metastasize.
  6. As they grow, benign neoplasms move away neighboring tissues, pressing on them, resulting in a capsule.

It is important to note that benign tumors on the skin are not dangerous to humans, but it is worth noting that under the influence of certain factors, formations can develop into cancerous ones. Most often in practice, the following neoplastic benign tumors are noted:

  1. Fibroma.
  2. Hemangioma.
  3. Birthmark.
  4. Lymphangioma.
  5. Lipoma.
  6. Atheroma.
  7. Papilloma.
  8. Neurofibroma.

As a rule, an indication for removal is an unsuccessful localization, for example, on the head, face, in the place of constant friction with clothing. In addition, the large size, as well as disruptions in the functioning of other organs that provoke a neoplasm, are also indications for removal. Such benign neoplasms on the skin respond well to both surgical and hardware therapy. Only sometimes tumors can recur.

benign neoplasms of the skin
benign neoplasms of the skin

Classification of benign neoplasms on the skin

Benign neoplasms can be divided into the following types:

  1. Purchased.
  2. Congenital.

Acquired are neoplasms that occur on the skin due to pathologies such aspapillomavirus, weakened immune system, metabolic disorders. With papillomavirus, papillomas and genital warts are formed. If a person has a weakened immune system, warts may appear on the palms and soles. When metabolism is disturbed, soft and hard fibromas are formed, for example, keratomas, xanthomas, nevi.

Congenital neoplasias include birthmarks, nevi larger than 2 cm, and moles.

Location locations

Very often such neoplasms are located in the groin, neck, face, chest, scalp, and also in the armpit. There are cases when moles are located in atypical places, for example, in the nose, on the eyelid, in the auricle. In such situations, people want to get rid of neoplasms, as they cause aesthetic discomfort.

Reasons for appearance

The exact causes of neoplasms on the skin have not been established. However, experts have several theories about this. The provoking factors are as follows:

  1. Burdened heredity.
  2. Individual features of the human body.
  3. Exposure to ultraviolet, X-ray and radiation.
  4. Presence of a viral infection.
  5. Prolonged skin trauma.
  6. Chronic skin exposure to chemical carcinogens.
  7. Insect bites.
  8. Metastases in the presence of an oncological process in the patient's body.
  9. Violation of skin trophism, due to which chroniculcers.
  10. Weakened immunity.
benign skin tumor treatment
benign skin tumor treatment

Symptoms and types of hemangioma

It is quite common to see hemangioma on the skin of adults. This is a tumor based on a vascular formation. Hemangioma can be divided into several types, they will depend on which specific vessels are involved in the process. Consider what types of hemangioma are on the skin in adults and children:

  1. Cavernous. Such a hemangioma is located deep in the skin, is a subcutaneous limited node, covered with a cyanotic cover. As a rule, such a hemangioma is diagnosed immediately after the birth of a child, and it is localized on the head or neck.
  2. Simple capillary. Such a neoplasm is found on the surface of the skin. This hemangioma is very large in size. The color can be from reddish to dark blue. A neoplasm is growing along the periphery.
  3. Combined. Such a hemangioma is a combination of cavernous and simple forms of this tumor.
  4. Mixed. In this case, both vessels and nearby tissues are involved in the process. As a rule, connective tissues take part.

If the hemangioma is located on the eyelid or on the face, then radiation therapy is used to remove it. In other situations, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, and hormone therapy are prescribed. The surgical intervention method is used only if the hemangioma is too deep.


So, we continue to consider the types of benign tumors on the skin. It is mandatory to mention fibroma, which is a neoplasm formed from connective tissues. Quite often, fibroma is diagnosed in young people. Mostly such neoplasia occurs among the fair sex.

Small sizes are typical for this neoplasia. Fibromas reach a maximum of 3 cm in diameter. It is a neoplasm of a spherical nodule, deeply planted in the skin, which slightly rises above the surface. Fibroma can be of various shades, ranging from gray to black. As a rule, the surface is smooth, sometimes warty formations can be observed. Fibroma grows slowly.

It is important to note that, despite the fact that fibroma is a benign tumor, under favorable conditions there is a risk of degeneration into a cancerous form. To remove the fibroma, a laser, surgical, and radiosurgical method is used. In addition, specialists may prescribe electrocoagulation for removal.

papillomas and warts on the body
papillomas and warts on the body

Nevuses and moles

We continue to study the names of benign skin tumors. Often on the body you can see moles and nevi. Such neoplasms can be either congenital or acquired.

The ICD-10 code for a nevus is D22. It is a collection of cells that have too much melanin. Such neoplasms are characterized by various shapes, shades, as well as texture. Are removedthese neoplasms are most often due to a possible degeneration into cancer, as well as due to localization in inconvenient places. The code according to the ICD-10 table of a nevus may differ slightly depending on the specific type. As a rule, it is located somewhere on the face or in a place of friction with clothing, it is best to remove it. Currently, a variety of methods are used for excision.


And what can be said about lipoma, the causes and treatment of this neoplasm? Such a neoplasm is formed on the basis of the fatty layer, for which reason it is often called a wen. Lipomas are localized in the thickness of the connective tissues under the skin. Often the tumor penetrates deep into the underlying tissues, growing between the vessels and muscles and reaching the bones. Most often, a lipoma is localized in areas with a thin fatty layer, for example, on the hips, shoulders, shoulder blade, head.

A lipoma is a mobile and soft neoplasm that will be painful on palpation. This tumor is characterized by slow growth. Lipoma is not dangerous to he alth, but sometimes it can develop into cancer.

A lipoma can appear due to a violation of fat metabolism, a genetic predisposition, due to an insufficient level of personal hygiene, in violation of the mechanism of reverse regulation of fat metabolism.

What else can be said about the causes and treatment of lipoma? Mandatory removal is prescribed in case of intensive growth of this neoplasm, as well as compression of surrounding tissues or organs. It should be noted thatexperts advise to remove the lipoma in the event that it began to grow, while reaching a small size. Thanks to this, a large scar can be avoided. To remove a small lipoma, a puncture-aspiration, laser, radio wave method of therapy is used.


These tumors are formed on the basis of lymphatic vessels. In most cases, lymphangioma is congenital in nature, as it is formed in an inconvenient period. This neoplasm is found in children whose age is less than 3 years. Externally, lymphangioma is a cavity with the thinnest walls. The size of the neoplasm is from 1 to 5 mm in diameter. Neoplasia grows rather slowly, however, there may be cases of spasmodic growth, when the lymphangioma increases in size very quickly. In such situations, prompt removal is indicated.

doctor examining the skin
doctor examining the skin

Surgical treatment of a benign neoplasm is used in the case of lymphangiomas, which are located near the trachea, larynx, and other vital organs.

Warts and papillomas

Warts and papillomas on the body, the causes of which may be in many ways, are neoplasms in the form of a nodule or flat papilla. In practice, you can find growths of various sizes, shades and shapes. The main reason for the appearance of papilloma and warts on the body is the papillomavirus, which has many different strains. This virus is activated in the human bodydue to stress, reduced immunity, and autonomic disorders.

There are certain types of warts that can transform into an oncological form. However, most of these neoplasms are still safe. For therapy, immunomodulatory and antiviral agents are used. To remove a wart or papilloma, you can use any method, from acids to surgery.


According to the classification in the ICD-10 table, atheroma has a code from L60 to L75, is a cyst from the sebaceous gland, which occurs due to blockage. Most often, atheroma is localized in the groin area, on the head, neck, and back. Thus, we can conclude that neoplasms are located in areas where a high concentration of sebaceous glands predominates.

The code in the international ICD-10 table for atheroma will depend on the specific species. But how to define it externally? Atheroma has clear contours, is very dense, elastic on palpation, does not bring any discomfort to the patient. If an infection is attached, suppuration of the tumor may occur. In this case, atheroma acquires a red tint, swelling, soreness is formed. In a state of inflammation, atheroma is able to break through on its own, and purulent-sebaceous contents will come out of it.

Despite the fact that atheromas are benign neoplasms, they can degenerate into a malignant form. That is why it is necessary to remove such neoplasms on the body. This is done only by the methodsurgery.


This neoplasia grows from the cells that make up the nerve sheaths. Neurofibroma is localized in the subcutaneous tissue, as well as on the skin. Outwardly, it is a tubercle, which has a dense texture. Neurofibromas are about 3 cm in diameter. Neoplasia is covered by an epidermis that is highly depigmented or pigmented. Such a tumor may have a multiple character. This condition is called neurofibromatosis. It is the result of a genetic failure, and can be inherited.

Single neurofibromas quite rarely degenerate into a cancerous form, but at the same time they can cause a lot of problems for the patient. The fact is that such neoplasms can provoke various functional disorders, constant pain. Neurofibroma is treated medically. Removal of neurofibroma is carried out with the help of radiation therapy, as well as surgery.


Great importance in early diagnosis will be given to regular examinations, as well as introspection. During an external examination, a specialist can accurately diagnose a particular pathological condition, as well as a neoplasm on the skin. After that, the patient is sent for further examination.

birthmark increases
birthmark increases

If you are attentive to your own he alth, you will be able to notice changes in your moles, birthmarks, and pigmentation in time. For example, if you notice new moles on your body,the cause of the appearance must be established by the doctor. In some cases, this is a wake-up call.

If you notice skin changes that are observed without any reason, then it is imperative to undergo an examination by an oncodermatologist or dermatologist, where, based on an external examination, an oncological examination, as well as an examination of the general condition of the patient's body, it will be excluded or the tumor-like nature of the neoplasm was confirmed.

Treatment and prevention

There is no specific prevention of neoplasms on the body. Preventive measures include the removal of warts and moles at the initial stage of their development, especially if you observe a large number of them on your body. Individuals who have a genetic predisposition to oncological diseases should be more attentive to the treatment of benign skin tumors, as well as prevention. To do this, you should avoid insolation, most carefully approach the choice of workplace, and also avoid contact with carcinogenic substances. Experts also recommend excluding from your diet those foods that can provoke the degeneration of a neoplasm into a malignant form.

Treatment for a benign skin tumor on the face or other parts of the body will involve removing the affected area. Removal with a laser has the least relapses, since in this case cauterization of the wound surface is observed, further dissemination of tumor cells is not allowed. Also, for these purposes,cryodestruction and electrocoagulation are used. A specialist may prescribe a radio wave removal method depending on a particular type of neoplasm on the skin.

benign skin tumor
benign skin tumor

When is there danger?

So, above, we examined the names of benign tumors on the skin, as well as methods for treating these tumors. But when can such a neoplasm develop into a malignant form? First of all, it should be noted that this will not be typical for all tumors. Only an experienced specialist can determine specifically which mole on your body is potentially dangerous. If you notice how your birthmark is growing, be sure to seek help from a medical facility.

It has been proven that the most dangerous are nevi, which are birthmarks and moles that have a convex shape, and they are located on the skin from birth. In such situations, it is necessary to make a diagnosis in a timely manner. First of all, experts advise removing keratomas from your body. Due to severe discomfort, condylomas, papillomas, warts, xanthomas are removed.

When should I delete?

There are cases when a neoplasm on the skin must be removed regardless of the variety. For example, if there are about 20 moles on a small area of the skin, then there is a risk of developing melanoma, that is, a malignant form.

If neoplasias are located on the neck, arms, face, then they are best removed, as the tumors are exposedexposure to ultraviolet radiation, which increases the risk of degeneration into a malignant form.

If someone in the family has previously suffered from skin cancer, then there is a hereditary factor. In this case, you must also seek the advice of a specialist who will prescribe the removal of neoplasms.

dermatologist and patient
dermatologist and patient

If the neoplasia is often traumatized, it is best to remove it.

Never delay a visit to the doctor if the neoplasm on the skin begins to increase, hairs begin to fall out from the surface, the shade changes, the consistency changes, bleeding appears, the size decreases, the shape changes, the contour becomes blurred, inflammation and itching appear, and cracks formed on the surface. If you do not consult a doctor with these signs, then there is a possibility of degeneration into a malignant form.
