Chickenpox rash: description, features, treatment. Chickenpox vaccination

Chickenpox rash: description, features, treatment. Chickenpox vaccination
Chickenpox rash: description, features, treatment. Chickenpox vaccination

Chickenpox, more commonly known as chicken pox, is an acute viral illness transmitted through the air. Fortunately, in almost all cases, the prognosis is favorable.

However, the disease must be treated immediately, as its symptoms cause considerable discomfort. The article will focus on the rash that appears with chickenpox, as well as how and with what it can be eliminated.

Clinical picture

First, you should study it. The incubation period after the Varicella Zoster virus (the causative agent of chickenpox) enters the body lasts 3-4 days. Then the following symptoms begin to appear:

  1. Spotted rashes.
  2. Periodically rising temperature. This symptom has an undulating character, as the fever coincides with the period when the rash appears.
  3. Severe itching.
  4. Exanthema on mucous membranes.
The causative agent of chickenpox
The causative agent of chickenpox

In rare cases, the patient is also worried about headache, fever and lumbosacral pain. Most of these symptoms appear in affected adults, but this is rare, since chickenpox, in general, is suffered by everyone in childhood.

Incubation period

Chickenpox rash doesn't show up right away. Before its appearance, a few days, and sometimes a couple of hours, the child loses activity, drowsiness, fatigue and headache appear. Then he begins to shiver, the temperature rises.

These symptoms indicate a prodromal period. As soon as the temperature rises, a rash occurs. Always like this with chickenpox.

The first points, which are called "resh", appear in this period. Spots of a reddish hue can spread throughout the body. They closely resemble the rashes that characterize measles or scarlet fever.

Acute period

Talking about the symptoms of chickenpox in adults (treatment and the specifics of therapy will be discussed later), it must be noted that the hallmark of this disease is the formation of a specific pathogenesis of the rash. The moment when it begins to appear coincides with the day when the fever occurs.

The temperature rises to low levels. However, along with it, points on the body appear jerkily.

What is the nature of the chickenpox rash? It is a pink spot, 2-4 mm in diameter. In a few hours they turn into papules, some of which become vesicles. They are single chamber andsurrounded by a halo of hyperemia.

chicken pox rash
chicken pox rash

After some time (about 1-3 days) the vesicles dry out, resulting in brown or dark red crusts that fall off after 9-11 days. However, with chickenpox, the rash, having a polymorphic character, often reappears. Therefore, in the same area, you can often see crusts, vesicles, papules and spots at the same time.

Features of the rash

This disease is specific. Although the symptoms are always the same, there are some features of the chickenpox rash. Take, for example, the day the symptoms started. In one child, spots on the skin may appear on the 11th day after contact with the patient, in another - much later.

Then comes the prodromal period, which also has a different duration. But, if we talk about averages, then the rash appears on the skin 14 days after the child has communicated with the patient.

Where are the first spots localized? It is also an important question that needs to be answered, since we are talking about the nature of the rash with chickenpox. But in the case of this disease, there is no staging. The rash appears simultaneously on several parts of the body. But most often it can be found:

  • on the stomach and back;
  • face;
  • limbs;
  • skin of the scalp.

Rarely, a rash appears in the mouth and on the palms. But itching is noted almost everywhere, throughout the body. Unfortunately, he worries the patient throughout the disease - from the moment when the papules appear, and untilthe moment they form crusts.


Before moving on to a discussion of the specifics of the treatment of elements of the rash in chickenpox, you need to pay a little attention to this topic.

chickenpox in children clinical guidelines
chickenpox in children clinical guidelines

To make a correct diagnosis, it is enough for a doctor to study the general clinical picture. She is very specific. But the blood test is not. Pathological changes are limited to an acceleration of the erythrocyte sedimentation rate - this indicates the development of an inflammatory process in the body.

As part of the diagnosis of chickenpox, a virological study can be carried out, aimed at detecting virions by electromicroscopy of vesicular fluid, which is stained with silver. Also, the patient is often referred for serological analysis, carried out in paired sera using RTGA and RSK.

Rash treatment with brilliant green

This is perhaps the most popular remedy that everyone knows about. Brilliant Green Solution is an affordable alcohol-based antiseptic that has an intense antimicrobial and disinfectant effect.

This inexpensive solution has a detrimental effect on pathogenic fungi, gram-positive microorganisms, staphylococcus aureus and even diphtheria bacillus. Its plus is that it does not have a negative effect on tissues. It dries up rashes, but does not violate the integrity of the epidermis.

chicken pox rash treatment
chicken pox rash treatment

The use of brilliant green helps reduce itching, speed up the drying process of the rash, and alsoavoid additional infection and subsequent suppuration, the likelihood of which exists, because the violation of the integrity of the pustule is fraught with the formation of a wound.

Using potassium permanganate

This solution is also often used for chicken pox in children. Clinical recommendations for the use of potassium permanganate are based on its effect - it is an excellent antiseptic, especially helpful in cases where the disease affects large areas of the body.

After treating the rash with this solution, it will quickly relieve itching and promote intensive healing of open wounds.

Here's what to consider when using potassium permanganate:

  1. Dissolve it in warm water.
  2. Before treating acne, it is important to wait until the crystals have completely dissolved. Otherwise, there is a risk of burning the skin.
  3. Dilute the powder using a spoon and gloves.
  4. Treat the rash only with a weak, 1 percent solution. If the suppuration is strong, then you can apply 3 percent, but this is the maximum.
  5. If the rash is observed all over the body, it is allowed to wash with the solution. But then it should be as weak as possible, especially if the procedure is done for a child - from 0.1% to 0.5%.

And by the way, potassium permanganate should not be used more than once a day.

Using Calamine

Since we are talking about the features of the treatment of rash with chickenpox, then the use of this drug should also be told.

chickenpox in adults symptoms and treatment
chickenpox in adults symptoms and treatment

Lotion "Calamine", in the compositionwhich includes the active substance of the same name, as well as oxides of iron and zinc, has a powerful antiseptic effect. And it is allowed even for the treatment of infants with chickenpox. Easy to use:

  1. Shake the lotion bottle first.
  2. Then apply it to a piece of clean cloth or cotton pad.
  3. Treat the affected area of the body.

You can use the product a maximum of four times a day. But the use is allowed until the complete disappearance of the rash. It is recommended to combine skin treatment with lotion with internal use of antihistamines.

By the way, the use of lotion for the treatment of mucous membranes is prohibited. And you always need to wait for it to be completely absorbed. Otherwise, there will be no effect.

Treatment with "Fukortsin"

Under this name, a purple medicinal solution is known. It is based on phenol, resorcinol and boric acid. These substances form a very effective combination that can prevent infection of open wounds. They also stimulate the regeneration of damaged tissues, gently stopping itching.

features of the rash with chickenpox
features of the rash with chickenpox

When discussing the specifics of eliminating the symptoms of chickenpox in adults and the treatment of the disease, it should be noted that it is forbidden to abuse "Fukortsin". Four times a day is enough, and you need to repeat the procedure at regular intervals.

No need to be afraid of the appearance of burning and pain after applying the remedy - this is normal. The only reason to stop treatment with this solution is swelling.


This medicine comes in the form of a powder that must be dissolved before use. Interestingly, the tool stains the skin yellow, so using it, you can track the appearance of new elements of the rash. The same with brilliant green.

"Rivanol" has an antiseptic effect - it is recommended to use it in order to prevent suppuration of tissues. How often to use it is determined by the attending physician on an individual basis.

Usually twice a day is enough. It is important to know that "Rivanol" is prohibited for use if the patient has a protein in the urine, or he has kidney diseases. Children under the age of three should also not use it.

Chickenpox vaccination

This topic should also be discussed. In developed countries, vaccinations against this disease have been done since the 70s. For almost 50 years, it has been possible to significantly reduce the incidence of the disease, both in children and adults. This is important, because complications of the disease, albeit rare, can be pneumonitis, enfecalitis, pneumonia, or unaesthetic scars on the skin of the body.

Chickenpox vaccination is very effective and highly immunogenic. It forms immunity to the disease in 95% of vaccinated children. In the case of teenagers, the figures are slightly worse, they amount to 78%.

In Russia, vaccine preparations against chickenpox were licensed in 2008. Doctors recommend vaccinations; it is best to refer children aged one to two years to this procedure. Adults can go for vaccinations if they wish. This should be done if you did not have chickenpox in childhood.

About 1-3 weeks after vaccination, the patient may develop a fever and rash. This is normal - these symptoms indicate the active formation of immunity to the disease. They do not require treatment! All unpleasant manifestations will pass on their own after a couple of days.

treatment of elements of the rash with chicken pox
treatment of elements of the rash with chicken pox

Vaccination is generally well tolerated. The body reacts to the vaccine locally: swelling, redness, induration and slight soreness occur in the area where the injection was given. Very rarely, the temperature rises, there is malaise, weakness and enlarged lymph nodes.


This is the last thing. As mentioned earlier, the disease under discussion is most often ill in childhood. And if an outbreak of chicken pox is suddenly registered in the garden, quarantine will be arranged with a high probability. This also happens in schools. The period of isolation lasts, as a rule, 21 days.

What happens when chickenpox only affects one student? It is important here that parents notice suspicious symptoms in time and go with the child to the doctor. If he has chickenpox, he is issued a sick leave.

The child should stay at home until the symptoms disappear completely, even if at some point he becomes significantly better. After all, you can really get infected just by standing next to the carrier of the infection.

Information about the detection of a quarantine disease is transmitted to the clinic. There the diagnosis is confirmed, and then ineducational institution is quarantined. If at some point (say, on the 5th day after the start of the “vacation”) another sick child is found, the period is also extended by 21 days.

By the way, the following measures contribute to the speedy elimination of infection:

  1. Intensive ventilation of rooms through the through method for 30 minutes. This should be done before and after visiting students.
  2. Increase breaks between classes to 10 minutes.
  3. Regular wet cleaning in offices and rooms.
  4. Maintain humidity levels at 60-80%.
  5. UV air disinfection twice a day.
  6. Disinfection of school exhibits, toys and utensils.

We hope you find this article useful.
