Few of us have never had a cold, runny nose, abrasions or scratches in our lives. All these, one might say, harmless he alth troubles, not to mention more serious ailments, such as pneumonia or gastritis, are associated with a pathological process in organs or tissues, the name of which is inflammation. He, like any disease, has different stages - from the initial, the easiest and quickly treatable, to the last, the most severe and irreversible. How does inflammation occur? What is happening in our body at this moment? How to treat inflammation? What are the forecasts and what are the consequences? We will try to answer each of the questions clearly and in detail.
The essence of inflammation
There are thousands of diseases in the world. All of them are either caused by inflammatory processes in human organs, or they cause inflammation. The stages of the latter with different ailments may change, the causes may differ, the signs may not coincide, but the result without proper treatment is almost always approximately the same - irreversible changes inhe alth and sometimes even death. However, inflammation also has a good side. It occurs in the body to protect it. This function has been formed for millions of years, throughout the evolution of man. That is, inflammation is such a pathological process that develops with any damage in order to eliminate the irritant and restore tissues. Inflammation can be called a trigger button that turns on the protective actions of the body and at the same time a barrier that does not allow negative processes to leave the inflamed focus. It accumulates toxins that can cause intoxication. During inflammation, specific particles are produced - these toxins are destructive. And another useful function of inflammation is that it produces antibodies and strengthens the immune system.
There is also a negative, and a lot of it. Such processes can lead to disruption of compensatory mechanisms and pose a threat to human life.

Not only by the place of localization (throat, stomach, lungs, and so on), but also by many other signs, doctors classify inflammation. His stages are as follows:
- alteration;
- exudation;
- proliferation.
According to the form of inflammation, there are:
- acute (lasting from several minutes to several hours);
- subacute (the course period is calculated in days and weeks);
- chronic (appear in cases where acute or subacute forms are not cured, last for years, sometimes for life).
Whatever forman inflammatory process was diagnosed, the causes of its occurrence are as follows:
- infectious (viruses, bacteria);
- toxic (exposure to unhe althy chemicals);
- autoimmune (production of unnecessary antibodies or aggressive cells by the body);
- purulent-septic;
- traumatic;
- paraneoplastic (develops mainly in cancer);
- post-traumatic;
- physical (for example, temperature effects that are unfavorable for the body).
The causes of inflammation, the stages and forms of its course are the main characteristics by which doctors classify the disease. So, pneumonia is an infectious inflammation of the tissues of the lungs, which can be acute and at the same time exudative. Let's take a closer look at incomprehensible terms.
How the inflammatory process develops
The start for any type of inflammation is such changes in the structure of cells, and with them the organs as a whole, in which their normal functioning is disrupted. This determines the signs of inflammation. In the cell, under the influence of an unfavorable factor, changes in the cytoplasm, membrane, and nucleus begin very quickly. This process activates the production of so-called mediators - special biological chemicals that activate biochemical reactions, that is, give rise to an action potential. Mediators include histamine, bradykinin, serotonin, and many other specific agents. All of them are responsible for different signs of inflammation. Yes, histamineleads to the expansion of blood vessels and an increase in the permeability of their walls. Bradykinin and kallidin are involved in the occurrence of pain. In the area where the vessels are dilated, the initial sign of inflammation appears - redness. Since the total cross-sectional area of the dilated vessels increases, the volumetric velocity of blood flow in them increases, and the linear velocity decreases. This causes the second sign of inflammation - a jump in temperature.

In the future, each link in the chain reaction is characterized by a more severe manifestation. A drop in linear velocity activates the production of red blood cells, which further slow down blood flow. This increases thrombus formation, in which the vessels can overlap completely. There is a so-called stasis, which is the cause of tissue necrosis. After stagnation of blood in the capillaries, stagnation begins in the venules. This leads to the accumulation of exudate in the tissues. The next sign of inflammation appears - swelling, and then another sign - pain.
Leukocytes, s alts, proteins begin to seep through the thinned walls of the vessels (exudation occurs). In this case, leukocytes move towards the factor that caused inflammation, since their main role is phagocytosis. Later, in the inflammatory infiltrate (the place where biological elements that are uncharacteristic for it accumulate), some of the cells die, the other transforms, turning, for example, into macrophages.
Summarizing, we can distinguish the following common symptoms of inflammation:
- redness;
- temperature increase either in the inflamed area or in the body inoverall;
- swelling;
- soreness.
In addition, common symptoms include:
- development of leukocytosis;
- increased blood ESR;
- change in immunological reactivity (the body's response to the introduction and action of an inflammatory factor);
- signs of intoxication.
But each disease has its own specific symptoms. So, with pneumonia, it is a cough, wheezing in the lungs, with gastritis, nausea, sometimes vomiting, belching, heartburn, with cystitis, painful urination, and so on.
Stage of alteration
The term " alternative inflammation" in modern medicine is almost never found, but still exists in veterinary medicine. It means pathological changes in some organs (kidneys, heart, liver, spinal cord and brain), in which necrotic and degenerative changes in tissues (in the parenchyma) are recorded without exudation and proliferation. Alternative inflammation occurs most often in an acute form and can lead to complete destruction of the organ.

Alteration is divided into two subspecies - primary and secondary.
Primary in its essence is the result of the introduction of a source of inflammation into the body. Secondary is the body's response to damage caused by an inflammatory agent. In practice, both of them have no clear boundaries.
Diseases caused by such inflammation include typhoid fever, myocarditis, dysentery and others. Now most doctors call alternative inflammationnecrosis.
Exudation stage
Exudative inflammation is a stage of the pathological process in which there is an exit from the capillaries and other small vessels into the cavity or into the tissues of the body of various fluids (exudate). Depending on what exactly comes out, the following types of inflammatory processes are distinguished:
- serous;
- fibrous;
- purulent;
- rotten;
- catarrhal;
- hemorrhagic;
- mixed.
Let's take a look at each of them.
Another name for the disease is serous exudative inflammation. This is such a pathological process in which at least 2% and no more than 8% of blood serum protein is detected in the exudate, but there are literally a few leukocytes. It occurs in mucous membranes and in serous thin, smooth and elastic membranes (for example, in the peritoneum, pleura, pericardium). Inflamed membranes become dense, cloudy and rough. Symptoms of inflammation are not pronounced. The patient may experience a slight temperature and mild pain. Causes of this pathology:
- chemicals (intoxication, poisoning);
- physical impact (injury, including burns and frostbite, some insect bites);
- microorganisms (Koch's sticks, herpes, meningococcus);
- allergy.
Serous inflammation can be acute or chronic.

This type of inflammation is characterized by the presence of leukocytes, monocytes, macrophages,dead cells and convolutions of fibrin - a blood plasma protein that forms the basis of blood clots. In the inflamed zone, tissues die off and a large number of platelets are formed, a thin fibrous film is formed, under which microbes actively begin to multiply. Fibrous inflammation can be croupous and diphtheritic. With croupous film is formed on the mucous membranes of the trachea, peritoneum, alveoli, bronchi. It does not grow into the tissue, so it can be easily removed without leaving wounds. With diphtheria, a film is formed on the mucous membranes of the intestines, esophagus, and stomach. It turns out to be dense, as if fused with the layers located under it, therefore, when it is removed, the wounds remain. "Inflammation in a feminine way" - this is sometimes called a similar process in the uterus. It can occur for various reasons - infections (gonorrhea, syphilis), hypothermia, mechanical damage (abortion, childbirth), poor hygiene. In all cases, with an acute form, there are pains in the genitals or in the lower abdomen, vaginal discharge, fever. This can lead to diseases of the kidneys, heart, endocrine system. Inflammation in a feminine way, which is chronic, can occur without any noticeable symptoms, but leads to adhesions of the fallopian tubes, infertility. This form develops if a woman does not cure an acute disease to the end, as well as with some types of infection (for example, gonococci), which are almost asymptomatic in the initial stages.

Purulent and putrid
If there is pus in the exudate - a specific substance that includespurulent serum, tissue detritus, neutrophilic leukocytes, eosonophils - inflammation is accompanied by purulent processes. They are caused by various microorganisms, such as gonococci, staphylococci and others. Forms of purulent inflammation:
- abscess (suppuration);
- phlegmon;
- empyema.
Abscess occurs either as an independent inflammatory process, or as a complication of a previous disease. This forms a barrier capsule that prevents the spread of pathogens to neighboring tissues.
Phlegmon differs from an abscess in that it does not have clearly defined boundaries. There are a lot of types of phlegmon. This is subcutaneous, and intermuscular, and retroperitoneal, and perirenal, and many others. If the phlegmon moves to neighboring tissue areas, sepsis may begin.
Empyema is somewhat similar to an abscess, but there is a significant accumulation of pus in the body cavity, and there is no protective membrane.
Putrid inflammation develops from purulent if putrefactive microflora enters the focus. In this case, tissue necrosis occurs, causing intoxication of the patient's body and characterized by a putrid odor. This type of inflammation is possible with extensive wounds, for example, during military operations, and in women with unskilled abortions. How to treat inflammation in such a severe form? Only therapy with properly selected antibiotics in conjunction with surgery can make the prognosis favorable.

This type of pathology iscontinuation of the above inflammatory processes and develops if the permeability of the walls of blood vessels increases, up to a violation of their integrity. At the same time, a large number of erythrocytes enter the inflamed place, making the exudate dark red, almost black in color, and if the inflammation affects the gastrointestinal tract, then their contents become chocolate-colored. Hemorrhagic inflammation is caused by bacteria, viruses, sometimes fungi, some chemicals and toxins. It is observed in diseases such as smallpox, plague, anthrax.
This process is not independent, because it is formed when mucus is added to an existing exudate. Catarrh is caused by the following causes:
- infection (viruses, bacteria);
- high or low temperatures (burn, frostbite);
- chemicals;
- products of incorrect metabolism.
Examples include allergic rhinitis (hay fever, or, popularly, the well-known runny nose), bronchitis, which turned into a purulent-catarrhal form, in which the mucous membrane of the bronchi and trachea is inflamed. Is it possible and how to remove the inflammation of this form at home? Traditional medicine advises the use of aromatherapy (breathe with oils of fir, geranium, eucalyptus and others). In case of catarrhal sinusitis, remove mucus from the nose, rinse with solutions of s alt, herbs or plain water, instill vasoconstrictors into the nose. With catarrhal sore throat, gargle, with catarrhal bronchitis, drinka lot of warm liquid, do breathing exercises, take expectorants and antitussives. With any localization of catarrhal inflammation, drug antiviral therapy is carried out, but antibiotics are used only as directed by a doctor and only if there are complications, for example, with the development of purulent inflammation.

Proliferative inflammation
This form is observed in all types of inflammation, and it is most active in the final stages of the disease. The term "proliferation" can be explained as follows: it is a neoplasm, the birth of cells and entire cellular structures. Basically, this happens during the recovery of an organ or tissue after inflammation, when mesenchymal cells produce fibroblasts, which, in turn, synthesize collagen, which often ends in scarring. Types of proliferative inflammation are as follows:
- granulomatous (with nodules);
- intermediate (infiltrate is formed in the liver, myocardium, kidneys, lungs);
- with the formation of warts and polyps;
- around foreign objects and parasites.
Acute and chronic inflammation
Acute inflammatory process develops rapidly. It is characterized by the symptoms indicated above, namely: redness of the affected area, fever, swelling, pain, exudate formation, impaired blood circulation in capillaries and venules. Chronic inflammation is characterized by the fact that with this form active substances begin to accumulate in one place.macrophages. The pathological process is caused by the following reasons:
1. Some parasites, being eaten by macrophages, do not die, but begin to multiply. This is observed, for example, with Koch's sticks, which cause tuberculosis. Macrophages with live parasites inside move to the active production of inflammatory mediators.
2. Macrophages do not eat parasites, but particles that they can neither break down nor throw out. These include complex complexes, for example, the polysaccharide zymosan contained in yeast. Around such phagocytes, granulomas begin to form very quickly.
Acute inflammation, for all its severity, ends quickly (unless it comes to purulent abscesses), while chronic inflammation torments a person for years. It cannot end quickly for the following reasons:
- macrophages, which trigger inflammation, live a very long time;
- as long as macrophages are alive and active, resorption of granulomas is impossible.
Chronic inflammation in the stage of remission of the patient practically does not bother and is activated (the stage of exacerbation sets in) when fresh highly active macrophages are added to the inflammatory focus.

Which inflammation is more dangerous: acute or chronic
For all its seeming harmlessness, chronic inflammation is the most dangerous. For example, inflammation of the ligaments of the extremities leads to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, gout, arthritis, and others. The acute form of all these ailments is manifested by pain,reddening of the body area around the focus of inflammation, fever. In the transition to a chronic form, pain occurs only under the influence of some external factors, such as weather conditions, high physical exertion or mechanical stress. However, the chronic form is dangerous with irreversible deformities of the ligaments, cartilage, joints, involvement in the process of neighboring sectors of the musculoskeletal system (for example, with rheumatoid arthritis, the cervical spine is affected), complete destruction of the joint and degenerative change in the ligaments, which leads to disability. Inflammation of the ligaments of the limbs can be caused by multiple causes, including:
- injuries;
- increased physical activity;
- infections;
- metabolic disorder.
Inflammation of the ligaments of the throat is caused by infection in the upper respiratory tract, smoking, hypothermia, inhalation of harmful gases, strong screaming.
The acute form is manifested by sore throat when talking and swallowing, redness, fever, tickling, hoarseness, but with proper treatment, the disease passes quickly and without a trace. If the acute form becomes chronic, the patient develops shortness of breath, the larynx swells, and chronic catarrhal inflammation can lead to atrophy of the mucous membrane.

How to relieve inflammation
If the body is strong enough and able to resist the inflammatory factor, or this factor is short-term and weak (for example, a scratch on the skin), the inflammation goes away on its own in a couple of days. You can only slightly help this process by disinfecting the site of damage. At home, the treatment of inflammation of the mucous membranes of the throat and oral cavity (along with drug therapy) is carried out using decoctions of chamomile, celandine, calendula. Rinsing with a solution of soda with the addition of a couple of drops of iodine to it helps well.
During the exacerbation of the chronic form of inflammation of the ligaments and joints, compresses are used from alcohol tinctures of many plants (maclura, acacia, lilac, and others). All these methods are only auxiliary. To receive the main treatment, you need to contact the doctors. Some patients are in a hurry to take antibiotics for inflammation of any etiology, which can cause a deterioration in the condition, up to a critical one. The fact is that antibiotics are designed to fight some live parasites and are useless if the inflammation is caused by other causes. There are more than a dozen groups of such drugs that destroy certain types of pathogens and are harmless to others. Their use without prescription contributes to the further development of the disease and aggravation of the patient's condition.
In chronic forms of inflammation, supportive therapy is indicated, which consists in creating satisfactory conditions for the patient, a diet rich in vitamins, and eliminating irritating factors dangerous to he alth (overwork, hypothermia, stress, etc.). During periods of exacerbation, medication and physiotherapy are carried out.