Alas, but almost every person in his life faces such an unpleasant problem as back pain, and not everyone is in a hurry to see a doctor. "Well, what's so special about it, it will hurt and pass," - this is exactly what the majority thinks, especially when the pain is still tolerable. And not everyone wants to crowd in endless queues to see a doctor in a clinic because of a “banal” back pain. What remains to be done? Treat at home. We are by no means supporters of self-treatment, so we recommend that you still visit a doctor. But if you do not have time for this, you can try to alleviate the condition at home. In this article, we will tell you what are the main causes of pain and how to cure your back at home.

Main causes of back pain
If you want to know how to quickly heal your back, then you need to first understand what leads to such problems. According to statistics, almost 90% of people experience back pain at some point. There are many reasons for this. Starting from a banal overvoltage or being in aincorrect posture to more serious diseases. Only a doctor can determine the nature of the pain. Let's briefly talk about the main reasons. So, more than half of these cases are associated with excessive loads, even if you do not carry heavy loads or do not play sports. However, if the pain lasts more than a week and is intermittent, and does not subside with rest, then you should consult a doctor for a more detailed examination.
From the medical point of view, there are several diagnoses related to lower back pain. For example, a herniated disc. This is a fairly common problem associated with tissue degeneration and compression of the nerve roots due to the "settlement" of the spine. A compression fracture also occurs when the bones become less dense and collapse due to their own body weight. Various inflammations (rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis or Reiter's syndrome) and infections also lead to pain in the spine.

General and effective rules for treating back pain at home
Before we tell you how to cure your back at home, you should learn the general rules that will help you achieve what you want:
- Start an active lifestyle. Of course, at first it will seem impossible to you, because with back pain you don’t even want to make unnecessary gestures. However, this is the only way you can get out of trouble. No one is forcing you to run or go to the gym. Start with walking. Walk more often, visit the pool. And if you have a sedentarywork, then at least do not be lazy to get up from your chair every half an hour and warm up.
- This rule does not apply to men, but the fair sex will have to give up high heels.
- Even if the pain has subsided, you need to massage regularly. Ask someone at home about this. Optionally, the procedure should be carried out by a specialist, since you only need to relax the muscles.
Drug Therapy
When a person first encounters back pain, he first of all runs to the pharmacy for medicines. Of course, the pharmacist knows how to cure the back (lower back), and will advise you on the appropriate drugs. We would like to briefly talk about what you can use as first aid for severe pain. Both the doctor and the pharmacist will first advise painkillers. For example, "Ibuprofen" or "Nurofen" are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that have an analgesic effect. Ibuprofen, by the way, costs two to three times cheaper than Nurofen.
You can also take muscle relaxants. In addition to the analgesic effect, they relieve muscle spasm. These include Tizanidin, Baclofen, or Tolperisone. But you can't take these drugs without a doctor's supervision, just like everyone else.

Treatment of back pain with compresses
First of all, the treatment of back pain at home using traditional medicine comes down tothe use of compresses, as they can relieve inflammation and relieve pain. Here are some recipes you can try at home:
- The most common are compresses from herbal infusions, such as chamomile, St. John's wort or thyme. Take a small piece of thick cloth or towel, soak it in a warm herbal solution, put it on your back and wrap yourself up carefully. Such a compress can be used during sleep.
- Burdock leaves are also suitable for wrapping. Pour boiling water over them and apply to the back. Wrap your back with a warm scarf or blanket and leave for an hour.
- How can you heal your back? Take plain mustard, it's great for reheating. Take one tablespoon of mustard powder and dilute in warm water to the consistency of sour cream. Blind a small cake and apply to the affected area. Cover yourself and lie down for a few minutes.
- Horseradish root will also help warm up your back. Grate it and mix in a small amount with sour cream. Apply a thick layer on the sore spot and cover with a thick cloth. Keep the compress on for about an hour.
- Well, the last effective recipe for a compress using beets. Grate it and mix with kerosene (one tablespoon). Wrap the gruel in cheesecloth and apply to your back overnight. In the morning you will notice a significant relief.
Important to know! All warm compresses should not burn, so as soon as you feel a strong burning sensation, immediately remove the compress and lubricate the skin with soothing agents.
How to cureback rubbing?
Reduce back pain and rubbing will help. You can easily carry out these procedures at home with the use of medicinal tinctures. The most common tincture for rubbing is considered to be a tandem of Triple cologne, a couple of drops of a three percent iodine solution, red pepper and a couple of bottles of valerian. Everything is thoroughly mixed in a dark glass vessel and infused for a day. But at night, treat the lower back with the resulting product and wrap your back with a warm shawl or blanket.

Therapeutic baths for back pain
As you may have guessed, the problem of lower back pain must be approached comprehensively, any one specific remedy is unlikely to help you, so we bring to your attention therapeutic baths. They will help improve your general condition and relieve stress. But there is one important point: taking therapeutic baths during an exacerbation is not recommended, as you will only make things worse. The easiest recipe for a therapeutic bath is with sea s alt. This natural product will help improve blood circulation, relax muscles, and improve joint mobility. You can buy sea s alt at almost any pharmacy. Baths with coniferous extract are also very useful. It can also be purchased at a pharmacy and used according to the prescription on the package. By the way, sage also has an analgesic effect for pain in the back, namely its infusion. Take 200 grams of grass, pour boiling water (5 liters) and let it brew for about 3-4 hours. Then add to bath.

Let's give you some rules on how to cure your back with medicated baths without hurting yourself:
- Water should be comfortable (about 37-38 degrees).
- Take a bath for no more than 15 minutes.
- Don't plunge into the bath with your whole body, leave the heart area outside.
- And be sure to rest at least 30 minutes after the bath.
Other folk recipes
Let's give you some more simple folk recipes that helped our ancestors get rid of back pain. Previously, horse chestnut was used very often. It is ground into powder and mixed in equal proportions with camphor oil and melted lard. The resulting mixture is applied to the problem area for several hours. You can make a tincture from horse chestnut, then soak gauze in it and apply it to the sore spot, and you will notice how the pain gradually recedes. And another unusual recipe using poisonous fly agaric. To prepare the tincture, take a small glass jar (preferably 0.5 liters), fill it a third with mushroom caps, cut into small pieces. Fill everything with vodka. True, you need to insist the solution for half a month, then strain everything and rub it into your back.

Exercises for back pain
Many people in the period of back problems are wondering: is it possible to cure the back with gymnastics? But not the one you think. No sudden movements should be made in any case, otherwise you will aggravate the situation. Those professionals whoknow how to cure your back at home, recommend breathing exercises:
- Lie on your back, relax and breathe through your nose. Do not speed up or hold your breath. Inhale the air through your nose, focus on the problem area and try to pass air through it, as if exhaling through your back. This exercise is called "Breathing through the back", it will relax the muscles and relieve you of acute pain.
- If the pain is chronic, then this exercise will help you. It must be performed regularly and no more than twice a day. To begin, sit in a chair and lean back. Close your eyes and take a deep breath for 4 seconds, then hold your breath for 7 seconds. Exhale smoothly for 8 seconds. During exhalation, the transverse abdominis muscle tightens, which reduces pain. Repeat 3-4 times.
If you do these two simple exercises regularly, you will notice that the pain in your back begins to recede.
When should you not self-medicate?
There are times when a person simply strained their back, such as when lifting weights or playing sports. Then you can use home remedies. But you must understand that if the reason is obvious and banal, then the pain should pass in the near future, that is, within a few days. If this process has dragged on and more than a week or even two has already passed and your back still hurts, you simply don’t know how to cure it, then run to the doctor urgently.

We told you how to cure your back (lower back) at home, and if you do not want pain to catch you again, you must follow preventive measures:
- An active lifestyle has been said more than once, but we will repeat it anyway. So that the back does not hurt, it must work. Move more!
- Watch your posture: keep your back straight.
- Sleep recommended on a medium firm mattress.
- If you have to carry weights, then distribute the weight on both hands.
- Do not make sudden movements when lifting loads.

In conclusion, it is worth saying that your he alth is in your hands, so you need to approach the issue of treating back pain competently. From the article you learned how to cure your back with folk remedies at home, but if the pain has not stopped, then be sure to see a doctor.