Many people are interested in what it is - polyarthritis, the symptoms and treatment of this disease are described in the article. The human body is a mobile complex system that is in the process of continuous change and renewal. Any feeling, any impression forms and structures physical and chemical processes in the human body, and they are forever remembered in the memory of its cells. Each cell copies the content of human consciousness, so the causes of all diseases lie in one's own mind. If a person is very active, then he should be able to relax. Your psychic energy must be directed not only to work, but also to your mental peace. It often happens that a person cannot relax and is constantly in a restless state, from such a state and stress a person’s joints and spine are destroyed. Therefore, in order to preserve his he alth, a person must learn to invest his energy in inner silence.

Polyarthritis - what is it?
It is worth considering the most common disease that everyone has heard of, but not everyone understands its mechanisms. Polyarthritis- what is this? Chronic disease, which is expressed by inflammation of several joints at the same time. They can become inflamed at the same time or in turn. Rheumatoid arthritis is one of the manifestations of rheumatoid arthritis, which is characterized by damage to five or more joints. The disease most often occurs in people over 40 years old, but in some cases it also occurs in children.

The inflammatory process and further changes in the joints are due to the fact that the immune system (due to restructuring) begins to negatively affect the articular cartilage and its structures, initiating irreparable changes in the future. Often this disorder can be traced at the gene level of people. Conditions that are both outside and inside the body are capable of triggering this ailment, for example:
- activation of a pair of microorganisms - viruses, mycoplasmas, mycobacteria;
- the influence of various allergens, toxins;
- injuries;
- stress;
- hypothermia;
- amount of female sex hormones.
As a rule, rheumatic fever begins as a simple inflammation of the joints, which makes its course similar to ordinary polyarthritis. Therapy of polyarthritis must be comprehensive, the first step is to find the root cause of the disease, then remove local signs.

In the West, 1% of the population suffers from polyarthritis, recently the disease manifests itself in peopleat the age of 20-30. During the course of this disease, the tissues of the joints become inflamed, and therefore the joint is destroyed. An important role is played by the state of activity of the organism. When the joints begin to ache, the doctor usually prescribes drugs that suppress the body's reaction.

What is the difference between polyarthritis and arthritis
It is possible to cure polyarthritis, however, this process is long and complicated. Anyone who wants to regain their own he alth will need to change their lifestyle. Inflammation affects a large number of joints. This can happen at the same time, or in the process, all new joints will be gradually "drawn in". The very word "arthritis" connects numerous inflammatory processes of the joints, in which their membranes suffer with damage to the joints. Depending on the factors of occurrence, there are several types of it. Of course, the treatment of different types of polyarthritis will also be different.
Main species and their characteristics
The following types of disease are distinguished:
- Rheumatic arthritis - more common in large joints.
- Rheumatoid form with immune changes in cartilage and around.
- Arthritis caused by infection as a result of severe pathologies.
- Crystal polyarthritis - caused by metabolic pathology in the body.
- Psoriatic - occurs from adolescence, and is activated a couple of months after psoriatic skin lesions.
- The reactive form is accompanied by urethritis or conjunctivitis. It is worth noting that inIn most situations, it is caused by a chlamydial infection. Signs of reactive arthritis: inflammation of the eyes; lower back pain; areas of scaly skin on the genitals; peeling of the skin on the heels; fingers in the form of sausages; diarrhea; swelling in the knee, heel, or upper arch of the foot. But not all signs may appear at the same time, they may not appear at all.
Symptoms of polyarthritis of the fingers and other parts are unstable, in this case there is a rapid transformation of inflammation from one joint to another. Expressed by sudden pain, swelling and deformity of the joints. The temperature of the skin over the joint increases, in some cases redness appears. Most often, the damage to the joints is symmetrical and proceeds for a couple of days. The disease is initially capable of being expressed only by a high sensitivity to changes in the weather. Significant pain is absent, and the swelling of the joint is not very noticeable. However, over time, the disease progresses, the pain worsens, numbness, burning, chilliness in the extremities disturbs. Patients feel morning stiffness, pain when moving. In some cases, the temperature increases, appetite disappears and certain diseases of the internal organs occur.

Symmetry is also inherent in this type of arthritis. Infectious polyarthritis occurs after infectious diseases: tuberculosis, brucellosis, gonorrhea, syphilis, rubella, scarlet fever, dysentery, chlamydia, chronic tonsillitis or influenza. Joints look unhe althyswollen, the skin turns purple over them, mobility is limited. With proper treatment, the disease progresses rapidly. It is characterized by such a symptom of polyarthritis of the hands as the deposition of various s alts in the articular cartilage, which makes the hands rough with ulcerations and cracks. A striking example of this type is gouty arthritis. With the excessive use of fatty, meat, smoked foods and the use of alcoholic beverages, purine metabolism is disturbed. This leads to the deposition of uric acid s alts in the joints (gout).

At first, the patient may not feel anything, but when the s alt crystallizes, merciless pain occurs. Most often, the disease affects the big toe. It swells up and turns red. Other joints are affected much less frequently. During a seizure, the temperature rises to 37-38 ° C. Gouty nodules appear on the skin (deposition of s alts) - tophi. Polyarthritis is not an easy disease, it takes a very long time. And it is impossible to know whether it will be possible to completely cure this disease in the future. The person suffering from such a problem should take an active part in the treatment. The body has a limit of endurance, it must be known and respected. If the first symptoms of the disease appear, then it is time to give up habits that weaken the body.

The basis of arthritis is laid in the abuse of fatty foods, sugar and starchy foods (black bread, potatoes, pies, cakes and sweets), alcohol, smoking and seasonings. And it helpstroubles, self-indulgence and physiological overload. All this contributes to the accumulation of toxic elements, the process can continue for years. But the individual must get rid of them, this can be done with the help of fasting. Doctors warn that therapeutic fasting can only be carried out under the supervision of medical professionals. The duration of fasting depends on personal characteristics. After that, the diet should be significantly changed. You need to start eating cereals, dairy products, you need to eat more vegetables and fruits.
Low-fat types of fish are very useful. It is also necessary to beware of psychological overstrain, rest more often, listen to music, go to the forest, swim in a pool with warm water. If there is excess weight, you should lose it - this will reduce the load on the joints. Drug therapy focuses on pain and inflammation. Doctors most often prescribe analgesic and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances. These funds also reduce other signs of the disease, namely swelling of the joints, trembling, heartburn. With infectious and reactive polyarthritis, medications must be included in the treatment. In order to cure rheumatoid arthritis, immunosuppressants and hormonal substances are used.
Physiotherapy plays a huge role in the treatment. They remove pain, swelling and inflammation in the joints, these methods include: massage, ultrasound, phonophoresis, paraffin therapy, ozocerite, barotherapy, magnetotherapy, therapeutic exercises. Therapy is carried out in courseswhich are repeated in autumn and spring - when there is a risk of seasonal exacerbations. A special place is occupied by sanitary-resort therapy. This is mineral water, natural healing mud, underwater massage.
Specialists in the field of traditional medicine are still not able to characterize the main underlying cause of polyarthritis, therefore the proposed therapy is considered only symptomatic. This kind of therapy sometimes drags on for years and can provoke the occurrence of unpleasant consequences. Traditional medicine has its own approaches to treatment. Often these methods are considered more affordable, sparing for the body and effective. Folk remedies are ready not only to simplify the manifestation of the disease, but also to reduce the number of required medicines, increase their effect, which significantly reduces the threat of unpleasant consequences. Already after it was found out that this is polyarthritis, the ICD of which is M13.0, it is necessary to proceed to the description of the methods of therapy.
An excellent result is provided by cinquefoil therapy. Cut the dried stems of the plant, pour into a bottle in half and fill with 70% alcohol. 3 weeks to defend in the dark. Take a small spoonful (or large) before meals, diluting with water. In severe cases, you need to drink a small glass three times a day. Therapy is carried out preferably in the cold season. You need to drink 2 bottles of this tincture. They also rub the joints or make compresses.
Celandine ointment
1 part of celandine juice is mixed with 4 parts of vaseline. Rub injoints several times a day. Numerous restrictions, self-discipline and self-denial, strong determination and perseverance can help overcome such a disease as polyarthritis and restore lost he alth.
Launched polyarthritis is treated with a Tibetan bath. It is necessary to dig a hole with a depth of 0.5-0.7 m. Birch logs are burned in it. On the remaining coals it is necessary to put logs two more times. It is necessary to put all kinds of old bones on the layer of coal that has arisen, in the end, and wait until they burn out. Then throw wet logs on the ashes so that they do not catch fire, put a thick layer of needles and put the patient on it. Cover it (you can with your head) and steam it until the healer and the patient have enough perseverance. Next, the patient must be well wrapped up and put to sleep in a warm place for 2 hours. After this time, wipe off the sweat and perform a general massage.
Bay leaf
Treatment of polyarthritis of the fingers is quite effective with the use of laurel. Crush 30 g of bay leaf, pour it with 250 ml of vegetable oil. Store in a dark place for 10 days. Then rub into the joints several times a day.
Potato juice
In the morning, grate two medium raw potatoes on a small grater, squeeze the juice and drink on an empty stomach 30 minutes before breakfast. Repeat for 3-4 months. However, it is forbidden to drink juice from green and sprouted potatoes, it may contain toxic poison.
Crush fresh wormwood leaves into gruel or steam dried wormwood in boiling water, wrap with this massjoints at night. In order to increase the result, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of vegetable oil.
On alcohol
Stir equal amounts of squeezed nettle juice, honey and medical alcohol, stand in a cool place for 2 weeks, then consume 30 g three times a day 30 minutes before lunch for 6 months or more, up to until the sediment in the patient's urine disappears. The extract should be stored in a cool place.
Fresh Pine Needle Balm
To make a balm, you need to take 50 g of young pine branches, 30 g of fresh rose hips and cover them with 2 liters of raw spring water. Add a large spoonful of crushed dried onion peel and finely chopped medium-sized clove of garlic to the pan with the ingredients. This mass must be boiled for 30-40 minutes and defended in a warm place for a day. Before consumption, the product must be filtered. Take orally every day, however, not more than a liter per day. The green needles of coniferous trees contain a huge amount of therapeutic essential oils, as well as vitamins and minerals that help fight inflammation and regulate the immune system. Fresh rose hips contain a lot of vitamin C, which is a powerful natural antioxidant.
On kefir
Kefir Potato Extract. This medicine is done a couple of hours before use. Grind one potato (raw) on a grater and cover the acquired mass with a glass of drink (preferably use homemade kefir). Let it brew for 90 minutes before use. First 10 daysyou need to use the infusion once a day, the next 10 days - once every 2 days. Already after the 20th day - once every 3 days. Raw potato tubers contain vitamins: C, PP, B, potassium. All these vitamins are responsible for the condition of the vascular walls, the functioning of the immune system and the body's ability to fight inflammatory effects. With polyarthritis, potatoes help reduce the permeability of small blood vessels, mitigate inflammation. Kefir is considered the basis of amino acids and minerals that provoke the healing of damaged tissues.
In people who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestinal tract, certain of the ingredients can provoke complications in the gastrointestinal tract. For this reason, you should first consult a doctor.
As you can see from the symptoms and treatment of polyarthritis of the hands, this disease is quite complex and requires professional advice.