Down's disease: causes and symptoms

Down's disease: causes and symptoms
Down's disease: causes and symptoms

Down's disease is the name of the disease, familiar to everyone, but at the same time, few people really know what its peculiarity is and what kind of people suffering from it. The symptoms of the disease were first described in 1866 by the English scientist John Langdon Down. As a matter of fact, the syndrome was named after him, although the researcher himself referred to the defect he identified as “Mongolism”. Down perceived the deviation as a kind of mental disorder. Later research in this area revealed not only external similarities and developmental difficulties, but also the presence of a defective gene in DNA. Thus, from the category of mental abnormalities, Down syndrome moved to the section of pathologies.

down's disease
down's disease

Down's disease, causes

All women without exception can give birth to a child with this syndrome, regardless of age, social class and race. A genetic defect occurs as a result of the divergence of chromosomes in the process of gamete formation, as a result of which an extra, third chromosome appears in the 21st pair. In a small percentage of those suffering from this deviation, instead of a whole extra chromosome, only it may be present.separate fragments.

According to WHO statistics, for every 800 children born worldwide, there is one with Down syndrome. The older the woman and the man, the greater their risk of having a handicapped child. The age of the maternal grandmother also has an influence. The later she gave birth to her daughter, the more likely she is to conceive a child with this syndrome.

Thanks to the possibilities of medicine, today it is possible to identify developmental problems in early pregnancy. According to statistics, 9 out of 10 women agree to an abortion in case of abnormalities in the development of the fetus. Even more sad statistics on born children. In Russia, such newborns are abandoned in 80% of cases right at the maternity hospital. In the Scandinavian countries, not a single official refusal of such children has been recorded. US citizens are adopting other people's abandoned children, raising them and giving them a chance for a normal future.

down's disease causes
down's disease causes

Down's disease symptoms

External anomalies are expressed in the so-called flat face and back of the head, the skull is abnormally shortened and flattened, the presence of epicanthus (skin fold around the eyes), short limbs, including the neck. Down's disease also affects the weakness of the muscles of the mouth, as a result of which it is in an open state. Very often the palate itself is changed, there are dental anomalies. In 66% of cases, cataracts are found in patients in the eighth year of life.

The immunity of such people is weakened, they are prone to frequent diseases that are very difficult. Because of this, in the past, most patients died ininfancy. Today, Down's disease is under control, people are able to live to 55 years or more.

down syndrome symptoms
down syndrome symptoms

developmental delay is different for each born with this syndrome, some begin to walk at the age of two years, others - much later. With proper medical care, any child born is able to grow into a full-fledged member of society. If he is lucky with parents who not only do not leave him, but also make every possible effort to raise him, then a baby born with an extra chromosome will not only be a happy person, a socially active individual, but will also be able to create his own family.
