The nail exfoliates: causes and treatment

The nail exfoliates: causes and treatment
The nail exfoliates: causes and treatment

Beautiful, well-groomed hands are the visiting card of a well-groomed woman. But sometimes an unpleasant cosmetic problem becomes an obstacle to this - exfoliating nails. For women, this problem is the most critical, on such nails a manicure is poorly obtained. But everyone is susceptible to it, even children. This cannot be ignored, since the state of the body as a whole affects the nails.

Why do nails exfoliate? The reasons can be very different, but they can be divided into two groups: external, associated with local exposure to adverse factors, and internal, resulting in weakness and thinning of the nail plate.

peeling fingernails
peeling fingernails

External causes of splitting nails

Exposed parts of the body are most exposed to external influences, hands get the most. Nails are sensitive to adverse environments. To many, this problem seems insignificant and temporary, because they grow back, but still, the causes of delamination and brittleness need to be established.

Classifying external factors, they can be divided into:

  • wrong nail care;
  • chemical exposure;
  • mechanical action;
  • infection.

When exposed to the nail of these factors, microcracks form in the nail plate, their increase and causes delamination.

Improper nail care

One of the reasons why nails exfoliate and break can be improper processing during manicure. The first thing worth noting is that they need to be cut with sharp tools, in no case should they be chewed. Such a mockery of the nail spoils its structure initially, further penetration of the smallest particles of dust and dirt exfoliates the nail even more.

Manicure should be done with a nail file, placing it perpendicular to the nail. When the file is at an angle, the layers of the nail plate are removed unevenly, which also contributes to the penetration of dirt and delamination of the nail. Problematic nail plates cannot be treated with a metal nail file, from which abrasive particles can get between the scales.

peeling nails cause and treatment
peeling nails cause and treatment

Chemical exposure

Hands and nails can be adversely affected by the use of household chemicals, especially strong cleaning products and water. A few hours of cleaning without gloves can cost a beautiful manicure - the growing white part of the nails becomes faded and transparent. Then it breaks easily. The rest of the nail also suffers, so the nail grows brittle and weak.

Applying lacquers containing formaldehyde, removing nail polish with an acetone-based liquid, or building up can also be detrimental. These products degreaseand dehydrate nails, they lose their he althy color, shine, elasticity and become brittle.

Mechanical action

Split nails are a professional problem for those who have to work with their hands, especially fingers, such as musicians, typists. The protruding part of the nails is constantly subjected to stress, which is why it breaks without even having time to grow back. The same problem occurs for those who use their nails as tools to pry, scrape or unscrew something.

baby's nails are peeling
baby's nails are peeling


This group of causes of nail exfoliation lies between external and internal factors: mechanical damage contributes to the penetration of infections into the nail plate, and weakening of the body and reduced immunity - to their development.

Infections can be allergenic, bacterial or fungal. Common signs of nail damage are:

  • changing the structure of the nail - looseness or thickening;
  • pain when pressed, burning, itching;
  • discoloration of the nail plate - turbidity, yellowing.

The reason may be the constant exposure to the allergen, the penetration of bacterial or fungal infections, which causes inflammation. A good prevention of infection of the nail is to thoroughly clean the nails with a brush when washing your hands.

exfoliate fingernails causes
exfoliate fingernails causes

Internal causes of nail delamination

Why do nails exfoliate? The reason for their poor condition may be the mostvarious diseases of the internal organs. In Tibetan medicine, there is a direction of diagnosing by nails.

Modern research and observations have shown that the nails reflect the processes occurring in the body. Fingernails are completely renewed within 6-9 months. According to the defects formed in a certain part of the nail, one can judge the past diseases.

Problems of the body appear on the nails most clearly because they are supplied with nutrients last. Therefore, if nutrition has not reached the nails, then all forces are mobilized and thrown to solve the problems of other organs. That is why deep transverse furrows may occur - at this time the nail did not grow. True, the same defect appears under mechanical pressure, when the cuticle is removed incorrectly.

Vitamin deficiency

One of the most common causes of brittle and split nails is a lack of vitamins and minerals. In this case, this is also reflected in the hair - they are also a derivative of the epidermis. Basically, there is a lack of proteins, calcium, magnesium, vitamins A, C, D, E, group B, as well as selenium, sulfur, silicon. If the nail plate has a concave shape, this indicates a lack of iron.

exfoliate fingernails treatment
exfoliate fingernails treatment

Diseases of internal organs

The most serious group of causes for diagnosing split nails are internal diseases. This may be due to disorders in the circulatory system, respiratory, endocrine, digestivesystems, as well as diseases of the liver and kidneys. In this case, brittle nails are not the only sign of problems, they are also indicated by a change in color, the appearance of spots and stripes. For example, a bluish color indicates poor oxygen supply, it can also be a sign of insufficient blood supply, white nail plates are most often a symptom of liver cirrhosis, yellow spots are an indicator of gastrointestinal disorders, dark bluish-black spots (if not caused by injury) indicate heart failure.

Nail treatment

Before you start treating exfoliating nails, it is advisable to establish the cause of the problem. This is especially important if changes in the color and structure of the nail plates are added to the fragility, since then this is no longer just a cosmetic flaw, but a signal of serious disorders and diseases in the body.

Treatment of the problem of delamination of the nail is carried out in a cosmetic way and medication. When exposed to a group of external factors, cosmetic treatment will be effective and sufficient. If the problem is caused by internal disorders, then first of all the cause is eliminated, and then the nails are put in order with cosmetic treatment.

nails exfoliate causes
nails exfoliate causes

Cosmetic treatment for split nail

There are several ways to strengthen nails and protect them from external influences. Beauty salons offer treatments that saturate the entire nail plate with keratin and nutrients:

  • SPA complex-procedures are carried out using nourishing, softening and moisturizing products and aromatic oils, these are hand baths, masks with avocados, seaweed, honey, coffee beans, massage;
  • paraffin therapy is carried out using paraffin heated to a viscous state, this procedure softens the skin of the hands, improves blood circulation, which contributes to the activation of growth and regeneration processes;
  • Japanese manicure involves very gentle care without the help of metal tools, includes massage, wellness and nourishing treatments;
  • Nail Protective Coating - This treatment consists of two steps: application of a nourishing layer and application of a protective layer that makes the nails stronger without limiting the breathing functions of the nails.

Home remedies for strengthening nails

What to do if the nails on the hands exfoliate? If you have problems with brittleness, fading and delamination of the nail plates, this can be de alt with at home by regularly carrying out the following procedures:

  • apply olive oil to the skin of hands and nails at night, put on cotton gloves;
  • make warm baths of sea s alt, herbal infusions or any vegetable oil with a few drops of iodine, the duration of the procedure is 10-15 minutes;
  • it is useful to wipe nails with a slice of lemon, it saturates the nail with vitamins and brightens the yellowed nail plate.

Drug treatment for split nails

What to do if the nails on the hands exfoliate? Dissection treatmentnail plates, associated with internal problems of the body, it is best to start with a visit to a dermatologist. He will assess the general condition of not only nails, but also hair and skin, point out possible factors affecting their unhe althy appearance, and refer them for examination to specialized specialists.

nails peel and break
nails peel and break

Nutrition to strengthen nails

In addition, it is necessary to balance the diet and provide the body with a sufficient amount of minerals and vitamins. Eating is good for strengthening nails:

  • animal proteins found in meat, fish and seafood;
  • calcium found in dairy products;
  • vitamin D, it promotes the absorption of calcium by the body, found in fish oil, algae, also produced in the body under the influence of sunlight;
  • vitamin A, they are rich in carrots, butter;
  • vitamin C, it is abundant in grapes, citrus fruits, black currants;
  • vitamin E found in legumes, nuts, vegetable oil;
  • vitamins of group B, which are found in meat, eggs, dairy products, greens.

You can also drink a complex of vitamins. Brewer's yeast, Perfectil vitamin complex, sesame seed are very useful for hair and nails.

Baby's nails are exfoliating

An actively growing child's body is very sensitive to all the changes that occur in it. Therefore, cutting the nails of a child, you should pay attention to their condition. Stratification of small nails canbe not very noticeable and not as terrible as in the hands of an adult, but still worth a closer look.

Why does a child's fingernails exfoliate? The causes of stratification, as in adults, can be different:

  • Accidental mechanical damage is very common, especially if inquisitive kids like to pick something and get it with their fingers. Moms usually know about bruised nails, as they are accompanied by crying.
  • The habit of nail biting - you can, of course, wean it off with bitter "anti-grizine" varnishes that are sold in a pharmacy, but in general this habit is a signal that the child is experiencing psychological discomfort.
  • Avitaminosis affects the nails in the first place. The child may not have enough vitamins of groups B, A, C, E, D, PP, calcium. If this is accompanied by general weakness, as well as a change in the condition of the hair and skin, it is necessary to check the level of hemoglobin.
  • Fungal diseases are manifested by yellowing and darkening of the nail, exfoliation of the nail plate, in this case, you should urgently consult a dermatologist, in a child's body, the fungus can easily damage the nail root, then it will have to be completely removed.
  • Peeling of the nail plate may indicate disruption of the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, so an urgent examination is required.

Prevention of delamination and brittle nails

In order to protect your nails from damage and delamination, you need to follow just a few simple rules:

  • do homework andother work related to the use of household and construction chemicals, wearing rubber gloves, after which it is imperative to lubricate hands and nail plates with a nourishing and moisturizing cream, however, as well as after any contact with water and soap;
  • make a manicure with a sparing nail file, positioning it perpendicular to the treated nail plane, this is especially important for exfoliating nails, metal abrasives are completely excluded in this case;
  • try to use high-quality polishes and acetone-free remover, it is better to apply a special protective coating under the polish;
  • periodically, nails need to be given the opportunity to rest from coatings and recover;
  • Massage the periungual zone in the morning and evening, this will improve blood circulation.

If you have split nails (we covered the causes and treatment), don't ignore this fact. Beautiful and well-groomed hands should not be a luxury, any woman can afford it. The main thing is not to leave them unattended and lead a he althy lifestyle.
