Lump between the ribs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Lump between the ribs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment
Lump between the ribs: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Any visible or tangible formations on the body cause anxiety in a person and become a reason for immediate medical attention. What can seals between the ribs signal? Here's what the doctors have to say about it.

Causes of seals in the intercostal space

In fact, there are not so many reasons for this kind of formations. That is why each of them deserves close attention from both the patient and the attending physician. A bump between the ribs in men and women may appear due to the occurrence of pathologies in the body.

Lymph nodes

In the space between the ribs there are lymph nodes that are not normally palpable. They are part of the lymphatic system of the human body, the main purpose of which is to purify the blood from pathogenic bacteria, viruses and dangerous chemicals.

intercostal bump
intercostal bump

In the presence of a serious inflammatory process in the body, the lymph nodes often increase insizes. As a result of this process, a bump between the ribs can be observed. In addition to changes in the size of the lymph nodes, the following are considered characteristic symptoms of their inflammation:

  • increasing body temperature, general weakness, headache;
  • pain on palpation;
  • hyperemia of the skin at the location of the lymph nodes.

If such symptoms are not observed, most likely, a bump between the ribs in the form of enlarged lymph nodes is a short-term phenomenon that does not pose a serious threat to human he alth. Thus, the immune system reacts to the presence of an infection in the body. Soon the body will cope with the infection itself and the lymph nodes will return to their original size.

Diagnosis of lymph nodes

Nevertheless, it is worth seeking medical help to find out the true cause of this condition. In this case, generally accepted research methods are used, including:

  • complete blood count;
  • bacterial sputum culture;
  • chest x-ray;
  • sampling of the internal contents of the lymph node (biopsy);
  • CT and ultrasound.

Based on the results of the examination, the doctor prescribes the treatment of the underlying disease that provoked an increase in lymph nodes.

lump between ribs diagnosis
lump between ribs diagnosis


In some cases, a bump between the ribs of a woman or a man can become a symptom of a neoplasm. In particular, tumors of muscle tissue, ribs, lung membrane(pleura) and the lungs themselves.

Tumor growth is often asymptomatic, so it is very difficult to detect the disease at an early stage. In this case, there may be common signs characteristic of diseases of various nature:

  • weakness;
  • densification of tissue at the site of tumor growth;
  • pain.

Diagnosis of oncology

It is important to note that the age of the patient does not play any role in such situations. In cases of the formation of cancerous tumors, one of the main ways to diagnose the disease is an x-ray examination of the organs located in the chest cavity. As additional diagnostic methods, the following are used:

  • chest ultrasound;
  • computed tomography;
  • magnetic resonance imaging;
  • biopsy.

As with most cancer treatments, traditional methods are used to treat cancers in the chest area, including radiation, chemotherapy, and surgical removal of the masses.

Anterior abdominal hernia

The cause of the bumps between the ribs in the area of the solar plexus and not only can be a hernia. It is formed as a result of the release of lung tissue from the cavity it occupies into the subcutaneous region. This phenomenon does not have pronounced symptoms, therefore, in most cases, it is diagnosed by chance during a routine examination of the patient.

The main factor provoking such phenomena is considered to be an earlier traumachest, or surgery preceding the appearance of an intercostal hernia.

Intercostal hernias are diagnosed by the following tests:

  • x-ray;
  • Magnetic resonance and computer studies of internal organs.
lump between ribs treatment
lump between ribs treatment

If there are no complaints of shortness of breath, conservative methods of treatment are used:

  • drugs that help suppress the cough reflex;
  • special support bandages or corsets.

In the treatment of bumps between the ribs for individual patients, a surgical method is used to eliminate hernias. After surgery, seals disappear in one hundred percent of cases.

For previously injured patients, it is important to rule out the formation of a crack in the rib, as over time, exostosis can form in this place. This happens due to the excessive regenerative function of the body. Injury to bone tissue involves a violation of the integrity of the bone with the formation of voids at the site of a fracture or crack. In turn, the body tries to fill in the missing bone tissue with tissue that prevails in the area of injury. Due to excessive regeneration, bone tissue grows, leading to the formation of exostosis (bone or bone-cartilaginous formation on the surface of the bone). In such cases, a person can also feel a bump between his ribs, where the solar plexus, for example.

bump between ribs in men
bump between ribs in men


Myositis is calleddiseases characterized by damage to the skeletal muscles due to the development of the inflammatory process. There are several varieties of myositis, differing in the nature of origin, symptoms and the nature of the course of the disease.

Among the reasons for this kind of phenomena, it is customary to single out the following:

  • bacterial and viral infections;
  • diseases of the spine (scoliosis or osteochondrosis);
  • hypercooling of the body;
  • muscle overstrain or prolonged exposure to an uncomfortable position;
  • injury (closed injury due to contusion);
  • diseases associated with impaired metabolic processes in the body and occurring in a chronic form, for example, diabetes, gout, thyrotoxicosis (increased thyroid function).
  • lump between ribs
    lump between ribs

Diagnosis and treatment of myositis

As diagnostic measures to clarify the phenomena of this nature, a blood test is recommended to detect an inflammatory process, as well as electroneuromyography (a study of the functional state of skeletal muscles and their bioelectrical activity).

Treatment of myositis is prescribed depending on the diagnosed cause of its development. It includes the following methods related to traditional medicine methods:

  • drugs that relieve inflammation and pain, vascular medicines;
  • physiotherapy exercises;
  • massage.
  • lump between ribs
    lump between ribs

In closing

Whatever the real reasonbumps between the ribs, whether it hurts or not, but such a phenomenon requires the advice of a specialist. If such a seal is accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, you should not hesitate to consult a doctor. Only a specialist can correctly diagnose the disease and prescribe treatment. In some cases, a bump between the ribs requires surgical intervention. In others, a course of medication or a change in diet is enough for the seal to go away on its own.
