Treatment of joints with drugs and traditional medicine

Treatment of joints with drugs and traditional medicine
Treatment of joints with drugs and traditional medicine

The elderly are most susceptible to joint diseases. Although today this disease is also found in young people, albeit rarely, but it happens. In fact, this is an acute inflammatory disease of the joints, usually of a chronic nature (arthritis, arthrosis). Fortunately, if not cured, then long-term remission can be achieved, which is very good. The treatment of joints with folk methods, as well as medications, is popular. We will look at both ways.

joint treatment
joint treatment

Symptoms of joint disease

Before starting treatment, it is necessary to accurately identify the symptoms. Of course, it is better for a qualified doctor to do this, but if this is not possible, then you can easily handle it on your own. If we are talking about a young organism, then the cause of inflammation of the joints most often becomes an unnoticed or not fully cured injury.knee, elbow, fingers, etc. But, despite the fact that inflammation can only be detected in the laboratory, the symptoms themselves are very bright. Localized pain in the focus, pronounced redness of the skin, as well as stiffness during movement may indicate that your joints are inflamed. In 90% of cases, the cause lies in arthrosis or arthritis. If the local temperature is elevated, and a burning sensation is felt in the focus, then you need to see a doctor for a diagnosis. In the initial stages, it is advisable to use conservative medicine.

Prevention of the disease, or How not to catch arthritis?

Agree, if you are he althy, it is unlikely that you will need to spend large sums of money on expensive drugs. So, it is necessary to periodically appear at your doctor and examine the joints for the presence of s alts in them. If the latter are noticed, then you can use an excellent folk remedy - bay leaf. A decoction of these wonderful leaves will completely remove the s alts from the right place, and you will feel great. Another good approach is to enroll in a sanatorium. Joint treatment will be exclusively preventive, however, visiting such places at least once every 5 years, you will ensure a painless old age. Sometimes joints hurt not because of s alts, but because you have picked up a viral or fungal disease. In this case, it is recommended to turn to a medical course of treatment.

finger joints treatment
finger joints treatment

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and osteoarthritis

In RA, inflammation is most oftenelbow, knee, shoulder and other joints are exposed. Doctors say that this is a chronic disease that worsens the he alth of the body as a whole. The essence of the disease is that the synovial membrane of the joint is stretched. The capsule, containing a large amount of liquid, stretches, causing the skin in this place to turn red, and any touch will be very painful. According to statistics, RA affects 2% of the world's population, the vast majority are women. At the initial stages, sanatoriums will help. Joint treatment in this case will be carried out both with the use of infusions and baths, as well as medication.

Osteoarthritis usually affects only a few joints and does not spread to others. Such a disease proceeds rather slowly, gradually corroding the cartilage. As a result, the bones rub against each other, which causes osteophytes to form. Often, all this is accompanied by an increase in bone density and its deformation, which ultimately leads to a decrease in mobility. Excessive weight of a person only aggravates the situation, as pressure on the sore spot increases. Osteoarthritis is treated with medication. If the disease is persistent, surgery will be required.

Possibilities of traditional medicine

folk treatment of joints
folk treatment of joints

Alternative medicine has several undeniable advantages. First, you do not need to spend a lot of money, as a rule, everything you need can simply be picked or bought from an herbalist or pharmacy for a small price. It should be noted that diseasesthe hip joint, as well as the knee or any other, can be treated externally (rubbing, ointments), as well as systemically (juices, infusions, decoctions, etc.). In any case, it is recommended to be treated with a course. Currently, there are a lot of effective traditional medicines that can not only alleviate pain, but also almost completely relieve inflammation. Let's look at some of the most effective recipes, according to those who have tried it for themselves.

Compresses of black radish and honey

We all know about the beneficial properties of radish. Here, in our case, this is an indispensable tool. We will need a small radish that needs to be washed and grated on a fine grater. The resulting slurry must be heated for several minutes, and then laid out in a thin layer on a linen towel or napkin. Then you need to cover the radish with a towel and attach it to the sore spot. You need to keep as long as you can. So it is very effective to treat diseases of the knee joint. You can use cold radish if needed.

Another good recipe is based on the miraculous effect of honey. So, you need to take no more than 100 grams of this product and mix it with 50 g of aloe juice, as well as 157 g of vodka. The resulting mixture should be applied to gauze or a towel, and then to the sore spot. You can leave the compress on all night. Very effective in the early stages of the disease.

knee joint diseases
knee joint diseases

Comfrey ointment and sea sand treatment

The essence of sand treatment is that it firstwarms up. You can do this on the stove or in the sun. Please note that only sea sand is suitable, as it contains a large amount of iodine. The sore spot is completely covered with warm sand, and after a while you need to go to bed so that the body does not cool down. Sand is recommended to be used repeatedly. Direct contact with the sand is considered more effective than through a towel or gauze. This treatment is not effective in advanced stages of the disease.

Comfrey ointment is considered quite effective and can significantly reduce inflammation. To prepare the mixture, you will need a glass of comfrey leaves and the same amount of vegetable oil. All this must be mixed and boiled over a fire for about half an hour. Then pour a quarter cup of beeswax (preferably passed through a meat grinder) into the finished broth, as well as a little vitamin E. Cool the ointment and start treating diseases of the knee joint, elbow or any other. Such a compress can be kept for about a day. If dimexide was added to the composition, then no more than half an hour.

Horseradish relieves joint pain

As the main ingredient for cooking, we will use horseradish, which you can either buy or find in your own garden. Therefore, if you suffer from deforming arthrosis, then write down this recipe for yourself. Horseradish roots are ground on a fine grater and steamed, the water is not brought to a boil. Soak a canvas cloth in this solution and apply a little slurry to a cloth, then apply to the sore spot. Don't forget to stock up on roots for the winter. Judging by the reviews, hell -this is one of the best treatments for hip disease, especially when it comes to hip fracture. As you know, in old age, the bones practically do not grow together, and the process is very painful and takes a long time. You can partly solve the problem with the help of horseradish.

hand joint treatment
hand joint treatment

About herbal treatment

It's safe to say that most experienced herbalists have never been to a hospital. The secret to this success is quite simple. The fact is that everything we need grows under our feet, the only thing that is required of a person is the knowledge of how to prepare a miraculous decoction. If in our case we talk about arthrosis or arthritis, then there is a huge amount of decoctions and infusions.

One of the most popular is a mixture of elderberry leaves, dioica nettle, as well as parsley root and willow bark. All ingredients are taken in equal parts, crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water. Then the broth is boiled for about 5 minutes over low heat, cooled and filtered. You need to drink 2 glasses a day for arthritis of any stage of development.

You can also use the following recipe. We take the usual wood lice or medium stellate. A tablespoon of herbs requires a glass of boiling water. We insist 4 hours, and it is desirable to wrap the mixture. Then we filter and take a quarter cup 4 times a day before meals. Effective in the treatment of gout and arthritis.

Medicated treatment

If herbs, tinctures and decoctions are powerless, the use of pharmacological agents will be required. Please note thatthat if folk treatment of joints practically does not require material costs, then in this case the opposite is true. Most often, anti-inflammatory ointments are used on natural bases, that is, on the same herbs. For example, the "Collagen Ultra" remedy well relieves inflammation of the joints. The composition contains hydrolyzed collagen, rosemary, extracts of mint, sage, etc. But, in fact, this ointment does not eliminate the disease, but only allows you to forget about it for a while. However, if your finger joints hurt, this kind of treatment may be the main one. Most often, the ointment is used as an addition to the main course.

symptoms of joint disease
symptoms of joint disease

Steroid drugs

In the most severe cases, when the pain is unbearable, and movements are severely limited, steroids are prescribed - potent drugs that almost instantly relieve pain and improve the general condition of the focus. But there are also disadvantages. For example, steroids are always a long list of side effects. For this simple reason, older people are rarely prescribed steroids. For example, with peptic ulcer, such a course of treatment is unacceptable, the same applies to other diseases. If an exacerbation of gout is given as an example, then in this case steroids are injected only during an attack, after which it is necessary to ensure the immobility of the joint. Antibiotics are often prescribed. When treatment of the elbow joint is required, as well as the hip, knee, etc. at the same time, a course of steroids is prescribed. After a while, the condition improves.

Treatmentjoints: patient reviews

Before you start taking any action, you need to talk to people who know what helps. Based on this, you can get a free consultation. For example, most people who are treated for inflammation of the joints with folk methods note that it is really effective, and in some cases completely free. But, despite this, conservative medicine is not always effective. So, in especially severe and advanced cases, surgical intervention is required, followed by a course of antibiotics or steroids. Many who have experienced drug treatment say that the only problem is a large number of side effects. But such drugs are effective at any stage of the disease.

Combination treatment

joint treatment reviews
joint treatment reviews

After consulting with your doctor, you can use the so-called mixed technique. Its essence lies in the fact that you will use both herbs, alcohol and other infusions and decoctions, as well as medications. This approach is needed in cases where it is not possible to drink or inject steroids, as well as perform surgery. In this case, you can drink decoctions and smear the foci of inflammation with ointments purchased in pharmacies. As for painkillers, their effectiveness is rather low. But if it hurts a lot, then such a solution is also advisable.


So we talked with you about what and how to treat inflammation of the joints. Remember that the treatment of the joints of the hands and feet requires a serious approach. In addition, extremelyit is important to pay attention to the initial stages. This is due to the fact that if the disease is just beginning, then it is much easier to cure it than at an advanced stage. Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that conservative medicine is good in the early stages of development, but medical and surgical intervention is necessary in the later stages. Remember that arthritis and arthrosis are very serious, as these diseases can lead to complete immobilization of the joint. To prevent this from happening, do prevent inflammation.
