Pain in the coccyx can be caused by both damage to the bone itself and damage to the muscular environment with nerve elements. Based on numerous studies, it has been concluded that the main cause of such a complaint as: "The coccyx hurts when I sit" is a spasm of those pelvic floor muscles that attach to the coccyx. This phenomenon occurs most often reflexively and is a reaction to trauma. It may indicate a disease of the pelvic organs, as well as a lesion of the spinal column. The disease in which such pain appears is called coccygodynia.
Diagnostic measures
If a patient complains: “My coccyx hurts when I sit,” then doctors diagnose. First, anamnesis is collected. At the same time, special attention is paid to past injuries, operations and manipulations in the pelvic area. Then a neuroorthopedic examination of the joints, perineal muscles, ligaments, and pelvic floor is performed. In this case, palpation of the muscles is carried out through the rectum. An x-ray of the coccyx is mandatory, which is performed in two projections. Before this

the procedure is to prepare the intestines with an enema. Then, if indicated, a consultation with a proctologist, gynecologist or urologist is carried out.
Treatment measures
-coccygeal connection. This can be done with the help of traditional, manual, traditional medicine.
Manual Therapy
Women quite often complain that their tailbone hurts after childbirth. Doctors believe that this phenomenon is quite normal and after a while it will disappear. However, if the problem persists for a long time, then the chiropractor conducts relaxation of the pelvic floor through the intestine.
Despite the fact that this process is quite painful, it is still quite tolerable. For special indications, the treatment regimen most often includes therapeutic blockades of trigger zones.

Folk methods
Some people do not allow medical intervention. Therefore, you can apply folk methods. They are especially relevant if the tailbone hurts during pregnancy. In this case, for example, blue clay is mixed with a small amount of vinegar. This mixture is then applied tothe place where it hurts for seven days. Another way involves the use of fir oil. It must be rubbed several times a day until the pain goes away. You can also take radish juice, always freshly prepared, honey and alcohol. In this case, certain proportions should be taken into account: 3:2:1. The components are mixed and transferred to a glass dish. It is necessary to store such medicine in the refrigerator with a tightly closed lid. If a person complains: “The coccyx hurts when I sit!”, Then you need to rub the mixture three times a day. When using folk methods, you should pay attention to the dynamics. If deterioration is felt, then it is necessary to stop using these funds.
In conclusion, I would like to say that it is important to try not to injure the coccyx while sitting on hard stools and chairs. But if you still have to sit on them, then you should periodically get up and walk.