Deposition of s alts in the cervical region often occurs due to a violation of both water and s alt metabolism in the body. This can lead to very serious consequences: osteochondrosis, atherosclerosis. The fact is that in this area there are such nerves and vessels through which food is supplied to the tissues of the face, skull and neck. That is why it is necessary to start dealing with this problem in a timely manner. Otherwise, muscle weakness, fatigue and headaches cannot be avoided.
In order not to suffer because of a problem, its occurrence is easier to prevent. For this

you need to eat right. The deposition of s alts in the cervical region may occur due to the large amount of proteins. The fact is that the body cannot fully absorb them. Therefore, it is necessary not only to control the amount of protein received, but also to create conditions that are most suitable for the digestion of food. Do not abuse fatty meats, fish, ketchups, spices, sauces. However, vegetable salads can be eaten in any quantity. It is also not recommended to drink water with food.
How to know that s alt deposits have occurred in the cervical region

Main signs: the appearance of ringing in the ears, frequent dizziness, pain when raising the arms up or turning the head. Sometimes some people may experience even a short-term loss of consciousness, instability during movement. In order to get rid of the disease, it is recommended to combine traditional medicine recipes and physiotherapy exercises, massage.
How to treat s alt deposits with folk remedies
The methods described below can be applied at home. They will help get rid of pain, relieve discomfort.
To do this, you need honey and grated potatoes. They are mixed in proportions one to one. Then this mass is applied to the neck and shoulder girdle. It is advisable to put special paper (compression) on top. Then a scarf or other dense fabric is applied to the sore spot. All this is fixed. After two hours, the compress is removed, and the diseased area is smeared with fir oil.

The deposition of s alts in the cervical region can also be prevented by rubbing. To do this, you need to use 200 grams of grated radish, two large spoons of s alt, 70 grams of vodka and 130 grams of honey. The components are mixed and infused for three days. Thenrub the neck and shoulders with the solution for three weeks. In addition to rubbing, the resulting mixture can be taken orally in a small spoon three times a day.
Bean broth
Deposition of s alts in the spine and neck can be treated with a decoction of beans. To do this, you need to take 4 spoons (large) and pour 4 cups of boiling water, wrap and let it brew. The infusion is filtered and applied at 400 grams per day orally. You can also make compresses from it. However, it is not recommended to try to diagnose yourself, since completely different diseases can be hidden under these symptoms. In some cases, incorrect manipulations can have the opposite effect. Therefore, at the slightest pain and discomfort in the neck and back, you should immediately contact a specialist who, after a thorough diagnosis, will select the correct treatment regimen.