You need to know: symptoms and treatment of gastritis

You need to know: symptoms and treatment of gastritis
You need to know: symptoms and treatment of gastritis

Gastritis in general is an inflammation of the gastric walls, which appears when exposed to chemicals, Helicobacter pylori bacteria and mechanical damage. Among the causes of gastritis can be named: constant alcohol intake, smoking or eating fast food. The thing is that our gastric juice contains hydrochloric acid. In order not to corrode the stomach walls, they have

symptoms and treatment of gastritis
symptoms and treatment of gastritis

has a layer of epithelium that helps prevent the damaging effects of acid. However, if you often eat spicy, sour, s alty or spicy foods, the epithelium becomes thinner and loses the ability to resist gastric juice, and it begins to corrode the walls of the stomach. This is how gastritis appears.

Symptoms and treatment of gastritis, its types

There is an acute and chronic form of the disease. Symptoms of gastritis in its acute form may appear some time after inappropriate (too hot or spicy) food has been taken. Suddenly there is a feeling of heaviness instomach, nausea, weakness, vomiting; there is loose stools and dizziness. The person becomes pale, his tongue is covered with a white coating. Salivation increases or, conversely, dry mouth is noted.

food for gastritis
food for gastritis

From acute to chronic

It often happens that the symptoms are mild, the patient simply suffers discomfort and does not go to the doctor. Gastritis remains and passes into the chronic stage. In the stomach, the mucous membrane is constantly inflamed, and sometimes inflammation can go to a deeper layer of the gastric walls. In patients with gastritis, there is pain in front under the ribs, nausea, lack of appetite, frequent belching, a metallic taste appears in the mouth.

With chronic gastritis, gastric juice is poorly secreted. If there is a lot of it, then the patient has severe pain in the stomach, constant nausea, belching and constipation. This disease occurs most often in young men. Gastritis with reduced secretory function is characterized by nausea, a metallic taste in the mouth, constipation and diarrhea. If gastritis is not treated for a long time, then the patient does not eat anything, loses weight, and develops constant weakness. This type of gastritis is more common in men at a more mature age. Sometimes it can become a harbinger of tumors, since with gastritis, the gastric walls atrophy and lose their original functions. There is another form - corrosive gastritis. The symptoms and treatment of gastritis of this type do not differ from those of other types of the disease. He starts hisdevelopment when a strong acid or alkali enters the stomach.

symptoms of gastritis
symptoms of gastritis

Symptoms and treatment of gastritis

Very often, treatment comes down to diet and prescription drugs that can relieve pain and relieve spasms. Regardless of the form in which gastritis occurs, a diet is always prescribed first. The doctor will advise you not to eat s alty, fatty and spicy. Drinks should all be warm, as hot or cold food or drink irritates the walls of the stomach. Food should be chewed thoroughly to ease the work of the stomach. It is required to eat at least five times a day and always a little. A course of antibiotics is also prescribed and a detailed examination is carried out. The patient must be under medical supervision.

Dishes for gastritis: what is possible and what is not?

Diet is very important in the treatment of gastritis. When secretion is reduced, you can eat soups with cereals and vegetables that need to be cooked in lean meat broth, low-fat fish, fermented baked milk and other sour-milk products, stale bread, fresh and boiled vegetables, eggs, cereals; you are allowed to drink cocoa, coffee and tea.

When the secretion is increased, the symptoms and treatment of gastritis are practically the same. The difference is that you can not use fermented milk products, but only whole milk; eggs and vegetables - only boiled. Also, you can not eat fruit with a peel, this applies even to grapes.
