How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt: description, characteristic signs and features of treatment

How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt: description, characteristic signs and features of treatment
How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt: description, characteristic signs and features of treatment

Lower pain is a common ailment. Many people are in no hurry to go to the doctor and self-medicate. By jumping to conclusions, we harm ourselves. After all, a warming ointment will be powerless if inflammatory processes are going on in the body. Today we will talk about how to determine whether the kidneys or the back hurt?

Contact a specialist

Did you know that in cases of low back pain, even doctors sometimes make an accurate diagnosis far from immediately? In order to identify the disease, tests, x-rays and ultrasound are necessary. Therefore, if you feel unpleasant symptoms, go through a comprehensive examination. After all, in order to neutralize the "enemy", you need to know him in person. If the diagnosis has already been made, doctors recommend regular (once every six months) maintenance therapy. After all, diseases such as arthritis or osteochondrosis are not fully cured. If the diagnosis has already been made, the patient canunderstand whether the kidneys or the back hurt. How to determine this, we will tell further.

How to identify kidney or back pain
How to identify kidney or back pain

Two conditional groups

The causes of pain in the lumbar region are usually classified into two conditional groups: those associated with dysfunction of the spine and with the pathology of internal organs. The first group includes osteochondrosis with neurological manifestations, protrusion of the intervertebral discs, spondylarthrosis, intervertebral hernia, fractures and curvature of the vertebrae. The second group includes inflammatory diseases of the spine, the formation of tumors in this area, rheumatoid arthritis, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, pelvis, and kidneys. All these ailments are of a different nature, therefore, treatment is indicated depending on the exact diagnosis.

Symptoms of inflammation

If the pain came on suddenly and you need immediate relief of symptoms before going to the doctor, experts give simple recommendations. How to determine whether the kidneys or back hurt? Most often, sharp, stabbing and sharp pain indicates rheumatoid arthritis. Inflammatory processes in the kidneys manifest themselves in a different way. Pay close attention to your condition throughout the day. So, pyelonephritis may not be accompanied by a sharp pain in the lumbar region and have hidden symptoms (deterioration of well-being, impaired urination, the appearance of heaviness in the kidney area).

Kidney or back pain how to determine
Kidney or back pain how to determine

In acute inflammation, there is often an increase in body temperature. This is accompanied by swelling on the face,on the legs and arms, as well as increased blood pressure. If you don't know how to tell the difference between back pain and kidney pain, then observe how it feels when you are calm. With inflammation, heaviness in the lower back does not disappear anywhere even when lying down or in a dream. If you wake up in the middle of the night and feel all the same unpleasant symptoms, do not hesitate to visit a doctor until the disease has passed into a chronic stage. Do not self-administer diuretics. Usually these funds are effective only in complex therapy.

Kidney disease: who is at risk

Today we are talking about how to determine whether the kidneys or the back hurt. As you know, inflammatory processes in the body do not occur out of the blue. This state must be preceded by certain prerequisites. For example, diabetics are primarily at risk for people with “problem” kidneys. In type 2 diabetes, it is the kidneys that bear the brunt. Therefore, people suffering from this disease need to take a urine and blood test every three months.

Lower back or kidneys cause and nature of pain
Lower back or kidneys cause and nature of pain

In case of suspicion of inflammation, the therapist refers the patient for a more detailed examination to a nephrologist. In the presence of a diagnosis of "diabetes mellitus", patients need to control the state of swelling of the legs and arms, as well as monitor blood pressure. It must be remembered that kidney damage in diabetes can develop into kidney failure. Also, inflammatory processes inpersons with untreated caries, tonsillitis and those who are on their feet endure a cold are susceptible to the body. In other cases, the kidneys suffer due to injury, compression or hypothermia.

Distinction of symptoms

If you don't know what your pain is, lower back or kidneys, how to determine the cause without visiting a doctor? To do this, you need to imagine where the internal organ is located, as well as be aware of the differences in the pathogenesis of inflammation and lumbar osteochondrosis. If we compare the main symptoms of ailments, we can distinguish clear differences. As we have already said, pain in the kidneys manifests itself at rest, and especially at night. While osteochondrosis makes itself felt during or after exercise. Thus, you can pre-diagnose yourself.

How to determine whether the kidneys or the back hurt if the inflammation in the body has not developed into a chronic form? In this case, observe your condition while doing homework. When bending or lifting weights, osteochondrosis immediately makes itself felt. But severe pain in kidney disease is rare. For example, when, against the background of an inflammatory process, a person's lower back was blown out. In most cases, inflammation occurs without pronounced pain symptoms. Often, with kidney disease, pain may not be felt in the lower back itself, but shifts slightly higher or descends to the hip joints.

How to differentiate back pain from kidney pain
How to differentiate back pain from kidney pain

Important information

If you suspect kidney inflammation, you should undergo the appropriatesurvey. You already know how to tell if your kidneys or back hurt. However, inflammatory processes can change the structure of the internal organ. So, the membranes of the vascular plexuses of the kidney can be affected, and the tissue itself can be deformed. In pyelonephritis, on the contrary, the organ often increases in size. Of course, the patient will not be able to feel the state of the internal organ by touch. Ultrasound will provide the necessary and accurate information. Remember that 80 percent of cases of kidney disease occur without pronounced pain symptoms.

Change in urination

Today we are talking about what to do if your kidneys or back hurt. How to determine inflammation by the nature of urination? In this case, any deviation from the norm should alert you. Kidney disease is accompanied not only by frequent urination and urinary incontinence. The color of the discharge may change, impurities appear in them, or they become rare (which is most often accompanied by swelling).

Lower back or kidney pain how to determine
Lower back or kidney pain how to determine

Features of treatment

After the patient passes the appropriate tests, makes an ultrasound, x-ray of the lumbar (in case of suspected osteochondrosis or arthritis), the doctor prescribes a therapeutic course of treatment. When examining a patient, doctors tap the lumbar region with the edge of the palm. If at the same time the patient feels internal pain, this clearly indicates inflammatory processes in the kidney area. In addition to the prescribed medications, doctors prescribe a regimen, rest and sparingloads. It is important to review the diet, exclude s alty and spicy, dairy products, and also adjust fluid intake. A decoction of corn stigmas will help to quickly cope with pain (while following a diet). Now you can determine for yourself what hurts you, lower back or kidneys. We have described in detail the causes and nature of pain. We emphasize once again that you should not self-medicate and delay going to the doctor.
