A black eye is not only for wrestlers, alcoholics and fallen personalities. Such a nuisance can happen to absolutely anyone, and even to a girl. It can appear both in the case of intentional actions of another person, and as a result of careless actions of the owner of the hematoma. The question of how many days a bruise passes under the eye becomes immediately relevant for those who have unsuccessfully knocked. After all, constantly walking in sunglasses or “shine” with a hematoma on the face is not very pleasant.
First Aid
After a blow, a bruise rarely appears immediately. A hematoma can also form from a slight blow, since the capillaries and vessels in the area around the eyes are very delicate.
First of all, a cold object should be applied to the bruised area in order for the blood vessels to narrow as much as possible.
Generally speaking, a bruise is a bruise under the skin, and the faster a person can narrow the blood vessels, the less obvious andthe bruise will look bright. As a cold object, you can use all available materials. It could be ice from the freezer, a bottle of cold water, or even a pack of dumplings if you have them in the fridge.

However, you should be careful, as there is a chance of chilling the facial nerve, so do not keep the cold for too long and press it hard against the skin. It is also worth wrapping the object with a towel so as not to get hypothermia of the skin. The procedure should not last more than 10-15 minutes.
However, this action is far from enough. The bruise will still appear in about 6-8 hours.
The appearance of a hematoma depends on the site of injury
How long does a bruise under the eye last from a blow? It all depends on the location and severity of the injury. If the blow fell on the zygomatic bone, then most likely the bruise will appear just under the eye and a little above it.
If mechanical tissue damage occurs in the eyebrow, then, most likely, the hematoma will appear first above the eye, then below it. In this case, it may even go under the other eye.
If the blow falls on the bridge of the nose, then this is the worst option, bruises will be under both eyes and above them. With severe damage, a tumor may appear.
You can understand how long the bruise will take, by its color. At first it is red-purple. Then turns blue almost immediately. Over time, its color decreases in intensity, that is, the bruise turns green, then yellow, and disappears altogether.

Hematoma ointment
To make the bruise pass under the eye faster, it is recommended to use special ointments. They can be purchased at any pharmacy. Suitable means such as "Troxevasin", "Heparin ointment", ointment "Bruise OFF", "Badyaga" and others.
But it should be noted that all these drugs have one significant drawback. All of them are very dry skin. And since the skin in this area is especially delicate, you should be extremely careful. Of course, the ointment can help, if the bruise does not pass under the eye, but it is not recommended to use it constantly.
Very important point: before applying the composition, be sure to first lubricate the skin with a fat moisturizer for the eyelids. Only then can the ointment be applied. Otherwise, immediately after the first application, the skin will be dry and ugly. This dryness will take a very long time to get rid of.
Of course, any hematoma will spoil the presentable appearance of the face, so the question often arises of how long a bruise under the eye lasts. While the black eye is very noticeable, you can use an ointment with a masking effect. Of course, it will not work to completely hide the “beauty”, but with its help you can not scare others with a bright bruise under the eye. Typically, such ointments have the structure of a dense foundation. But like other formulations, concealers can also dry out the skin, so don't forget to apply moisturizer.
Cabbage leaf for bruising
There are also many folk recipes in the fight against bruising on the face. In order not to worry about how long the bruise will take, it is recommended to alternate folk methods with pharmacy methods to get rid of it as soon as possible.
The most obvious recipe is to apply a cabbage leaf to the bruised area. But the prospect of looking at the world with one eye is not suitable for many, so you can modernize this method and make a cabbage leaf compress.
In this case, not the leaf itself is important, but its juice. Therefore, you can finely chop the cabbage (also grate it on a coarse grater) and wrap it in an envelope from a gauze bandage. This results in a compress that is ideally suited to the site of injury, which can be fixed with two plasters on the right and left.

This compress works great for two or three hours, after which all its miraculous power disappears, you can remove it and start using some other remedy.
Should I use Badyaga powder?
Sold in pharmacies. The instructions suggest diluting it in the ratio: two teaspoons of powder to one teaspoon of water. As a result, a slurry is obtained, which must be applied to the site of the bruise and wait until it dries, and then removed from the skin. Despite the fact that this composition effectively fights hematomas, it is not suitable for the area around the eyes due to the property of the product - it dries the skin very much. This method should be left for bruises in some other places, but definitely not for those where the skin is so delicate.
Honey compress
This way manyconsidered the most effective. Honey has absorbable properties, and this is an obvious fact. It is quite enough to simply apply it to the site of the bruise and wash it off after a while. It is necessary to repeat this procedure several times in a row.
In order not to think about how much a bruise under the eye lasts from a blow, and to speed up this process, you can add aloe juice to honey, which also has a resolving effect. But simply by applying an aloe leaf, you can dry out the skin under the eye very much. Therefore, it will be optimal to mix the juice with honey.

Essential oils and iodine
Judging by the reviews, they are also used when a bruise under the eye does not go away. These compounds include: essential oils of rosemary, calendula, thyme, lavender, and rose extract.
In addition, on the basis of these oils, mixed with vitamin E, you can do various massages at the site of the hematoma, so that it resolves faster. However, you should be careful not to press too hard on the bruise, because the bruise can become even bigger.
Iodine also helps in the fight against hematoma under the eye. On the second day after the bruise, draw a grid of 5% iodine tincture at the bruise before going to bed. Iodine, warming the bruise, improves blood circulation and acts anti-inflammatory. You should not worry about the iodine stain on the skin, as the mesh will disappear in the morning.

Folk recipes in the fight against hematoma on the face
Use vodka. Mix 0.5 cups of drink and a teaspoons alt. It is necessary to apply a compress soaked in this mixture to the site of injury. Refresh the compress when it starts to dry out.
You can combine different ingredients. So, for example, by mixing:
- one teaspoon;
- quail yolk;
- a teaspoon of olive oil;
- about half a teaspoon of avocado oil;
- a few drops of aloe juice;
- 2-3 drops of rose essential oil.
This mixture will not only not dry the skin, but, on the contrary, will nourish it. The mixture can be applied not only to the bruised area, but also to the entire face as a nourishing mask. It can be used throughout the day until the bruise is almost completely gone. It should be applied approximately once every one and a half hours. When the mixture begins to dry out, it can be washed off with a cotton pad. The color intensity of the bruise fades right before your eyes.

No one wants to get into stupid situations and get bruises, especially on the face. But if such a situation has already occurred, then it would be better to involve the entire arsenal of your knowledge, achievements of medicine and folk methods. This will allow you not to think about how long the bruise goes under the eye, and significantly speed up this process.
When should I see a doctor?
If the bruise under the eye does not go away for a long time, you need to see a doctor. In this case, it is possible to get quite serious consequences. These include: photophobia (pain in bright light),redness of the eye, decreased quality of vision, in special cases, a change in the shape of the pupil.
In case of injury with a blunt object, the possibility of damage to the fundus is not excluded. And this, in turn, leads to the fact that the optic nerve can be transmitted. In this case, there is a risk of loss of vision or double vision.
If the bruise does not go away under the eye and does not become darker, remaining red, this may indicate the development of an abscess of the eyelid. This causes severe pain, swelling and redness of the skin.
If we talk about the timing of how long the bruise passes under the eye, then, as a rule, it is 5-15 days, it all depends on the severity of the bruise.

And for a while until the hematoma has gone (option for girls), there is an opportunity to use tonal means, attract concealer, corrector, make beautiful makeup. Of course, one BB cream is not enough in such cases, you will have to use the densest corrector and a good tonal foundation. This may not be the best mix for the face, but if you need to go somewhere, then these measures will help to hide the defect.