Bilirubin is the main bile pigment formed from obsolete erythrocytes. Such a substance is found in the blood serum, and is excreted from the body by the excretory system. Doctors are usually alarmed by the fact if it rises or falls, as this indicates serious pathologies occurring in the human body. Let us consider in more detail why there may be low bilirubin and what are the consequences of such an ailment.
Why can bilirubin decrease?

In quite rare cases, bilirubin is low, so doctors may assume the presence of serious pathological processes in the body. Consider the most common diseases leading to this.
Kidney failure

If bilirubin is low, what does it mean? This condition may occur due to chronic renal failure. To exclude other pathologies, it is necessary to examine the kidneys and adrenal glands foridentifying their condition. This is a very serious disease that requires constant attention from urologists, and the treatment of such an ailment is long and complicated. Blood and urine tests determine the presence or absence of this urological problem.
Acute leukemia and tuberculosis
What else could be the causes of low bilirubin? Often it begins to decline against the background of such a formidable disease as acute leukemia, but tuberculosis intoxication is also not excluded. These ailments are very serious, and their diagnosis, carried out in a timely manner, allows us to guarantee a favorable prognosis for the outcome of the disease.
Aplastic anemia
Sometimes a low bilirubin level indicates a disease such as aplastic anemia. This is a very rare and complex pathology that requires complex treatment.
If we talk about patients aged 60 years and older, then low bilirubin in the blood indicates a disease such as coronary heart disease, which has a different intensity. The clinical course in the elderly of this cardiac pathology is often accompanied by a picture of reduced bile pigment.
How to prepare for analysis?
As soon as the results of a biochemical blood test are received, which showed a decrease in bilirubin, doctors usually refer the patient to a second blood sampling procedure to rule out an error. In some cases, the cause of the pathological picture is improper preparation for blood donation for analysis.

For example, the day before such a procedure, it is necessary to limit the consumption of nicotine and caffeine, as well as to exclude alcohol. Liquids are recommended to be consumed as much as possible, preferably clean water.
If a patient is taking antibiotics or other medicines and the doctor has sent him to take a biochemical blood test, then the patient must inform the doctor about this. Reduced bilirubin may be due to the fact that the drug, accumulating in large quantities, greatly changes the blood picture.
If the patient re-tested and the result remains the same, then he should agree to a full examination of the body to determine the nature and location of the existing pathology.
Decreased bilirubin during pregnancy and in children
Until relatively recently, it was considered normal if a pregnant woman's blood bilirubin level dropped. However, at present, such an indicator is considered pathological, which requires additional diagnostics and necessary medical intervention.
Reduced bilirubin in a pregnant woman indicates coronary heart disease. Even if she never complained about heart problems, it is likely that pregnancy can trigger the development of various diseases.

The occurrence of cardiac pathologies in a woman expecting a baby is explained by the fact that the body during this period cannot cope with the load that has arisen. Induring pregnancy, the mother's heart pumps twice as much blood per day, providing the body of the mother and the unborn child with nutrients.
In addition, a decrease in the concentration of bilirubin in the blood during pregnancy causes pathologies and diseases of the kidneys. This is also due to the increased load on the excretory system, which affects the normal functioning of the kidneys.
If a pregnant woman's blood pressure begins to change, edema appears, increasing in the evening, and everything else begins to decrease in the blood level of bilirubin, this is a reason to suspect that liver pathologies have arisen.
It is very dangerous when a child's bilirubin is low. Although this phenomenon has not been fully studied, but, according to many experts, this may be associated with the risk of vascular and heart diseases. During the blood test, you must listen to all the recommendations of the laboratory assistant, otherwise the results will not be entirely reliable.
How to normalize the level of bilirubin?

If a person has low bilirubin, you can normalize it in the following ways:
- It is necessary to pay attention to the mode of physical activity and the nature of nutrition, because bilirubin in the blood can decrease due to stagnation of bile in the body. Thanks to rational and proper nutrition, as well as increased physical activity, you can radically solve the problem. This is especially true for pregnant women who need to eat right and eat more.move.
- If a person has low bilirubin in the blood, then to normalize it, you should stop drinking alcohol. This is necessary in order to establish the exact cause of such a pathology and carry out adequate treatment.
How to lower bilirubin?
This bile pigment can not only decrease, but also increase. How to lower bilirubin in this case? The result can come only if you act on the cause of the disease. It is recommended to remove a tumor or stones that prevent the outflow of bile, as well as eliminate all viruses that destroy red blood cells and liver cells from the body.

In addition, you can reduce bilirubin in the blood as follows:
- It is necessary to take drugs for the disease, due to which this substance has increased. Most often, these diseases are hepatitis or hemolytic anemia.
- It is necessary to take medications and dietary supplements that contribute to the normal functioning of the liver - these are Essentiale, Hepatrin, Phenobarbital and various hepaprotectors.
- Use choleretic agents to help increase the production of bile and promote its removal from the body.
- Proper diet required.
- Alcohol should be completely avoided.
Currently, the problems leading to a decrease in bilirubin in the blood are not fully understood. Therefore, you should follow all the doctor's recommendations for diagnosing the whole organism. To levelbilirubin has always remained within the normal range, it is necessary to undergo competent treatment, thanks to which bile will begin to be normally excreted from the body.