Lack of iron in the body or iron deficiency anemia is a very common problem. Both adults and children face it. It is worth noting that in no case should this disease be ignored, as it can lead to serious consequences.
Iron is a metal that performs a number of very important functions in the body. In particular, it is part of hemoglobin and is responsible for transporting oxygen to tissues and removing carbon dioxide from them.
Lack of iron in the blood: the main causes

Modern medicine knows many causes of this disease:
- Quite often, anemia is associated with insufficient intake of this metal in the body along with food.
- Sometimes the lack of iron in the body is caused by a deficiency of vitamins B12 and C, which are involved in the processes of its absorption.
- Iron deficiency anemia can be the result of severe blood loss.
The reason may be diseases of other organs and systems,in particular, kidney disease, infections and parasitic infestations, thyroid disorders, the presence of tumors, strong exposure.
In any case, remember that the doctor is first of all obliged to determine the cause of the disease, and only then proceed to its treatment - only in this way can a full recovery be achieved.
Lack of iron in the body: symptoms

Anemia is a disease that develops slowly and gradually. There are several very characteristic symptoms, noticing which it is worth starting to worry. A person quickly gets tired, becomes weak, drowsy, irritable or apathetic. Sometimes the disease can also affect the condition of the skin - they become pale. In addition, iron deficiency primarily affects the immune system - a person becomes more susceptible to colds and any other infectious diseases.
Lack of iron in the body and its consequences
As already mentioned, iron deficiency anemia is a very dangerous disease. For example, in children, if left untreated, it can affect mental and physical development. In addition, over time, the skin becomes dry, cracks appear on it, especially in the corners of the lips. The functioning of the immune and cardiovascular systems is disrupted. Iron deficiency is closely associated with a lack of oxygen, which affects the state of the nervous system - a person suffers from headaches and insomnia, concentrates poorly and remembers worse.
Iron deficiency treatment

Of course, first of all, the doctor must determine the cause of anemia. To do this, it is necessary to collect a complete history, examine the patient's blood, check the work of some organs. By the way, iron deficiency anemia is not always visible in the analysis - the number of red blood cells can be normal, but the ESR changes significantly.
After the cause is found and eliminated, it is necessary to quickly restore the normal level of this metal in the body. For this purpose, the doctor prescribes special iron preparations. In addition, the patient needs to monitor his diet, give up coffee and nicotine. A lot of iron is found in red meat, peas, buckwheat, liver, beets, parsley, apples, almonds and other products.