Not all diseases are associated with physical disorders in the body. According to experts, many pathologies are the result of a person's psychological state. One of these diseases is neurodermatitis. The psychosomatics of this disease has been studied for a long time. Neurodermatitis is classified as a skin pathology. As you know, integumentary tissue is the main barrier that protects us from external influences. However, the skin reacts not only to physical stimuli, but also to emotional ones. A typical example is that we blush and turn pale when we hear some specific information. This is due to the reaction of the vessels of the skin to emotional shock. Constant stress can cause not only a short-term rush of blood, but also chronic pathologies. The most common skin disease that develops against the background of psychological problems is neurodermatitis. The disease is manifested by itching and a rash.

Neurodermatitis: a description of the pathology
Neurodermatitis is a chronic skin pathology that has an allergic-psychogenic nature. The pathogenesis of this disease has been studied for several centuries. The relationship between irritation of the tactile analyzer and emotional disorders was described by well-known physiologists, psychologists and neuropathologists. Neurodermatitis of the skin is also called atopic dermatosis. The disease is widespread among both adults and children of different ages. The main signs of pathology include the following symptoms:
- Itching of the skin, not associated with any physical or chemical irritants.
- The appearance of scratching in one or more areas.
- Skin redness and rash.
- Spontaneous disappearance of itching.
For a long time, atopic dermatitis was mistaken for neurodermatitis. Psychosomatics studies both pathologies. However, there is a significant difference between them. So, what is the difference between atopic dermatitis and neurodermatitis and what are their similarities? It should be noted that both pathologies are classified as chronic skin diseases. They have similar manifestations. In some cases, it is almost impossible to distinguish these ailments by the clinical picture.
However, it is believed that atopic dermatitis is more allergic in nature. More often it develops in young children prone to diathesis. Neurodermatitis, on the contrary, is more related to psychogenic pathologies. This is confirmed by the fact that exacerbations of the disease occur against the background of emotional experiences. Patients suffering from thisailments, are more prone to depression and personality changes. Most often, pathology develops in people aged 20 to 40 years.

Neurodermatitis: psychosomatics, causes of illness
For a long time neurodermatitis belonged to exclusively dermatological diseases. However, in the middle of the last century, the scientist Alexander, dealing with this problem, included pathology in a number of psychosomatic problems. Since then, an active study of the causes that provoke the development of neurodermatitis has begun. Such well-known specialists as Schilder, Fenichel and Freud were engaged in the psychosomatics of the disease. Thanks to scientists, several theories of the occurrence of pathology based on emotional influences have arisen. Possible causes of illness include:
- Characteristic personal portrait of the patient. People prone to neurodermatitis are characterized by increased sensitivity, irritability and vulnerability.
- Emotional depression that develops against a background of stress.
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Bipolar personality disorder.
- Sleep disturbance.
- Dissatisfaction with one's own life or low self-esteem.
In addition to psychosomatic disorders, the causes of the disease include heredity. It has been proven that the incidence of neurodermatitis is higher in people whose parents have the same disorder. Therefore, pathology has not only a psychological mechanism of development, but also a genetic origin. Therefore, the causes and treatment of neurodermatitis should haverelationship. The approach to therapy is based not only on the symptoms, but also on the identification of factors that influenced the appearance of signs of the disease.

Mechanism of development of pathology
Any pathological condition develops as a result of changes occurring at the physiological level. Neurodermatitis is no exception. Psychosomatics also plays an important role in pathogenesis. It is a triggering factor for the development of disorders. First of all, it should be noted that the nervous and integumentary tissue is formed from the same rudiments during intrauterine development. Experts distinguish the following aspects in the psychosomatics of pathology:
- Dissatisfaction with relationship with partner.
- Lack of attention.
- Perception of dermatological pathology as a protective mechanism in the development of problems.
As you know, our psychological state is often reflected in physical he alth. An example is indigestion during periods of excitement, increased sweating, a flush of heat to the face in awkward situations, etc. Such facts are natural, since the nervous system is a collection of cells located throughout the body. It originates in the brain, where all psychological functions are generated. Therefore, emotional stimuli entering the central nervous system as a signal quickly spread to other organs. This is the main explanation of the psychosomatics of neurodermatitis in adults and children. Under the influence of stress, various systems begin to activateorganism. First of all, immunity. This, in turn, activates biologically active substances released into the blood during inflammatory processes. Thus, a pseudo-allergic reaction to stress is triggered.

Neurodermatitis: symptoms, photos of pathological elements
Symptoms of atopic dermatosis are similar to those of other skin diseases that are fungal, allergic and parasitic in nature. It is possible to recognize neurodermatitis only after studying the psychology of the patient. People prone to such an ailment are distinguished by personality changes. Among them - depression, anxiety, suspiciousness, aggressiveness. The physical symptoms of the disease include severe itching of the skin and the appearance of red spots. Typically, clinical manifestations are provoked by stressful situations, such as dissatisfaction in sexual relations, problems at work, etc.
Itching starts suddenly, can last for hours or even days. It is not associated with a violation of hygiene and other reasons. Usually the skin itches in certain places, it can be the scalp, face, lower or upper limbs. In these areas, a red spot quickly appears, and then small pimples. The main element of neurodermatitis is the papule. The image of pathological areas of the skin does not differ from the picture of scratching in other dermatological diseases.

Clinical picture of the disease in children
In some casesneurodermatitis develops at an early age. In such cases, it practically does not differ from allergic dermatitis. The clinical manifestations of these diseases are similar. The difference is only in the trigger mechanism for the development of pathology. Often, with a tendency to diathesis, neurodermatitis develops in children. Symptoms and treatment of the disease are the same as in adult patients. The psychosomatics of the disease is associated with a lack of attention from parents and personal characteristics of character. It is more difficult to identify neurodermatitis in a child than in an adult. To notice the connection between stress and symptoms, you should pay attention to the psychological state of the baby, talk with him more often and spend more time.
Clinical forms of neurodermatitis
There are several types of neurodermatitis. The disease is classified according to the clinical picture. Namely, according to the localization of skin manifestations. Depending on this factor, the following forms of the disease are distinguished:
- Limited neurodermatitis. A localized lesion is characterized by the appearance of papules in certain areas of the skin. Most often, pathological foci appear on the elbow and knee bends, in the neck, inguinal folds. Symmetry of the lesion is noted. The papules are small and uneven. Skin color in the affected area may be pink or red. It depends on the intensity of the itching. He althy skin surrounding a papule is most often dry.
- Diffuse neurodermatitis. This form of pathology is more severe and more reminiscent of atopic dermatitis. It is characterized by widespread itching of the skin and fusion of papules. Pathological areas are localized on the limbs, torso, face and scalp.
Regardless of the form of the disease, the causes and treatment of neurodermatitis do not differ. Therapy should be aimed at both the psychological aspect of the problem and the elimination of symptoms.
Diagnostic criteria for neurodermatitis
The criteria for neurodermatitis include pink papules that appear for no apparent reason against the background of severe itching. The examination reveals the absence of a connection between the disease and fungal, parasitic and bacterial infections of the skin. In addition, the criteria for pathology should include a characteristic psychological portrait of the patient.

Differential diagnosis for neurodermatitis
Neurodermatitis is a psychogenic-allergic disease that has a characteristic clinical picture. The symptoms of the disease resemble the signs of pathologies such as dermatitis, urticaria, prurigo, etc. To make a differential diagnosis between these diseases, it is worth performing various dermatological tests. In the absence of an infectious skin lesion, attention should be paid to psychosomatics.
Treatment of pathology in adults and children
Despite the fact that the main role in the pathogenesis of neurodermatitis is assigned to the psychological state, the treatment of the disease does not differ significantly from the therapy for other dermatological ailments. To eliminate itching and the development of an inflammatory reaction, antihistamines are prescribed. These include tablets "Suprastin", "Dimedrol" and gel"Fenistil". In the presence of severe scratching and infection of the skin, antiseptic and drying agents are required. So that the wound does not fester, it is smeared with a solution of "Brilliant Green".

Psychological help for neurodermatitis
Don't forget about the psychological nature of neurodermatitis. Patient reviews indicate that only the elimination of stressful situations helps to cope with this pathology. To reduce the exacerbation of the disease to a minimum, it is recommended to normalize the diet and daily routine. To improve morale, it is recommended to visit a psychologist, establish contact with loved ones, engage in your hobby, take walks in the fresh air.
Prevention of the development of neurodermatitis
If a person has a genetic predisposition to dermatological pathologies, neurodermatitis should be prevented even in the absence of symptoms. To do this, you must avoid contact with various allergens, avoid stress, follow hygiene rules and take care of your skin.