Oxygen and nutrients are carried through the capillaries to the internal organs. The walls of the vessels are thin and when they are squeezed, the blood flow slows down. It happens that a person does not move for more than two hours. In this case, the flow of blood stops altogether. This process provokes the occurrence of soft tissue necrosis.
If you do not use anti-decubitus agents, then necrosis will affect the muscle and bone tissue in all layers. The degree of necrosis is determined by the depth of the pathological process. There are four stages of defeat in total.
Which parts of the body are affected most often?
The site of skin necrosis directly depends on the posture taken by the patient.
Decubitus ulcers most often appear in the following areas of the body:
- The back of the head, shoulder blades, sacrum and heels. In this case, the patient lies on his back.
- The flexion area of the limbs as the skin in these areas is thinner.
- Ankles when the patient is on his side.
How to help in this case and prevent the development of deep damage? First of all, it is necessary to determine the cause of the pathological process,attention to provoking factors, and, of course, to choose special anti-decubitus agents (ointments, creams, gels, dressings) that contribute to the care of the skin of a sick person.

Degrees of necrosis
- First degree. It manifests itself in a slight redness without disturbing the structure of the skin. After a light massage or a change in body position, it passes.
- Second degree. With it, redness is noted, which does not go away even after changing the position. Perhaps the appearance of painful ulcers, blisters, erosions, vesicles, superficial growths. The skin structure is damaged.
- The third degree is expressed in deep skin lesions. At this stage, all layers of the skin are inflamed. The stage is characterized by swelling, ulcers with depressions and intense redness. Ulcers are filled with yellow contents or red granulation. Wounds exude an unpleasant odor.
- The fourth degree is a dead skin area with an abundance of ulcers filled with pieces of black skin.
Causes of bedsores
The main causes of tissue necrosis include:
- long-term stay of a person in a lying position (patients who have had a stroke, heart attack, spinal injury, etc.);
- urinary and fecal incontinence;
- increased perspiration;
- dirty and damp linens;
- poor skin hygiene;
- presence of folds in the sheet, buttons on clothes, crumbs in bed;
- vascular and heart diseases;
- sugar availabilitydiabetes.
A number of important causes of necrosis include:
- Careless handling of bedridden patients.
- Quick flip.
- Infrequent change of linen.
- Squeezing the skin with a vessel, during which the smallest capillaries burst. The flow of blood to these areas is severely disrupted.
Antidecubitus remedies in Mogilev pharmacies are represented by a wide range of different ointments, dressings and creams for patients suffering from bedsores. Means are able to stop the process of necrosis of skin tissues and significantly improve the quality of life of the patient.

Decubitus Prevention Basics
The main task facing a person caring for a bedridden patient is to take preventive measures to help prevent skin necrosis. Pressure sores bring pain to a person and are very difficult to treat. It is always easier to carry out preventive procedures than dooming a loved one to incredible suffering and prolonged therapy.
Prevention of necrosis includes a number of activities that are ongoing. A key rule should be highlighted: careful care of the patient's skin should include daily rubbing and washing.
Essential Pressure Sore Prevention
For preventive purposes, the following anti-decubitus agents are used:
- ointments;
- gels;
- bandages;
- mattresses;
- pillows;
- inflatablerubber circle;
- quartz-based irradiators.
Decubitus Therapy
The pathological process of the first and second degree can be treated at home with the help of remedies such as anti-decubitus drugs, and the treatment takes a long time. But the result is worth it. Bedsores of the third and fourth degree are eliminated only in a hospital.
Therapy for skin necrosis includes two steps:
- restoration of blood flow in the damaged area;
- cleansing the wound from pus and necrotic inclusions.
Restoration of blood circulation is possible with the help of mattresses, massage, changing the position of the patient's body.

Special dressings are provided for cleansing necrotic wounds and their regeneration.
By the type of impact on the damaged area, dressings from bedsores are usually divided into two categories:
- Cleansing. They draw out pus and exudate.
- Healing. Such funds promote tissue regeneration.
The division is conditional, since all dressings help to cleanse and accelerate the restoration of the skin structure.
Decubitus dressings come in different shapes:
- Anti-decubitus hygiene products that are used to stop necrosis in easily accessible areas of the human body. Usually, products in the form of a square or rectangle are used.
- Bandages designed for the treatment of the sacrum. They are shaped like a butterfly or a heart.
- Products to eliminate bedsores on the heels. A bandage is applied that has the shape of a butterfly or trefoil.

Necrosis Cleansing Bandages
The most common model of pressure sore dressings are products with a cleansing effect. To date, the use of "Hydrocol", "Hydrosorb", "TenderVet Activity" has a high degree of efficiency.
The bandage "Hydrocoll" is applied to the affected area for 3-8 days. It helps cleanse the wound, absorbs purulent contents, turning it into a gel-like state.
Hydrosorb dressing promotes the creation of a moist environment in the wound, stimulating the rejection of dead tissue and its healing.
TenderVet's "Activity" dressings are made in the form of soft pads. They are impregnated with Ringer's raster, which creates the effect of continuous washing of the wound during the day. They reject necrotic tissue and promote the regeneration of the damaged skin area.
Cleansing and pulling dressings for deep wounds
What are the anti-decubitus remedies? Types calculated for deep bedsores with the presence of exudate and pus are diverse. Among them, Sorbalgon and PermaForm should be noted.
The basis of "Sorbalgon" is a sterile material that is introduced into the deepening of an extensive bedsore. The material promotes the absorption of pus, cleans the bottom of the wound, is exposedhardening, and then easily removed from the wound. If the bottom of the bed sore is clean, then the cotton material takes the form of a gel, disinfects the wound and flows out of it on its own.
The bandage "Permaform" is a sponge-based matrix. It also absorbs pus and exudate. Removed without pain. Leaves behind an environment conducive to the healing of necrosis.

Means for healing
The most common dressings include "Atrauman" and "Branolind". What features do these anti-decubitus products have?
The "Atrauman" headband has a mesh base. It is covered with the thinnest layer of silver and hydrophilic ointment. The tool has a bactericidal property, provides disinfection of the wound and promotes the speedy regeneration of the damaged area.
The "Branolind" bandage also consists of a mesh that is impregnated with Peruvian balsam. The product has an antiseptic and healing effect.
Gel Review
Antidecubitus agents are represented by a wide segment of various gels. Among the brands of creams used to treat skin necrosis, the following should be noted:
- Gel "Argosulfan". The active basis of the drug is sulfathiazole. It inhibits the growth and reproduction of pathogens. The excipients are silver ions. They enhance the therapeutic effect of sulfatisol, and also help inhibit the growth of bacterial flora. Hydrophilic basemeans has an analgesic effect, moisturizes the wound and accelerates the process of its regeneration. The concentration of the cream base does not have a toxic effect. Treatment of formed bedsores with Argosulfan cream can be carried out by an open method or used in parallel with an occlusive dressing. The drug should be applied to the entire surface of the disinfected wound with a thickness of 2-3 mm two or three times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months. The tool is used daily. Such anti-decubitus drugs as "Sulfargin" and "Dermazin" have a similar effect.
- Cream "Iruksol". The composition of the product includes collagenase chloramphenicol and related enzymes. The enzymatic agent provides cleansing of bedsores, prevents the disintegration of tissues affected by necrosis, deprives bacteria of a nutrient medium, and has an antibacterial effect. The cream is applied to the disinfected skin. The drug provides rapid healing of damaged tissues.
- Ointment "Levosin V". The basis of the drug is chloramphenicol, which has an antimicrobial effect. Also included in the tool is sulfadimethoxine, which promotes wound healing, methyluracil and local anesthetic trimecaine. The ointment has a fast therapeutic effect. It helps to cleanse the bedsore from pus and exudate, as well as to heal the affected surface. Applied daily. It is applied to the disinfected surface and covered with a bandage. Perhaps its introduction into the cavity with pus through a syringe.
- Means "Levomekol". Apart frommethyluracil contains chloramphenicol. This remedy promotes wound healing. It is used in the presence of bedsores and infections, as well as at the purulent stage of the necrotic process.
- Metronidazole cream. Its basis is an antibacterial substance. The gel is used with dressing material and helps to eliminate odor from wounds. In the presence of bedsores with copious secretions of pus or exudate, metronidazole foam dressings are used. For dry bedsores, hydrogel dressings are used.
- Hydrogel "Intrasite" provides skin cleansing of necrotic tissues, gently cares for the skin. The hydrogel is used with an external dressing, the frequency of which depends on the condition of the wound. The tool provides a quick cleansing of the affected tissue, since under its influence exudate and pus are drawn out. "Intrasite" is a pure amorphous gel, which includes water, propylene glycol and modified carboxymethylcellulose polymer.

Remedies for bedsores on the heel
Anti-decubitus remedies for heels are presented in a wide range. Among them, the Komfil product is especially popular. It is equipped with special "ears" for fixing on the leg. The cushion has a round ergonomic shape that follows the contours of the heel. It is used to heal clean wounds on the surface of the heel without symptoms of infection necrosis.
The product serves as an excellent protection for inflamed tissue,as well as prevention of secondary infection. Depending on the volume of the lesion, the use of 2-5 dressings is recommended. The exposure time is 2-5 days.
If the wound contains necrosis exudate or pus, then anti-decubitus agents for the heels are used to help cleanse the wound and stop the inflammatory process. Proteox-TM should be noted among them. The product promotes rapid healing of affected skin.
Advantages of "Comfil Plus" bandage with overlay circle
Comfil Plus headband is an improved model. The advantage of the product lies in the presence of special backing rings. They are located on the outer and inner sides of the product, removed one by one, starting from the center of the dressing.
To select the right size, special elastic "ears" are provided, allowing for a secure fixation of the bandage in the heel area. The tool provides rapid wound healing, accelerates the process of tissue regeneration, prevents the penetration of a secondary infection into the bedsore. One dressing is enough for 2-6 days. Infrequent change is beneficial for speedy wound healing as well as providing patient comfort.
The main advantages of the bandage:
- the product has softness and elasticity;
- can relieve pain;
- nerve endings and inflamed tissue are well protected with absorbent gel;
- bandage does not cause injury, does not cause pain when changing, does not cause allergies;
- reliable fixation of the product is provided by an adhesive edge withoutthe presence of additional dressings.
Before applying the bandage, it is recommended to disinfect the surface of the heel. For this purpose, a remedy such as "Furacilin" or "Rivanol" can be used. The skin around the wound dries out. The size of the dressing should be 2 cm larger than the size of the wound. The bandage is applied to the inflamed skin and fixed on he althy skin by means of "ears". The rings are removed until the product stops loading the heel. As the pus and exudate are absorbed, the dressing changes color. She becomes transparent. In this case, it needs to be changed.
Anti-decubitus agents (bandages) are not used for deep bedsores with wounds and wound pockets. Also not used in necrosis infection.

Reviews on modern remedies for bedsores
Anti-decubitus agents (creams, gels, dressings), according to many, have a high level of effectiveness in stopping the necrotic process of the skin. The products are very convenient to use. Do not cause discomfort to the patient. And most importantly, in the shortest possible time they can remove the main symptoms of skin lesions at the 1st or 2nd stage.
Anti-decubitus remedies, reviews of which are the best, relieve swelling and pain, eliminate exudate and pus from pressure sores, have an antimicrobial effect, and prevent the development of a secondary infection.
Folk recipes for bedsores
In addition to the remedies offered by mainstream medicine, there are manyrecipes used by the people. They are based on natural ingredients that have anti-inflammatory and soothing effects on the skin.
How to make anti-decubitus remedies yourself? Folk recipes are different.

The following are some of the most common:
5 drops of essential oils of myrrh, chamomile and tea tree are placed in a glass dish. Add 2 tbsp to the mixture. l. jojoba oil and 12 drops of lavender oil. The mixture is thoroughly mixed and placed in a dark place. The drug is dripped 2-6 drops on the wound, and then covered with a dry bandage. It is advised to apply twice a day. The product is shaken before use. Such a recipe can relieve pain, eliminate infection, swelling and unpleasant odor from necrosis.
The following recipe gives the skin a feeling of cleanliness and freshness. Take 100 g of camphor alcohol and shampoo for children. The components are thoroughly mixed. The resulting mixture wipes the wounds.
Ointment based on calendula flowers. You should take 20 g of dried flowers and grind them in a coffee grinder. 50 g of vaseline is added to the powder. Everything is thoroughly mixed. The mixture is applied to the wound 2-3 times a day.
The following remedy relieves pain and swelling, eliminates the infectious process in necrosis. You should take 100 g of sunflower oil and add 30 g of beeswax to it. Everything is thoroughly mixed and cooled. The ointment is applied to the inflamed areas of the skin.
This recipe is simple and effective. Two should be crushedonion heads, add to the resulting mass 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil. The onion is boiled in an enamel bowl for 20 minutes, then filtered through a colander. In the remaining oil, melt 1/4 of the church candle. With this ointment, necrosis is lubricated twice a day. The mixture is stored in a closed jar in the refrigerator.
Decubitus ulcer is a violation of the structure of the skin. The process is provoked by squeezing the capillaries. Most often, pathology is observed in bedridden patients. To prevent the development of necrosis, it is advised to take preventive measures. The main condition is the observance of hygiene measures.
In the event of a pathology, it is possible to provide assistance to the patient at home only in the initial stages. For this purpose, various anti-decubitus agents (ointments, dressings, creams and gels) are used that have an anti-inflammatory effect. Modern drugs have a high degree of effectiveness.
In the last stages, necrosis is difficult to treat, as the process becomes deep. In this case, the patient requires inpatient therapy.