Fungal diseases can significantly worsen the quality of human life, causing complexes and dissatisfaction with their own appearance. Fungi can affect the skin in various parts of the body, nails, have the ability to penetrate into the bloodstream, affecting internal organs and disrupting their well-coordinated activity.
That is why it is very important to know about preventive measures for fungal skin diseases and use them regularly.
Symptoms of a fungal infection

How to understand that a person is infected with a fungal disease? According to the main symptoms, which include:
- changing the color of the nail plate;
- appearance of small stripes or white dots on the surface of the nail;
- continuous itching of the foot, as well as discomfort in the area between the fingers of the upper and lower extremities;
- changing the shape of the nail plate, its deformation and thickening;
- thinning of the inner layer of the plate;
- appearance of minor injuries on the affectedplots;
- Excessive dry skin.
The appearance of one or several symptoms at once signals the active development of a fungal disease in the human body. In such cases, it is too late to take preventive measures. Effective treatment is needed. It is very important to start the course of treatment immediately. Indeed, in the advanced stage, it will be much more difficult to cure the fungus.
General recommendations
Prevention of fungal diseases and ringworm can be primary and secondary. The first type of protective manipulation is aimed at reducing the risk of infection with a fungus. The second is aimed at preventing the recurrence of disease caused by pathogens.
There is a high risk of fungal infection in public places: swimming pools, beauty salons, clinics, etc. In addition, fungal diseases can be transmitted in families through household items, shoes, clothes.
Daily fungus prevention

Daily adherence to simple rules will prevent infection with fungal diseases:
- After washing the feet, it is imperative to wipe the feet. Only after complete drying of the skin can you put on shoes. As a detergent, it is best to use ordinary laundry soap. The inner surface of shoes is a favorable environment for the development of fungi.
- In hot weather, shoes need daily cleaning with a disinfectant solution.
- Shoes must fit. Notit is recommended to wear larger or smaller shoes.
- When choosing shoes, it is necessary to give preference to those products in which the feet feel comfortable. An important condition is the ability to pass air.
In case of increased sweating in the area of the feet, it is necessary to regularly use special powders and deodorants that have a cooling effect and destroy pathogens.
It is not recommended to wear wet shoes for a long time. Wet boots should be thoroughly rinsed and dried.
In addition, one of the best defenses of the body against the occurrence of fungal diseases is the human immune system. That is why it is important to take all necessary measures to strengthen immunity. To do this, you need to breathe fresh air more often, give up bad habits, including alcohol and smoking.
Measures for the prevention of fungal diseases in children should also be observed. Since the child's body is prone to infection, especially if the immune system is weakened.
Emergency prevention of fungal infection

In some cases, a person pays attention to the presence of symptoms of fungal diseases, when the disease develops quite rapidly. In this case, urgent measures must be taken to prevent further development of the disease.
Prevention and treatment of fungal diseases involves taking special medicines, which contain substances, instantlydestroying spores and preventing the development of the disease. Some time after the start of taking the drugs, a noticeable result appears. Itching, peeling of the skin disappears. The nail plate takes on its original appearance.
Medicines can be produced in the form of gels, ointments and creams. They are intended for outdoor use. Among the huge variety of drugs, it is worth noting a few of the most effective. These include Candide, Lamitel, Tebikur, as well as Exoderil and Mycospor. You can buy them at almost any pharmacy without a doctor's prescription.
There are oral medications.
Effective preventive drugs
The use of drugs should be started in case of the slightest suspicion of a fungal infection.
If a person suffers from excessive sweating of the legs, the course of medication should be repeated monthly.
Processing with special preparations can be subjected not only to the skin, but also household items with which a person comes into contact every day. When processing the feet, it is necessary that the entire surface of the foot, including the heel and toe area, be exposed.
The most effective means for the prevention of fungal diseases are Lamisil, Mikostop, Bifosin, Lotseril, Demicten, Batrafen, Mikozan, etc. Drugs are sold in almost every pharmacy. Without a doctor's prescription.
For preventionfungal diseases of the nails, it is recommended to periodically use special varnishes. First, cut the horny plates short, rinse and dry them thoroughly.
Traditional medicine recipes for the prevention of fungal diseases
The fight against fungi is not limited to drugs and personal hygiene. For the prevention of diseases, traditional medicine is perfect.
To wipe the legs, in particular the feet, you can use tea tree oil, as well as apple cider vinegar and propolis tincture. Regular treatment of fungus-affected skin with iodine allows you to quickly eliminate pathogens and save a person from discomfort.
It is useful as a prevention of fungal diseases to put your feet in baths with sea s alt, ordinary baking soda or celandine and chamomile. Compresses based on oak bark, as well as baths with the specified component, will relieve excessive sweating.
The above methods are not only excellent means of prevention, but also help strengthen the body's immune system.
How to protect yourself in public places

It is very important to follow simple rules while in a public place or in transport. Indeed, often infection with a fungus occurs precisely there, since a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens is maintained.

That's why the precautionsmust be observed. One of the main measures to prevent fungal diseases of the feet is to change shoes. In the pool you need to go with your rubber flip flops. No need to stand barefoot on the floor in public places, such as a bathhouse, sauna or swimming pool. Even while at home, it is not recommended to walk on the floor immediately after a shower. Dry your feet thoroughly. Nylon socks will help protect against the penetration of the fungus. They can be used when trying on shoes in the store when renting skates or roller skates.

You should seriously approach the choice of a beauty salon. Preference should be given to those institutions in which the tool goes through all stages of processing.
Following these simple recommendations, an unpleasant and uncomfortable illness can be avoided.
Shoe disinfection

In case of foot diseases caused by fungi, it is necessary to regularly disinfect shoes. For these purposes, a solution of formaldehyde, acetic acid and a one percent solution of chlorhexidine are ideal. It is important to take precautions as some of the substances listed are toxic.
During the processing of shoes, it is necessary to follow a certain algorithm. First you need to wipe the insoles with a cotton swab or cloth. Then a pair of shoes is placed in a bag along with a swab moistened with a solution, tied and left for several days. Then after the expirationof the specified period, shoes or shoes are taken out of the bag and placed in a place inaccessible to children, allowed to dry thoroughly and ventilate. After two weeks, you can safely wear shoes.
The processing procedure must be carried out at least once a month. Absolutely all shoes worn by a person infected with a fungal infection should be subject to manipulation. In case of a fungal disease of the upper limbs, gloves and that part of the outer clothing that comes into contact with the body should be treated.
Instead of a conclusion
Fungal diseases are hard to cure. Much easier to prevent infection. Compliance with the simplest security measures can reliably protect the human body from the effects of pathogens. Strengthening the immune system is an integral part of the prevention of fungal diseases.