There are many options, methods, medications and procedures to get your blood pressure (BP) levels under control. True, you need to be careful - if under their influence there is too sharp a decrease in blood pressure, a person feels bad. When the indicators fall to critical, there is a possibility of serious complications. But the methods of soft correction of the parameters of the circulatory system to the norm achievable by safe methods are useful information for any person.
Relevance of the issue
According to doctors, a sharp decrease in blood pressure or a sudden increase in parameters are situations that can happen to anyone, even if there are no specific diseases. This is due to the peculiarities of the body. For example, a nervous experience, especially an unpredictable and very strong one, can lead to completely unexpected consequences, includingnumber related to pressure.
Some people have stable high blood pressure due to some illness. This problem is familiar to the vast majority of our compatriots. Lack of sleep or addiction to bad habits can provoke high blood pressure. Excess s alt in the diet, stress factors and obesity play a role. To stabilize the parameter, it is important to review the nutrition program, start practicing a he althy lifestyle. Doctors have developed simple manual techniques that are accessible to everyone. Keep in mind that with age, the likelihood of increased pressure increases. In some cases, it can only be corrected with medication.

Oriental medicine
Chinese healers have developed many special manual methods to reduce pressure. Modern experts have revised them, combined different approaches in order to increase performance and simplify the implementation of exercises. Lowering blood pressure causes a simple procedure. First, fingers touch the neck just below the level of the lobe, draw a straight line along the surface of the neck, without pressing, but lightly stroking, touching the skin very gently, only with the very tips of the fingers. It is necessary to draw a line symmetrically on both sides of the neck. It is recommended to repeat the event a dozen times.
The exercise is continued by drawing the second line. It is started at a distance of a centimeter from the ear on the neck at the level of the lobe, carried out with fingers in the direction of the nasal cartilage. It is necessary to lightly massage the skin near the resulting line, gently pressing with your fingertips. Press hard on the bodyforbidden. During the procedure, you need to relax as much as possible and be distracted by positive thoughts.
Will it help or not?
According to experts, the described technique allows you to achieve a decrease in blood pressure (diastolic, systolic) in just five minutes. The quality of blood flow is stabilized and normalized. The method is considered completely safe. This is a natural remedy available to everyone. You can easily practice it at home, in transport, at work - in a word, at any moment when there is a feeling of high pressure.

To eat or not?
Not so long ago, American scientists who studied the features of different options for influencing pressure, established the dependence of its parameters on the diet. As they noticed, people who use fasting to reduce blood pressure achieve good stable results while healing their body. As professionals have found out, periodic short-term refusals to eat are beneficial. They help to get rid of excess weight. To prove the assumption about the influence of the measure on the pressure, 46 volunteers were involved, who ate everything they wanted for eight hours, and consumed only water for 16 hours. The duration of the experimental program was 12 weeks. The average weight loss among the participants was estimated at 2.6%, and the reduction in blood pressure was estimated at seven.
According to experts who study different options, drugs, methods and means, if a person wants to lose weight and achieve a relatively low degree of blood pressure reduction, the described program is hardly suitable for him.not ideal. On average, as calculations showed, in the group of project participants, the caloric content of the diet for each was 300 kilocalories lower than at other times. As an additional effect, it is worth noting the greater activity of regeneration of stem cell structures. Experiments have shown that a daily refusal of food leads to a correction of metabolic processes, while the rate of appearance of new cells approximately doubles.
Drugs: one thing
A rather popular option for correcting the condition is mototherapy, that is, a drug course that involves the use of one medication. This approach leads to a decrease in blood pressure (systolic, diastole) if hypertension is at an early stage of development. If the use of one remedy does not allow you to keep indicators under control, you should take a combination of two or three pharmaceutical products. They must belong to different pharmacological categories. An important aspect of treatment is the regularity of the use of drugs. The body's ability to get used to drugs for hypertension has been revealed, which leads to a weakening of their effectiveness. To stabilize the parameters and ensure the persistence of this effect, from time to time the doctor adjusts the course and prescribes other medications to the patient.
All drugs presented in the pharmacy are intended for emergency lowering blood pressure or to achieve a long-term effect. Different drugs have different mechanisms of effectiveness, that is, the effect on different reactions that occur in the human body. Selecting a particular optiondue to the underlying cause of hypertension. Most pharmaceutical products have side effects and contraindications, so self-medication is strictly prohibited.

Categories and names
Sometimes the reason for a sharp decrease in blood pressure is the wrong choice of medicines to correct the condition. This is more often observed if a person chooses drugs for himself, not taking into account what the body really needs. Consider the main categories of funds and names of drugs presented in the pharmacy.
Sometimes angiotensin receptor depressant drugs are indicated to control the condition. Such a group in medicine is called sartans. Among the well-known names are Cardosal and Losartan. The same class includes the means "Valsartan" and "Eprosartan". Sometimes a doctor recommends taking Candesartan.
Beta-blockers have been developed to control blood pressure. There are two types of these: selective and non-selective. Of the popular means, it is worth mentioning "Atenolol", "Metoprolol". Often prescribed drugs "Praktolol" and "Bisoprolol". Propranolol and Pindolol have a good reputation.
What else is there?
Popular drugs to lower blood pressure are alpha-blockers. This category includes drugs "Urorek" and "Artezin". This also includes medicines "Terazosin", "Doxazosin". To adrenergic blockers of the "alpha" type belongs the drug "Proxodolol".
Because the pressure may be due to the incorrect functioning of the receptors that perceive the angiotensin-converting enzyme, wasdeveloped a group of drugs that inhibit this compound - ACE inhibitors. On sale, these funds can be found under the names "Zocardis" and "Prestarium". Enalapril and Kizinopril belong to the same category. The sought-after medicine "Captopril" proved to have a similar effect.
Calcium antagonists are indicated in some cases. This category includes the funds "Diltiazem" and "Verapamil". This includes the drug "Amlodipine".
Popular means of lowering blood pressure are diuretics. Doctors often prescribe "Veroshpiron". Hydrochlorothiazide is in demand. Reliable effect known diuretics "Triamteren" and "Torasemide". To control blood pressure, you can take Furosemide or use Indapamide.

Categories: features
The listed pharmaceutical agents for lowering blood pressure are recommended if a patient has a persistent increase in the parameter. When choosing a specific product and dose, frequency and duration of administration, it is necessary to take into account the age of the patient, the degree of progress of the pathology and the presence of concomitant he alth problems. Most often, sartans are prescribed. The modern official approach suggests that these funds are the most effective in hypertension. The drug effect is associated with inhibition of the receptors of the second angiotensin, a substance that stimulates vasoconstriction. It is under the influence of this chemical compound that the pressure rises rapidly, and the effect persists for a long time. Using drugs that depress enzyme receptors for a long time, you canadjust the pressure. There is no danger of withdrawal syndrome or negative consequences of taking.
Choosing drugs to lower blood pressure should be a qualified doctor. A cardiologist specializes in this issue. If the diagnosis is established accurately, the case continues to be managed by the therapist. It is necessary to regularly monitor the patient's condition and monitor the body's response to treatment. If you start to be treated with medications on your own, you can face serious complications, up to irreversible ones.
Quick effect
Sometimes the patient's condition is such that a person needs a quick decrease in blood pressure. Special medications have been developed to provide an almost instantaneous effect on the body. The simplest and most reliable option is Captopril. As soon as the pressure has risen, you need to dissolve one tablet. In some cases, half of it is enough. It is more convenient to use the remedy sublingually, that is, put the medicine under the tongue. Adelfan is known for a similar effect and a similar mechanism of use. Pressure stabilization is observed after about a third of an hour with possible deviations of ten minutes up and down. The result is stored for a relatively short time. In particular, if Captopril is prescribed, this medicine should be taken three times daily.
It is possible to achieve a rapid decrease in blood pressure by taking Furosemide. It is a loop diuretic that induces persistent, pronounced diuresis shortly after ingestion. A single dose is 20-40 mg. After 3-6 hours after taking the drug, the urge to urinate is activated. Pressuredecreases as the body gets rid of excess fluid. At the same time, the spasm of the muscular vascular wall disappears, the volume of blood circulating in the body decreases.
Long-term effect
For a long-term result, drugs are prescribed to lower blood pressure, which have a prolonged action. The most popular of the medicines of this class can be safely called "Metoprolol" and "Bisoprolol". Often, doctors recommend stopping at Propranolol or Prestarium. A long-term stable effect of pressure control is achievable by taking Losartan, Diroton, Cordaflex.
The peculiarity of the drug course is a long-term therapeutic effect. It is quite convenient to use medicines, since it is enough to take a capsule daily, sometimes twice a day. Since drug correction is often recommended for high blood pressure throughout life, drugs that are used relatively infrequently are much more convenient than those that need to be taken 3-4 times a day.
Long-acting drugs are indicated if hypertension has reached the second degree or progresses further. Medicines provide a long-term cumulative effect. To improve the quality of pressure control, you need to use funds for a period of three weeks or more. If immediately after the start of the drug course, the pressure did not decrease, this is not a reason to stop treatment - such a reaction is considered normal.
About the most popular: Losartan
This tool allows you to achieve a pronounced decrease in blood pressure. Tablets belong tocategories of sartans, prevent the influence of a second angiotensin produced from renin generated by the renal system. The drug inhibits the first subtype of receptors, prevents vasoconstriction.
Systole, diastole decrease already during the initial use. The effect is observed six hours after the use of the drug or earlier, lasts 24 hours. Then you need to take the next capsule. Stable pressure equalization is achievable 3-6 weeks after the start of regular use. The pharmaceutical product is prohibited for persons whose high blood pressure is accompanied by diabetic nephropathy, metabolic problems due to diabetic disease.

"Losartan": nuances
According to experts, the only drawback of this means to reduce blood pressure is a relatively high price. The drug is well tolerated by the human body and rarely provokes undesirable consequences. Occasionally, patients noted that they were sick and dizzy, their mouths were dry, and their nose was blocked. There is a risk of a general weak condition. The incidence of side effects does not exceed one percent.
If it is not possible to buy this remedy, as an alternative with a similar mechanism of action, it is worth considering the medicines Renicard, Lozap, Xartan. The same category of drugs includes Telmisartan and Valsartan, but the considered drug is considered more effective. As tests have shown, "Losartan" reliably stabilizes pressure indicators even in the case of a complicatedcourse of the disease.
This BP lowering agent belongs to the ACE inhibitor class. The first effect is observed approximately an hour after the medication is taken orally. In the next six hours, the strength of the action gradually increases, the maximum effectiveness is maintained for a day. The effect is cumulative, prolonged. It is necessary to take 5-40 mg of the drug per day. It is recommended to use the medication in the morning. The daily dose is taken at a time. Already in the first days of use, a decrease in pressure is noted.
Proper application allows you to maintain a stable level of pressure. The tolerance of the heart muscle to stress increases, the hypertrophy of muscle tissues decreases, and the volume of the heart chambers increases. The effect is observed even with a severe course of the disease and with a previous heart attack. "Lisinopril" gives good results in the need for choice of therapy for people suffering from heart failure, diabetic disease, as well as those who have previously experienced a heart attack.

Features of the drug
The use of this drug is not only accompanied by a decrease in blood pressure, but can also lead to the formation of side effects. In some, the work of the sweat glands is activated. There is a possibility of a decrease in pressure in excess of the desired, dry cough or a feeling of dryness of the oral mucosa. Possible bouts of dizziness.
If it is necessary to choose an alternative, it is recommended to use Diroton. As an analogue in a pharmacy, they can offer "Lipril" or "Dapril". similar qualitiesthe drug "Lyzygamma" is different.

If you are worried about symptoms indicating hypertension, lowering blood pressure is achievable with Renipril. The tool belongs to the category of combined and is characterized by increased efficiency. It contains enalapril in the form of an easily digestible compound, the diuretic component is hydrochlorothiazide. Such a successful combination allows you to achieve a stable strong effect on the body. It is noted that the use of a combined remedy gives a greater effect than the use of each of the products separately.
With high efficiency, "Renipril" is well tolerated. In the case of hypertrophic cardiac processes, regular use leads to a regression of the condition. The load on the left ventricle decreases. At the same time, the reception can provoke arterial renal stenosis, an allergic reaction. Do not take this remedy during childbearing, in case of Addison's disease.
This remedy, which was already mentioned above, is one of the most frequently prescribed for hypertensive patients. It allows you to achieve a pronounced decrease in pressure soon after taking the drug. Belongs to the category of ACE inhibitors. Designed specifically for emergency care. It is the drug of first choice in the case of a hypertensive crisis. It is undesirable to use the drug for a long time. This is especially dangerous for the elderly, as it is associated with the likelihood of a sharp decrease in pressure, which can cause a person to loseconsciousness. The risk of such a complication in cerebral atherosclerosis is higher. It is allowed to use "Captopril" and other medicines to reduce pressure, nootropics at the same time. It is important to check your blood pressure regularly during treatment.
The main positive qualities of the drug are the ability to quickly stabilize blood pressure and improve the supply of blood to the heart muscle, which is especially important in ischemia. You can not use the drug with aortic stenosis and a reduced lumen of the mitral canal, during breastfeeding. The drug is contraindicated in myocardiopathy and in patients who have undergone a kidney transplant.
Simple and reliable
If the pressure has risen once, there is no stable hypertension, you can resort to breathing exercises to stabilize the condition. Lowering blood pressure by breathing is a well-known procedure that can be practiced in any environment: at home, at work, and even on the street. The effectiveness of one session is a decrease in the parameter by approximately 30 points. It is more convenient to do the exercise sitting or lying down, in the most relaxed state. The main idea of the practice is to breathe as deeply as possible. The person inhales air, on exhalation it lingers for five seconds. It is necessary to repeat the exercise for several minutes until the condition stabilizes.
Another simple method that has a pronounced effect involves the use of cold water. Chilled liquid is poured into the container and they trample on it for a short time or jump if they have enough strength. Soon the pressure will begin to slowly but steadily drop.

Another simple option is a foot compress. Apple cider vinegar is used to make it. In the product, a natural fabric is moistened and the limbs are wrapped with this textile. It is believed that in a short time the pressure stabilizes, the condition returns to normal. Warm socks can be worn for more comfort.