In the process of development of many diseases, a crack in the nail plate may occur. Under such conditions, it is important not to self-medicate, but to consult a doctor in a timely manner in order to find out for what reason the damage appeared. In order not to provoke the development of a he alth problem, it is important to carry out a thorough medical examination in a timely manner.
The main causes of a crack on the nail plate

When a longitudinal crack occurs on the nail, damage is formed, the length of which may increase over time. A transverse defect appears anywhere on the nail and also grows in size. This problem most often develops due to the drying of tissues. If a virus or fungus has entered the human body, mycosis of the nail plates may develop. In the event that the patient systematically interacts with the strongest chemical reagent, a crack appears on the nail. There are several reasons for the formation of this kind of damage. Whycracking nails?
- unbalanced diet for a long time;
- water imbalance;
- menopause;
- hormonal failure;
- incorrect use of the manicure device and inaccurate work with it;
- non-compliance with basic hygiene rules;
- mechanical damage;
- prolonged interaction with liquid substances;
- sudden temperature drop;
- use of poor quality nail products;
- diabetes mellitus;
- stomach disease;
- disorders in the liver.
With the development of psoriasis and eczema, a crack in the nail often occurs. To identify the factor that provoked the appearance of an unpleasant symptom, you need to visit a doctor and carry out a thorough medical examination.
Symptoms of the disease
In the process of a crack on the nail, the plate delaminates. There is increased tissue fragility. It is possible to determine the development of cracks due to the appearance of an inconspicuous formation, which grows over time. Often there are painful and unpleasant sensations in the cuticle area.
How to treat cracks?
In the event that it was possible to find out the factor under the influence of which a crack appeared on the nail, it is necessary to immediately begin treatment, which will prevent the development of the disease. Under such conditions, the development of serious problems can be prevented. First of all, you need to balance your diet. Emphasis should be placed on those products that contain a sufficient amountvitamins and useful elements. If the crack appeared due to severe dehydration, then it is recommended to lubricate the nail plate with special healing oil.
Doctors recommend from time to time to carry out lotion with nutrient mixtures. Thanks to olive and sea buckthorn oil, the problem can be eliminated. It is recommended to lubricate the cuticles twice a day for a month. In case of cracks caused by mechanical impact (on long nails), you need to cut off the part of the nail where the cracks have formed.
Doctors' recommendations

If you follow all the advice of doctors, you can reduce the risk of a crack on the nail to a minimum. Key recommendations include:
- do any work with gloves;
- do not come into contact with negative environmental phenomena;
- take vitamin-mineral complexes;
- drink at least 2 liters of water per day;
- observe hygiene rules;
- use only baby or natural hand care products;
- lubricate hands with moisturizer and healer;
- wipe the nail plate with vegetable oil;
- do a regular saline bath.
In the event that a crack appears on the nail, it is better to consult a doctor to prevent the infection from entering the body. Self-medication can be harmful. The appearance of such a symptom may indicate that the disease is developing. After a medical examination, the doctor will prescribe therapy. Durationtreatment and dosage of drugs should be determined only by a specialist.
Application of "Biogel"
Which nail strengthener should I use? If they grow too slowly, then you can build them up with gel or acrylic, but you need to be aware of the negative side effect. Dense acrylic and gel layers make it difficult for useful elements to reach native nails. During such procedures, the nail plates are significantly damaged.
With the help of "Biogel" you can strengthen your nails. Applying nail polish is very easy. A professional composition and an ultraviolet lamp are enough for manipulation. Thanks to the varnish, you can protect your nails from brittleness and delamination. Using a special solution, you can easily wash off "Biogel".
Effective folk recipes

To strengthen nails, you can use folk remedies that will help strengthen nails and prevent destructive changes.
- The use of s alt is the best way to strengthen nails. It contains a large amount of useful substances. Indeed, after a sea holiday, the nail plates become stronger and denser. Using baths with the addition of sea s alt can positively affect the condition of the nails. To do this, take 1.5 tbsp. l. s alt in 200 ml of warm water. Dip your hands in a container of water for 12 minutes. The duration of the course of therapy is a month. It is desirable to carry out at least three procedures per week. After using the bath, it is advisable to use a moisturizer.
- To cure cracked nails at home, you can use iodine. With a cotton swab, it is necessary to apply the substance to the cuticle area. Thanks to this tool, you can strengthen the plate and speed up the healing process of small cracks. Doctors do not recommend the systematic use of iodine for such procedures, since the substance has a rather aggressive chemical environment.
- Oil for strengthening nails. Thanks to grape, olive and almond oils, you can improve the condition of your nails. Lemon, lavender and rosemary oils will help whiten your nails.
- If the nail plate is depleted, then it is necessary to use hand creams several times a day, which contain vitamins A and E.
Cracked nails can also be treated with herbs. To prepare a healing compress, you need to combine chamomile, rosemary, St. John's wort, burdock root in equal proportions. Pour hot water over and keep your fingers in the liquid for 10 minutes. Duration of treatment 2 weeks.
Lemon Mask

Dim, brittle, flaky, dry nails can be cured with lemon. To do this, take a large lemon and cut it into 2 parts. Dip your fingers in the lemon halves for 12 minutes. After the manipulation, wash your hands under running water and lubricate them with a skin moisturizer or oil.
How to keep your nails beautiful?

How to prevent the appearance of longitudinal cracks on the nails? By doing a few simplerecommendations, you can make your fingers beautiful and well-groomed, and most importantly, he althy.
- warm gloves must be worn in winter;
- use cosmetics only from a well-known manufacturer;
- include seaweed, fish, shrimp, shellfish, milk, cottage cheese, cheese, feta cheese in the diet.
If there is a large crack on the nail plate, you need to see a doctor, because such an unpleasant symptom often indicates that a serious illness is developing.
What to do with a fungal nail infection?
If a crack appears on the nail plate due to a fungal disease, then you need to see a doctor so that the specialist prescribes effective medications that will help fix the problem. With such a diagnosis, baths to strengthen nails with s alt will no longer help. Among the most effective medicines are:
- Drops and ointment "Exoderil". This remedy will help to overcome the fungal disease of the skin and nails. With candidiasis and pityriasis versicolor, the remedy will help cure the disease. It must be applied several times a day. The application is simple - you should apply the drug to the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail plate.
- Varnish "Lotseril". Doctors recommend the use of such varnish in the event that cracks in the nails have arisen due to the introduction of a fungal infection into the body. Apply twice a day.
- With the help of "Nailvit" you can remove the affected nail. Doctors often prescribe this drug foronychomycosis. Before using the product, you need to consult a doctor and read the instructions for use. To get rid of the problem, it is necessary to steam the affected area of the nail in a solution with the addition of soda and soap, and then cover the affected area of \u200b\u200bthe nail with a remedy. It is forbidden to rub the drug, otherwise complications may occur. After all the steps, close the finger with adhesive tape. After a few days, remove the patch and treat the nail with a pedicure tool.
Before using any of these remedies, you should see a doctor.

In the event that in the process of a crack on the nail plate the patient has unbearable pain, it is necessary to take an anesthetic drug. Thanks to Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Aspirin, Indomethacin, Meloxicam, the patient's well-being can be improved. Such drugs will help not only eliminate pain, but also overcome a strong inflammatory process. Doctors say that Ibuprofen is one of the most potent drugs that do not cause side effects. Among the most powerful analgesics, Morphine, Fentanyl, Methadone, Codeine, Tramadol are distinguished. These drugs are used only if there is unbearable pain. Medicines are sold in pharmacies by prescription.
Note to patients

In frequent cases, brittle fingernails are not a serious pathology - this does not affectpatient life expectancy. If cracks on the nail plate occur systematically, this may indicate that a disease is developing. Under such conditions, it is not recommended to use drugs at home - you need to seek the advice of a doctor in order to carry out a medical study.
Based on the results of the diagnosis, the doctor will prescribe a complex therapy that will allow you to overcome the disease as soon as possible. At the initial stage of the development of pathology, therapy is much easier and more effective. To prevent surgical intervention, you need to follow the advice of a medical professional. Any folk remedies and medicines should be used only after consulting a doctor. Strengthening nail polish for fungal diseases will not help solve the problem, but only temporarily mask the symptoms.