Why does kidney failure happen? Symptoms and consequences, as well as the causes of this pathology will be presented below. We will also tell you if this disease is treatable.

Basic information
Failure of the kidneys, the symptoms of which should be known to all patients, is a serious pathology in which the paired organ of the renal system loses all ability to filter fluid and blood. As a result of such a phenomenon, the entire chemical balance of the human body is disturbed.
Symptoms of kidney failure are known to few. Therefore, in this article, we decided to describe all the signs of this disease. After all, it is deadly, and therefore requires immediate contact with an experienced specialist.
If the patient recognized all the symptoms of kidney failure in time, and the treatment was chosen correctly, then such a disease is quite successfully corrected.
The core of the problem
Symptoms of kidney failure can vary from person to person. It depends on the severity and type of the disease. Experts say there are two types of kidney failure:
- chronic;
- spicy.
About whatfeatures have such pathological conditions, we will tell further.

Chronic kidney disease
Symptoms of kidney failure in the chronic course of the disease proceed gradually. Signs of the disease can increase, disappear, and also appear suddenly. This state of affairs makes the diagnostic process quite difficult.
The following diseases lead to chronic kidney dysfunction with subsequent failure:
- pyelonephritis;
- kidney tuberculosis;
- jade;
- hydronephrosis;
- oncology;
- polycystic kidney disease.
Various endocrine diseases, cardiovascular pathologies and others can also have a negative impact.
According to experts, the delay of symptoms in renal pathologies occurs due to the fact that over time, he althy tissue of paired organs compensates for the injured. But soon the damaged tissues grow so large that the kidneys stop functioning normally.

Acute disease
Symptoms of kidney failure in acute failure can develop within hours. Sometimes such pathological changes take several days.
Most often, kidney failure occurs unexpectedly. It can be observed even against the background of the patient's well-being. The consequences in this case can be dire.
As a rule, a similar problem develops due toviolations of the water balance in the human body, problems with blood circulation and others. As a result of these disorders in the kidneys, decay products accumulate, which, in fact, is the cause of intoxication.
Main reasons
Renal failure can occur for various reasons. At the same time, experts say that such a pathological condition most often occurs due to:
- renal insufficiency, which is formed due to problems in the functioning of the renal parenchyma;
- prerenal insufficiency due to circulatory disorders;
- postrenal insufficiency, which is formed due to obstruction of the urinary tract.

Also, experts recommend paying attention to those problems that can act as a catalyst for the pathology in question. These can be serious burns of the body, and an increase in the level of potassium in the blood, and prolonged dehydration, and so on.
What are the symptoms of kidney failure?
As mentioned above, the signs of failure of the kidney system can be different. However, they are all fairly typical. And if you observe at least one of the symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.
So how does kidney failure happen? Symptoms (death in this pathology occurs only in acute and severe conditions) of the mentioned condition are as follows:
- patient has nausea, loss of appetite and vomiting;
- seriousproblems with urination (may be partially interrupted or stop completely);
- weakness and malaise are observed;
- develops such a common symptom as puffiness;
- significantly increases body weight (as a rule, this is due to the accumulation of excess water in the tissues);
- feeling severe pain in the abdomen, as well as skin itching and others.
It should be noted that all of the above symptoms should be of particular concern if a problem such as the appearance of blood in the urine develops against their background.

Other signs
What other symptoms may indicate kidney failure? According to the doctors, if the treatment of the disease in question was not started on time, then the following may join the main symptoms listed above:
- problems with consciousness;
- shortness of breath;
- drowsy;
- appearance of hematomas on the body.
Also, in advanced cases, the signs of kidney failure become more severe. It is not uncommon for patients to experience fainting and even coma.
Possible consequences
Now you know why kidney failure occurs. Symptoms (blood sugar in such a pathology may be normal, or may increase), accompanied by a similar phenomenon, were also presented above.
According to reports of experts, the consequences of the pathology in question can be deadly. Very often, complete kidney failure is preceded by necrosis, i.e.tissue death of paired organs. Such a process can lead to the development of a rather serious infection.
It should also be noted that in chronic kidney failure due to prolonged accumulation of toxic substances, the patient may experience problems with the nervous system, as well as severe convulsions.

The consequences of failure of the renal system include the development of anemia. In addition, the heart and blood vessels suffer. This happens due to the fact that the fluid retained in the body gives a double load on the entire vascular system.
It should also be noted that abnormal kidney function often leads to problems with the strength of bone and cartilage tissues.
Treatment process
Treatment for renal failure should be done in stages. Only an experienced specialist who relies on the results of analysis and other medical research is en titled to carry out therapy.
Acute renal failure can be cured completely. As for chronic, the therapy of such a disease is a rather lengthy process. At the same time, a complete cure may never occur.
Each stage of the disease involves specific actions:
- The first stage is the treatment of the underlying disease, which involves the elimination of inflammation in the kidneys. For these purposes, doctors prescribe antibiotics and the intake of herbal decoctions (infusions from ready-made pharmacy fees, lingonberry leaves, plantain, leaves of mother-and-stepmother, bird mountaineer, horsetail, birch leaves). Also, birch and pumpkin sap are used as additional funds.
- The second stage involves reducing the rate of progression of kidney failure through the use of such herbal preparations as "Lespenefry" and "Hofitol".
- The third stage of the disease involves the treatment of possible complications, namely anemia, hypertension, cardiovascular complications.
- The fourth stage includes supportive care, which includes blood transfusion, as well as preparation for replacement treatment - peritoneal dialysis and hemodialysis.
- The fifth stage of treatment is associated with renal replacement therapy.

It should also be noted that when the kidneys are unable to perform their main function, patients undergo intraperitoneal dialysis or hemodialysis using the “artificial kidney” machine.
In very severe and advanced cases, an urgent transplant of a donor organ is required.
From the foregoing, we can safely conclude that early diagnosis, as well as proper treatment of kidney failure, will stop the disease and prevent the development of complications.
A special role in the treatment of such diseases has a low-protein diet with limited intake of sodium and phosphorus. It should be remembered that self-treatment in case of kidney failure is life-threatening, therefore, when observingthe main symptoms of this problem should immediately consult a specialist.