Elastic muscle and connective tissues in the center of the pharynx, in the middle of which there is a gap of the vocal cords, protect the lungs from the penetration of everything foreign into them.

Simultaneously with the function of breathing, a human voice is also formed. If the throat is cold, inflammation of the vocal cords must also be treated. Pi laryngitis (a disease of the larynx) they become inflamed and increase in size. Thus, air enters the lungs with difficulty. A cold is not the only situation in which swelling of the vocal cords occurs, viruses and allergies also harm.
On the dangers of self-treatment
Very often people are treated without resorting to traditional professional medicine. This is wrong and very dangerous. Even if there are no viruses, allergies and colds, swelling can be caused by the constant tension of the vocal cords. Only a certified doctor who has the appropriate knowledge and the right to prescribe the necessary medicines to the patient can cure such a disease. There are cases, and not so rare, when surgery is necessary. Self-medication can only aggravatethe current situation.

About prevention and folk remedies
Constant tension of the voice is required by people of many professions, first of all, singers, teachers, lecturers. In these cases, it is necessary to take preventive measures to prevent swelling of the throat, and to know how to restore the vocal cords if the voice is still broken. Here it is quite appropriate to use traditional medicine. For example, warm milk with honey for drinking and potato juice (raw) for rinsing. You can prepare an infusion of horseradish (pour the finely grated root with boiling water, leave for several hours and consume a little every hour with honey or sugar). Mogul-mogul perfectly helps with hoarseness: a spoonful of honey, a spoonful of butter, a spoonful of lemon juice, a spoonful of cognac and a fresh egg yolk are beaten in a mixer and swallowed half a spoonful every hour, without drinking anything for at least half an hour, so that the mixture is smeared down the throat, absorbed and softened the inflamed vocal cords. Again, if the throat hurts badly, self-medication is dangerous. You need to see a specialist. Moreover, for many, the voice is a working tool.

Introducing the phoniatrist
This part of the article concerns those people who need a voice both for a hobby and "for bread": these are actors, singers, teachers of all subjects, preschool teachers, as well as radio and television announcers, guides, telephone operators. Yes, and all other people value their voice - it depends on the he alth of the ligamentstimbre and intonation of speech and, therefore, charm when communicating with others. It's not very pleasant to talk to a person who has a raspy or raspy voice, is it? How to restore vocal cords? This is told by phoniatry - a section of otolaryngology, "in charge" of the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of everything related to the problems of the vocal apparatus.
What can affect sound production?
A phoniatrist will help not only to restore, but can also develop the capabilities of the voice. Violation of any plan can be not only a disease of the larynx. Here, the lungs, and the bronchi, and the trachea, as well as the folds of the vocal cords, the entire oral cavity, the nose and its sinuses are at work. The failure of any organ affects the voice capabilities. Also, many chronic diseases, even of organs far removed from the vocal apparatus, can negatively affect the usefulness of its functions; general he alth, order in the cardiovascular, nervous, endocrine systems, and cleanliness of the lungs are important here. A common cause of dysfunction of the vocal cords is stress and overwork.