In this article, we will consider the psychosomatics of VVD and the treatment of this pathology.
The term "psychosomatics" combines such categories as soul and body. It indicates the relationship of the patient's psychological state with physical he alth. Vegetovascular dystonia is one of the most striking examples of this connection. Often, a complete cure for the negative impact of this disease is impossible without the use of a psychotherapeutic approach. Why this is happening, we will understand in our article. We will also consider the causes of this disease and get acquainted with the methods of its treatment.
What is VSD psychosomatics?

Vegetovascular dystonia and its psychosomatics
The nervous system in the human body is the regulator of the activity of all internal organs. It serves as a link between the psychological state and the body. Vegetovascular dystonia can hardly be classified as a dangerous disease. But it can deprive a person of joy in life.
Mental disorders negatively affect everyone's overall he alth. The psyche simultaneously and with special sensuality reacts to what is happening in the external world. After that, the analysis is carried out. The purpose of the analysis is to determine what kind of decision must necessarily follow, how the body should react, what command should be given to the organs, based on everything that happens. That is why psychosomatics is so important in VVD.
Two divisions of the nervous system
Manifestations of the autonomic nervous system are divided into two directions: sympathetic and parasympathetic. These two directions influence the reactions of the human body. The parasympathetic division of the nervous system can be activated when the psyche is in an absolutely relaxed state. The sympathetic department is usually responsible for tense reactions.
Many do not know that the VSD is directly dependent on psychosomatics.
Sympathetic reactions are accompanied by undesirable processes for vegetovascular dystonia:
- May cause increased muscle tension.
- Probably increased breathing.
- It is possible that the pressure will increase.

Why do we need psychotherapy?
Psychotherapy for this pathology should minimize the total number of nervous strains that aggravate the patient's condition. This is the main key to the normalization of the state. Psychosomatics of VVD, as a rule, manifests itself after anytraumatic events. In addition, it can occur as a result of a person's prolonged stay in a state of stress. Next, let's try to understand the causes of this disease, as well as the psychosomatics of cardiovascular insufficiency.
Causes of VSD
Advice and recommendations of psychotherapists with such psychosomatic problems, as a rule, come down to protecting patients from certain stressful situations. They are the main source of the disease. The reasons for the emergence and development of psychosomatic diseases are several of the following factors:
- The presence of a predisposition of certain systems, and at the same time organs to the onset of the disease. Often this is accompanied by heredity.
- Influence of the patient's personality type.
- Nuances of social status. In this case, this refers to the economic position, status in society, and the like.
So psychosomatics is the cause of VSD.
All of the above factors can become aggravating tools, or, conversely, a reliable way out of a particular difficult situation. It is important to emphasize that a lot depends directly on the desire, and, in addition, on the motivation of the person himself. In order for the therapist to be able to fully help the patient, he must be ready to change his thinking.
Let's continue to consider the psychosomatics of vegetative-vascular dystonia and its treatment.
Personality types, or who is prone to psychosomatic ailments like VSD?
First of all, people who do notable to control their ambitions. These individuals crave success, constantly going ahead. But, when they fail to achieve their plans, even against the background of ordinary trifles, they experience a state of great nervousness, and at the same time irritability. They can often be very aggressive. In people with a coronary personality type, vascular and heart pathologies are very common.

In the event that a person regularly experiences some kind of negative emotions, then his body, as it were, remembers the physical manifestation of this state. Further, the body instantly begins to violently react to any similar circumstances, causing an identical wave of frustration.
Subject to VVD and those who have an excessive need for care and love. This makes a person attached to close relatives and family. They are emotionally very dependent, and, in addition, prone to self-doubt. Frequent companions of these personality types are depression along with anxiety.
Some patients who are prone to VVD note pedantry with constant anxiety. They usually take on a lot of responsibility. And they are far from always able to withstand the burden of responsibility they have taken. Like the representatives of the first type, one can observe purposefulness along with the confidence that they deserve more than they actually have at the moment. Often they may have a tendency to vindictiveness. In people with such psychosomatics, diseases of the digestive tract prevail.system.
In the event that a person regularly tries to control himself and almost does not express his feelings, then he may also experience vegetovascular dystonia. Such a life approach often leads to a periodic emotional outburst. In such conditions, vegetovascular dystonia has everything it needs for active development. Therefore, in the presence of VVD, people first of all need to be treated by a psychotherapist. Now let's find out how people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia show symptoms of this disease.
Let's take a closer look at the symptoms of VVD and psychosomatics.
VSD symptoms
Among the main symptoms that accompany this disease, it is worth mentioning the following manifestations:
- Having high blood pressure often.
- As a rule, vegetovascular dystonia is extremely difficult to treat with medications.
- Presence of headaches.
- The presence of uncomfortable pain in the chest and heart.
- The appearance of dizziness.
- Having difficulty breathing.
- Intermittent loss of consciousness.

The causes of VVD, exactly like the symptoms of this disease, mainly stem from the prolonged stay of patients in a stressful state. It is for this reason that psychological treatments are always the most effective.
Next, let's go directly to the methods used to treat such an ailment asvegetovascular dystonia.
VSD treatment methods
You can't rely on drug therapy alone. This, of course, is always an effective way to relieve symptoms, but drugs, unfortunately, are not the main way out of this situation. To bring the joints back to normal and reduce the intensity of headaches, the doctor, most likely, in the absence of contraindications, will prescribe massages. Warm-up physiotherapy can be very effective.
It is worth emphasizing that often in the treatment of VVD, breathing is practiced with manual energy replenishment. Something similar is done in order to achieve inner harmony for the patient and help him organize his thoughts. After these procedures, the symptoms associated with the disease usually disappear.
General recommendations
There are, among other things, general recommendations that the patient will certainly hear from the doctor. These, as a rule, include advice related to streamlining the daily routine, attentive attitude to nutrition, the need for walks in the fresh air, and the like. Against the background of the treatment of VVD, the use of potent drugs is almost never required, and sometimes you can simply get by with physiotherapy using traditional methods.
Folk techniques offer the use of beneficial herbs in order to restore inner harmony. For example, peppermint is very suitable for these purposes, and, in addition, sage and oregano.
A very important role in the whole process of treatment is played primarily by the stage at whichthe patient went to the doctor. Considering that the development of this disease can cause serious consequences, experts strongly recommend that you go to the hospital in the early stages of the pathology, as well as at the slightest suspicion of its occurrence.

Therapy with a psychotherapist
Psychology plays one of the main roles in the life of every person. Having figured out who exactly should be especially careful, as well as finding out the symptoms along with the causes and methods of treating VVD, we will proceed directly to the psychotherapeutic part, that is, to the psychosomatics of this disease. Such a pathology as vegetovascular dystonia loves very much when a person's nerves are at the limit. Many patients are prone to this condition and are not always able to get out of it on their own. Features of psychotherapeutic treatment are the following areas:
- Implementation of assistance in understanding the problem.
- Providing help in controlling the state of the nervous system.
- Working on flare-ups.
- Using modern treatments.
Methods of psychotherapy
Modern methods, which many psychotherapists now possess, are primarily aimed at quick treatment. Against the background of the passage of such a course, patients feel very comfortable, and their symptoms of pathology gradually decrease. So, Ericksonian hypnosis can be used along with cognitive behavioral therapy and so on. All thiswill help relieve the exacerbation of VVD.
It is very important to correct psychosomatics, but it does not give the full effect if the necessary attention is not paid to physical he alth. This primarily concerns a he althy diet, and, in addition, physical activity.
Getting to the truth
Despite the fact that the psychotherapeutic technique is actively combined with traditional treatment, it is psychotherapists who help to get to the bottom of the true cause of the disease. In fact, it is worth noting that the psychosomatics of VVD can be corrected without any difficulty, this ailment is an excellent example of how the final success of treatment depends on the patient's desire.

But the main condition is that you need to contact specialists directly for help as soon as possible. You can not limit yourself only to folk remedies or any medicines. The maximum that can be achieved in this case is to stop the attacks, while the problem can not only remain with the person, but will develop further.
Psychosomatics of VVD: Louise Hay and Dr. Sinelnikov
Psychologist Louise Hay has published a series of books promoting positive thinking, which in many ways helps to cope with various diseases. This number includes the VSD.
What does Louise Hay write about the psychosomatics of vegetative-vascular dystonia in her books?
Patients who previously suffered from pathology who read the works of this author,recommend them for reading to other people with a similar problem. It is noted that these are very positive works that heal the mood of a sick person. Louise Hay in her books tried to reveal the thoughts that need to be fixed in their minds to anyone who is trying to cope with such a problem as VSD.
Psychosomatics Louise Hay pays a lot of attention.
People in their reviews write that the work of this psychologist helps patients find the strength in themselves to fight and see the world in brighter life colors. These books are also recommended for reading by psychotherapists who help their patients cope with vegetative-vascular dystonia and psychosomatics.
Everyone should know the psychology of love for oneself and the world.
Dr. Sinelnikov is also famous for such writings. In particular, patients praise his book called "Love your disease." People who have read his work say that this book lifts people's spirits and gives hope for the best.

People suffering from such a disease as vegetovascular dystonia need to pay attention to the fact that this disease, like all other pathologies of the body and soul, is much easier to cure at the stage of formation. But, unfortunately, most patients turn to doctors only when their physical or mental state reaches a critical point. Therefore, in the event that a person discovers symptoms of VVD with psychosomatics, Sinelnikov recommends immediately making an appointment with a doctor, infeatures, it is advisable to first contact a psychotherapist.
In fact, the psychosomatics of this pathology lends itself perfectly to correction. Therefore, the sooner a person gets rid of this disease, the sooner he will begin to live a full, and at the same time happy life.
We examined the psychosomatics of VVD and the treatment of this disease.