Science knows several types of hepatitis. All of them have identical signs - icteric color of the skin. In rare cases, this ailment can be anicteric in nature. To determine hepatitis in a child, you need to know the symptom of jaundice.

In today's article we will talk about the first manifestations of this infectious disease. Hepatitis (jaundice) is characterized by yellowing of the sclera of the eyes, skin, and oral mucosa. This is due to an increase in the level of bilirubin in the blood of the child. Only a qualified doctor can diagnose the cause based on research methods.
Physiological form of hepatitis in newborns
Physiological jaundice appears in the first days of a baby's life. This is due to the immaturity of the liver. In the body of a newborn, there is a lack of enzymes that bind bilirubin. The symptom of jaundice is characterized by drowsiness, rarely vomiting, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, convulsions, and decreased sucking reflex. In advanced stages, deafness, mental retardation, and paralysis may occur.

Usually, after a few weeks, such manifestations disappear without a trace. Experts around the world refuse to treat physiological jaundice, arguing that this condition does not harm the baby. In rare cases, when bilirubin levels are high, light therapy is used to reduce the toxicity of this specific substance.
Hemolytic jaundice in infants
Occurs as a result of the immunological conflict between mother and child. This happens when a woman does not have a certain antigen that the fetus has. Hemolytic disease is observed at an early stage (in the first days of birth) and can persist for several months. The symptom of jaundice is manifested by staining of the sclera of the eyes, an increase in the spleen and liver.
The color of the baby's skin becomes bright yellow. If anemia is present, the infant appears very pale, in which case the jaundice does not appear overly bright. Blood transfusion is used as therapy.
Types of hepatitis in adult children
There are 3 types of viral hepatitis: A (Botkin's disease), B (serum type) and C (dangerous mutating virus). Each form has its own manifestations and incubation period. The most common disease is hepatitis A. The icteric period is observed for about 7 days. This disease (jaundice) is well cured. Symptoms of this type of disease in a child are as follows:
- weakness, body aches, migraine;
- sharp rise in temperature;
- fever (chills);
- pain in the right side;
- bitterness in the mouth;
- vomiting, diarrhea;
- lack of appetite;
- itchy skin;
- darkening of urine, discoloration of feces;
- yellowing of the oral mucosa, whites of the eyes and skin.
Hepatitis B (serum type) has an identical clinical picture with form A. In children, the infection is most often asymptomatic. The symptom of type B jaundice is characterized by a red rash, bleeding gums, and significant enlargement of the spleen and liver. The icteric character can last up to three weeks. The outcome of the treatment is favorable, but the recovery period is quite long - about 3 months.

The most insidious and dangerous among all types is hepatitis C, which can be in the human body for several years in a latent form (without manifestations). The first signs are:
- general weakness;
- bad condition;
- loss of appetite;
- lethargy and slight staining of the sclera.
It should be noted that in more than half of patients the virus passes into the chronic stage. Therefore, at the slightest manifestation, tests should be taken and, upon confirmation of the diagnosis, treatment should be started, since jaundice can cause serious complications (cancer and cirrhosis of the liver).
Hepatitis symptoms and treatment
We talked about clinical manifestations. It must be remembered that the first sign of any hepatitis is yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes. Therapy in newborns and young children takes place under the strict supervision of a physician. It is mandatory to complydiets, taking vitamin complexes, choleretic drugs and enterosorbents, which help relieve signs of intoxication. After recovery, the child is forbidden to exercise for six months.