Spots on the legs itch: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Spots on the legs itch: causes, methods of treatment, prevention
Spots on the legs itch: causes, methods of treatment, prevention

Many people have encountered a situation where, for unknown reasons, red spots appeared on their legs. This condition may be accompanied by various symptoms. Only an experienced doctor can determine the cause of such an ailment. However, the main factors, as well as treatment approaches, if spots on the legs itch, will be discussed in the article.

Features of pathology

If the legs itch and red spots appear (the photo is presented below), this may indicate the development of various pathologies in the body. The skin is a reflection of ongoing internal processes. If some system fails, the skin can become an indicator that reflects this.

Also, the epithelium layer is the first barrier to harmful microorganisms, toxins, allergens and other similar substances. If spots appear on it, this may indicate the appearance of an external irritant. The skin can react to adverse factors in different ways. A rash or spots of a fairly large size may appear on it. Educationitchy, peeling. Sometimes the epithelium is covered with bubbles. This condition causes anxiety as well as physical discomfort to the person.

To take the right and timely action, you need to know what caused the spots to appear. They can be localized on both legs or only on one limb. Sometimes these manifestations do not cause discomfort. In some cases, spots can be observed on the arms and legs. Such formations itch strongly or less intensively. In any case, one cannot do without a correct, in-depth diagnosis in this matter. Therefore, you should definitely contact a qualified dermatologist.

Red spots on legs
Red spots on legs

According to the ICD-10, itchy spots on the legs are indicated by the code L29. When they occur, a number of symptoms often appear. The main ones are as follows:

  • Show up in certain places. Most often, the spots are localized in the area of the feet, knees, legs. They can also cover the inner and outer thighs. Sometimes such formations cover the entire surface of the skin of the legs.
  • The shape of the rash can be different. Sometimes these are just small dots, the color of which can be more or less intense. Sometimes the spots are quite large. Their color in this case is saturated red.
  • Formations can itch and at the same time peel off or secrete liquid. Sometimes there is no discomfort at all.
  • Some patients develop fever. This is accompanied by chills, a general deterioration in well-being.

Depending on the symptoms, the doctormay suggest the development of a particular condition. However, diagnosis does not end with symptoms alone. Be sure to do a series of tests.


If the red spots on the legs itch (the photo is presented below), this can be caused by various diseases. Often such formations are a sign of skin pathologies. One of the most common causes is allergies. In this case, the pathology appears after the patient comes into contact with a certain substance. An allergen can be both food and clothes, cosmetics, plants, etc. You need to remember what events preceded the appearance of stains.

Red rashes
Red rashes

If the cause is an allergy, spots may appear on more than just the legs. They can be seen on the face, hands, body. In this case, the formation does not hurt, but the itching can be quite severe. The area of skin where the stain has developed may become slightly swollen. The skin is flaky here. Sometimes swelling covers the legs completely.

With a large area of allergic spots, the patient has a general deterioration in well-being. Breathing may be difficult, swelling of the tongue appears, it becomes difficult to swallow. In this case, you need to call an ambulance. Procrastination can be dangerous.

If spots appear on the leg and itch, you need to contact a dermatologist. An allergic rash can manifest itself not only in the form of a similar rash, but also in small blisters, sores.


If the spots on the legs itch, no less common cause of such manifestations are fungal infections. Almost alwaysrashes appear on the feet, fingers or nails. In rare cases, they are located on the skin area below the lower leg. In this case, the rash is not hot to the touch, has clear contours. The spots are flaky, may be covered with small cracks. In the advanced stage, peeling of the skin begins.

Mycosis of the foot
Mycosis of the foot

With fungal diseases (mycosis), itching is quite strong. You need to start treatment immediately. Otherwise, the disease will go into an advanced stage and will appear again and again. The general condition of the patient with mycosis does not change. However, the discomfort can be very severe. Itching is replaced by soreness as the infection spreads to the deeper layers of the skin.

Other pathologies

When spots on the leg itch (photo below), several more common diseases can be the cause.

These include:

  • rosacea;
  • psoriasis;
  • eczema;
  • atopic dermatitis.

The listed diseases are leading in frequency of occurrence (after allergic reactions and fungal infections).

In psoriasis, the rash is localized mainly on the bends of the arms and legs. Moreover, spots can appear on the scalp, as well as the whole body. Rarely they affect the face. The lesion may also involve the nail plates. Spots appear and disappear spontaneously. Their appearance does not provoke food, materials, etc. The general condition of the patient does not change.

Psoriasis spots
Psoriasis spots

If the spot on the leg does not itch, does not hurt, this is one of the symptoms of psoriasis. Whereinits surface is flaky. If, with diagnosed psoriasis, itching appears, an additional examination should be carried out. This indicates the development of other pathologies against the background of this disease.

One of the varieties of fungal infections is pink lichen. This type of disease is not contagious (unlike the usual fungal infection of the skin of the feet). Most often, the appearance of such a disease is due to a weakened immune system. The stain has an uneven shape, peels off. Itching is moderate.

Another disease, the symptom of which are rashes, spots on the skin, is eczema. It can be in acute or chronic form. Eczema patches may be red and scaly. Sometimes papules appear on the skin. Ulcers can occur where clothing rubs against the skin (eg, between the legs, under the arms).

Another cause of this condition could be atopic dermatitis. The spots in this case are swollen, flaky. Their outline is blurry. Under the influence of cold, the disease develops more actively. When heated, the skin becomes cleaner.


Red spots on the legs itch if more serious pathologies develop in the body. One of the reasons may be a complex pathology that develops in the vessels of the legs. Sometimes this situation speaks of complications that have developed against the background of varicose veins. Such changes in the epithelium can be located along the entire length of the limbs or only below, on the lower leg, below the knee, on the calves and in the area of \u200b\u200bthe foot bone.

The disease is manifested by certain symptoms. First, a network of vessels appears. They arehave a purple color. Also, over time, swollen veins on the legs may appear. Sometimes this condition leads to the appearance of age spots. They can grow over time, spreading up the leg.

Limbs can sometimes swell. Veins may turn blue over time. This indicates the further development of varicose veins. It is necessary to take the right actions even at the stage of the first signs of the disease. In severe cases, major surgery will be required. Spots with varicose veins indicate the development of complications. Blood accumulates in the vessels, stagnates in them. If the leg is swollen, redness has appeared that does not peel off, this indicates thrombophlebitis. Vessels are clogged with blood clots. Their inflammatory process begins.

Spots from varicose veins
Spots from varicose veins

You need to see a doctor immediately if blue or white spots appear on the leg, in addition to red ones. This indicates insufficient blood flow to the tissues. Over time, necrotic changes may develop. Red spots on the legs itch with varicose veins due to insufficient supply of blood, oxygen and essential substances to the tissues. If at the same time it began to darken, blacken the finger (or several fingers) on the leg, this indicates the onset of gangrene. Need to call an ambulance.

Sometimes a toe turns red at first, and then turns blue and black in the last stage of varicose veins. However, the same symptoms sometimes indicate complications in diabetes. In this case, trophic changes appear in the vessels. If no action is taken, defects develop on the fingers and toes.


Red spots on the arms and legs itch in a number of other diseases. They are less commonly diagnosed today. However, they cannot be excluded. Sometimes red spots appear spontaneously, and then, for unknown reasons, go away on their own. At the doctor's appointment, there are no traces of such skin rashes. In this case, the doctor may suspect violations in the work of the autonomic nervous system. The innervation of the vessel wall in this case is disturbed.

This is a non-dangerous condition. The cause of this phenomenon can be physical or emotional stress, heat in the street or indoors. Because of this, the vessels react irrationally to the stimulus. They are expanding. This causes the skin to turn red. The spots in this case do not peel off, but they can itch. When the skin is cooled, washed with cool water, and physical or emotional tension subsides, the spots disappear without a trace. If the red spots on the legs itch and hurt, this may indicate the development of a serious infection.

Infection spots
Infection spots

If streptococci are the cause of the rash, this pathology is called erysipelas. A spot appears on the leg, which has an intense red color. On the periphery of it, a red outline can even be observed. In this case, the patient's body temperature rises, weakness appears. The leg may even swell. Signs of an inflammatory process are determined in the blood.

In a strep infection, the surface of the skin is hot. The stain may spread over time, become less clear. The cause may be an injury on the leg, nail, foot. Through herstreptococcus enters the body and begins to multiply actively.

Syphilis is a dangerous disease that can manifest itself with multiple spots on the legs. Also, similar rashes are determined on the body (including the palms, feet). The color of the spots is pink or red. They appear several times at a time.

In children, the appearance of red spots is often due to the development of certain infections on the skin or in the body. Their list is quite large. Only after a correct diagnosis can the cause of such a manifestation be determined. There are a huge number of provoking factors.


If red spots appear and itch on the legs, you need to consult a dermatologist. Some diagnostics will be required. Before this, it is not necessary to act on the stain with the help of any means. This can distort the clinical picture. Diagnosis will be difficult. At the reception, the doctor conducts an examination. The dermatologist also asks the patient about the symptoms that accompany the pathology. This is followed by a series of laboratory tests. Their list is quite large. The doctor writes a referral to:

  • clinical, biochemical blood test;
  • blood glucose;
  • general urinalysis;
  • Scraping off stains.

Sometimes a biopsy is done to diagnose the cause of a disease. A piece of skin taken from a patient is examined using a special technique. Allergies are detected with the help of certain tests and samples. The type of allergen is also established. With cholinergic urticaria, a provocative test is done athelp of an acetylcholine analog drug.

Treatment for red spots
Treatment for red spots

If necessary, other instrumental diagnostics may be required. So, for example, a doctor may prescribe an angiography of the vessels of the legs, their ultrasound examination. Sometimes it is required to diagnose the work of the liver, thyroid gland. Sometimes, after the first series of tests, the dermatologist may prescribe several additional examinations.

Spots on the legs itch and flake due to acute or chronic diseases. Many of them have similar symptoms. In the acute period, diagnosis is easier. The manifestations of a certain disease are pronounced. Chronic diseases require in-depth diagnosis. With self-determination of the causes of the appearance of spots, you can aggravate the condition. However, some of the symptoms disappear. Improper treatment can lead to serious complications, significantly prolong the recovery period.

Allergy treatment

If a red spot on the leg itches and flakes, and the diagnosis showed that the cause is an allergy, the doctor prescribes a complex treatment depending on the severity of the pathology. Symptomatic treatment is also prescribed. It reduces itching and discomfort, making the patient feel better.

The allergen that provoked such a manifestation is necessarily detected. The ration needs to be revised. It excludes products that can cause allergies. To quickly cleanse the blood and intestines of toxins, a special drug "Enterosgel" is prescribed. Its active ingredientabsorbs metabolites of incomplete metabolic reactions, and also binds them. In addition, the drug removes pathogenic and opportunistic microorganisms from the body. At the same time, the activity of beneficial flora in the intestines is not disturbed.

"Enterosgel" allows you to conduct a thorough detoxification of the body, stabilize the activity of immune cells. In this case, the sorbent is not determined in the general blood flow. The dosage is prescribed by the doctor depending on the age of the patient.

Sometimes a doctor prescribes topical non-hormonal ointments to treat spots where the allergen has come into contact. This, for example, may be "Fenistil gel". The drug reduces irritation, itching and inflammation. Its action begins in a few minutes. The skin is cooled. In this case, the ointment has an analgesic effect. If red spots appear and itch on the legs, local ointments are applied to them. After that, you can not go out into the sun.

Other pathologies

If spots on the leg appear and itch, treatment is prescribed in accordance with the causative agent of this process. Against the fungus, special fungicidal ointments and drops are used. If mycosis spreads to the nails, they must be carefully cleaned. On sale is also a large selection of drops that are applied to the nail in the morning and evening. Shoes are also treated with the selected preparation.

If the cause of the spots is liver pathologies, diabetes, treatment of the underlying disease is prescribed. In parallel with this, the doctor prescribes antiallergic drugs. In many cases, vitamin complexes are prescribed (depending on the typeunderlying disease). This allows you to increase immunity, restore the protective functions of the body. Physical therapy may sometimes be prescribed.

Folk remedies

If the spots on the legs itch, the doctor may advise using alternative recipes in combination with the main treatment. They help reduce discomfort. However, such prescriptions are not used as the main treatment. If the spots are caused by allergies, you can arrange a fasting day, do enemas. They also take activated charcoal (tablet per 10 kg of body weight). They make lotions from infusions of medicinal plants (for example, succession, chamomile).

If the cause of the spots is mycosis, you can make baths from celandine (pour 8 tablespoons of dry grass with 3 liters of boiling water). Red lichen is treated with lotions from the juice of viburnum berries, as well as undiluted apple cider vinegar. Applications with sea buckthorn oil are also effective.

If the spots on the legs itch, peel, hurt, this becomes a serious reason for contacting a dermatologist. He will prescribe the right treatment that will quickly solve the problem. Self-medication can be very dangerous.
