Itching in the intimate area in women

Itching in the intimate area in women
Itching in the intimate area in women

It is unlikely that there will be at least one woman who would enjoy visiting a gynecologist, except for a long-awaited pregnancy. Therefore, we postpone the visit to the doctor until the last moment and decide to visit him only when extremely painful and unpleasant symptoms of a gynecological disease appear. One of these symptoms is itching in the intimate area. His appearance immediately evokes negative thoughts. However, one should not panic, sometimes such a phenomenon does not indicate the presence of a disease.

itching in the intimate area
itching in the intimate area

Itching in the intimate area: the reasons may lie in the wrong underwear

An important aspect for women's he alth is comfortable and high-quality underwear. Wearing underwear made from non-natural materials can cause skin irritation, which leads to itching in the intimate area. Poor-quality underwear not only does not allow air to pass through, which makes the skin breathe poorly, but, if it fits snugly against the body, it can disrupt the microflora, which will lead to the reproduction of pathogens.

Intimate hygiene

Every woman should carefully exercise her personalhygiene, but too scrupulous attitude to this can sometimes do harm. So, excessive use of shower gels and other similar products causes dryness of the mucosa, resulting in itching, burning in the intimate area.

itching burning in the intimate area
itching burning in the intimate area


Such an unpleasant phenomenon happens to most women. Constant stress, reduced immunity, poor ecology, unhe althy lifestyle contribute to the development of thrush. If the pathological process becomes chronic, it will be problematic to cure it.

Genital herpes

Having penetrated once into the body, the herpes virus remains in it forever. It is in a dormant state, but periodically, as a result of a weakened immune system, it manifests itself and causes annoying symptoms, including itching in the intimate area.

Pubic pediculosis

This is an extremely unpleasant parasitic disease caused by pubic lice. It manifests itself precisely with itching, in addition, a rash may occur. But you will not be able to accurately identify the disease on your own, so urgently go to the doctor. After all, if the diagnosis is confirmed, not only you, but also your sexual partner will have to be treated.

itching in the intimate area causes
itching in the intimate area causes

Bacterial vaginosis

When the ratio between the pathogenic and normal microflora of the vagina is disturbed, this infectious syndrome develops. Its provoking factors can be taking antibiotics, insufficient adherence to intimate hygiene, bowel disease, frequent wearingtight underwear. With bacterial vaginosis, not only does itching appear in the intimate area, but there is also an unpleasant smelling discharge.

Allergy to pads

Those pads that you use daily may not fit you, which causes itching. In general, you should not use such products regularly, it is better to change your underwear more often, and use pads only during menstruation. If you cannot do without them, then buy those that do not include various flavors.


If itching appeared in the intimate area, the most unpleasant thing that this may indicate is the presence of some kind of venereal disease. But usually other symptoms also appear: reddening of the genitals, pain when urinating, discharge.
