FGR (fetal growth retardation syndrome) grade 1 is a fairly common diagnosis in pregnant women. It is about him that will be discussed in this article. You will learn what is FGR 1 degree during pregnancy. You can also find out the main characteristics of this condition. It is definitely worth mentioning what SZRP of the 1st degree has consequences. The causes of the pathology will be presented to your attention below.
What is grade 1 FGR during pregnancy?
This diagnosis can be made to the expectant mother already in the second trimester of the expectation of the baby. In most cases, during the next examination and measurement of the height of the uterus, the doctor establishes the fact that the reproductive organ is lagging behind in size. The obstetrician in such cases may suggest fetal growth retardation syndrome (FGR) grade 1, type 2 or 3. However, only additional research can confirm this condition for sure.
SZRP 1st degree - the lag in the size of the future baby from the due date for no more than two weeks. If this period is longer, then we are talking about other stages of the pathology. So, with the second type of intrauterine growth retardation of the fetus, its size diverges from the average by three to four weeks. When your baby is more than one behindmonth, gynecologists talk about the third stage of intrauterine growth retardation.
Fetal growth retardation syndrome is sometimes called by other terms. However, their meaning and characteristics are the same. If grade 1 FGR is detected during pregnancy, treatment is indicated in most cases. Additional studies are carried out before correction. These include dopplerography, cardiotocography, ultrasound diagnostics in dynamics. Based on the data obtained, appropriate medications are prescribed.
Forms of pathology
SZRP 1 degree can have two different types. They can only be identified during an ultrasound. A routine examination cannot provide the doctor and patient with such detailed data. So, the syndrome of intrauterine developmental delay may be as follows:
- symmetrical shape (in this case, the fetus has a proportional lag in the size of the bones, the volume of the head and abdomen, height and weight), this type of intrauterine development occurs in approximately 20-40 percent of cases of this pathology;
- asymmetrical appearance (lag is uneven, most parts of the body have normal values, while some of them are insufficient), this type of pathology occurs in seventy percent of all cases.

In some cases, the definition of the type of fetal growth retardation syndrome of the 1st degree may be erroneous. It is worth recalling that this form of pathology has slight differences with the standard norms. That is why it is so important to choose a qualifiedspecialist to diagnose this condition.
Developmental delay or normal?
Sometimes it happens that the treatment of FGR 1 degree is not carried out. However, there is no reason for this situation. In most cases, there are no consequences. At the same time, doctors still make this diagnosis, although in this case it is rather a hereditary feature.

In some families, all babies are born very small. Such babies simply inherited this feature from mom and dad. If you have been diagnosed with the above diagnosis, but cardiotocography and doplerometry are normal, it makes sense to remember what weight you and your partner were born with.
Development of pathology
SZRP 1 degree asymmetrical shape or symmetrical appearance does not appear just like that. The only exceptions are hereditary features. In most cases, there is a reason for the problem. Why does intrauterine growth retardation develop?
The cause of this problem is a violation of the uteroplacental blood flow. At the same time, the baby begins to lack oxygen, vitamins and other nutrients. In most cases, the problem develops gradually. So, in the second trimester, the baby may lag behind in size by only a few days. By the third part of pregnancy, this period increases to one and a half weeks. A baby is born two weeks behind.

Let's consider in detail the main causes of this pathology.
Household andsocial
All bad habits can be attributed to this reason. If the expectant mother smokes, regularly consumes alcohol-containing drinks, then surely her baby receives considerable suffering. It is worth noting that passive smoking and taking certain medications have a similar effect. Strenuous physical activity or a passion for professional sports may also play a role.
It is worth considering separately the nutrition of a pregnant woman. Some representatives of the weaker sex are afraid to gain a lot of weight. That is why they adhere to certain diets and eat low-calorie foods. You can't do that. A woman in an interesting position should consume up to 2000 calories per day. The expectant mother needs to eat meat and hematopoietic products. Otherwise, the baby simply will not be able to develop correctly and evenly.
The age of a woman in the same way can affect the baby in the womb and cause a delay in his development. It is worth noting that this diagnosis is most often made to expectant mothers under the age of 18. After 36, there is also a risk of intrauterine fetal growth retardation. Stressful situations during pregnancy can have a negative impact on the development of the crumbs.
Obstetric reasons
FGR 1 degree (asymmetric or symmetrical form) is often detected in expectant mothers who suffer from gynecological diseases. It is worth noting that they can be congenital or acquired. The first include anomalies in the development of the reproductive organ (bifurcation, the presence of partitions, children'smother, etc.). Among the acquired ones, one can single out endometriosis, adenomyosis, the presence of tumors on the ovaries and in the cavity of the muscular organ, and so on.

It is worth saying that expectant mothers who have previously had abortions or spontaneous abortion are more likely to experience a delay in the development of the fetus in the womb. Early onset of sexual activity or underdevelopment of the uterus (early pregnancy) also leads to fetal growth retardation syndrome.
Somatic reasons
FGR 1-2 degrees during pregnancy is often detected with some concomitant problems. These include diseases of the kidneys and liver, heart and circulatory system. Even a stomach ulcer can cause intrauterine growth retardation.

This also includes diseases suffered by a woman while carrying a child. The first trimester is a particularly dangerous period. It was then that the main organs and systems of the baby were formed. A common cold can lead to a violation and the appearance of FGR in the future.
Intrauterine growth retardation syndrome can be caused by problems that appeared directly during pregnancy. In this case, the period of bearing the baby does not matter. Pathology sometimes develops at the very beginning. Also, the problem is likely to appear already at the end of pregnancy.

These reasons include a severe course of toxicosisor gestosis. Polyhydramnios or oligohydramnios, anemia, placenta previa, its heart attacks or cysts - all this can cause the appearance of fetal growth retardation syndrome. If in the first half of pregnancy there was a detachment of the fetal egg, a hematoma or bleeding, then the risk of developing pathology greatly increases.
Pathologies in the formation of the fetus
Sometimes intrauterine growth retardation syndrome occurs due to fetal pathologies. In this case, we can talk about various deviations, for example, thyroid diseases, various syndromes, chromosomal abnormalities, the acquisition of intrauterine infections, and so on.
This cause of FGR causes the most serious consequences, since here we are talking not only about lagging behind, but also about problems in the baby's body.
What are the consequences of FGR?
To answer this question, it is necessary to find out what caused the pathology. If this is a genetic feature, and the baby's parents also had small stature and weight at birth, then there are usually no consequences. Such kids very quickly catch up with their peers. Already in the first three months, children can add from three to six kilograms and grow by ten centimeters. However, if there are reasons for the development of intrauterine delay, then there may be consequences. Consider them.

Premature birth
When the diagnosis shows the baby's severe suffering, doctors prescribe treatment. In most cases, it is carried out within the walls of the hospital. If throughIf there is no improvement for several weeks, then doctors can convene a council at which a decision is made on early delivery. In most cases, this is a caesarean section. It is worth noting that the baby may need appropriate assistance and certain conditions.
Complications in childbirth
If the pathology is not pronounced, then after the correction, the woman can bring the baby to the due date. However, problems often arise during childbirth. These include fetal asphyxia, hypoxia, meconium staining of amniotic fluid, infection, and so on. In most of these situations, the child needs urgent medical attention to help avoid the development of irreversible consequences.
Growth and development in the future
Children with FDRD for the most part catch up with their peers in height and weight by the age of two. But this cannot be said about psycho-emotional development. Here the differences are erased only at the age of ten or fifteen years. These children are more emotional and hyperactive, often unable to concentrate on one subject for a long time, they do poorly in school and are less successful in their careers.

Children with this diagnosis often get sick. They are prone to developing diabetes, obesity, lung and heart disease. In order to avoid the development of such he alth disorders as much as possible, it is necessary to show the child to doctors in a timely manner and carry out the treatment recommended by them.
Summing up
You now know what the FGR of the 1st degree is. Have you learned about the waysdiagnosis and types of pathology. To prevent an unfavorable development of events, it is necessary to plan a pregnancy. Before conception, be sure to visit a doctor and exclude all factors that can cause this pathology.
If you had to deal with the diagnosis described above, then do not panic. The nervous tension of the expectant mother can only aggravate the condition of the growing baby. Trust the doctors and, if necessary, undergo the prescribed treatment. Have an easy pregnancy and good he alth!