The tongue and oral cavity is considered an indicator of human he alth. That is why, during the diagnosis of various diseases, doctors examine the condition of the pharynx. Burning tongue can be due to various reasons, which only a doctor can establish. The principles of treatment are described in the article.
Dental factors
The causes and treatment of burning tongue are different for everyone. To determine the provoking factors, you need to consult a doctor. What are the causes of burning tongue? Often this is due to dental conditions:
- Xerostomia. In addition to burning, dryness in the mouth is manifested. If the irrigation of the oral cavity is insufficient, the mucous membranes dry out, as well as the appearance of cracks. Increased sensations are likely after eating food, as well as when food or drinks with acids enter the injured area. Xerostomia appears with nasal congestion. There is a state of severe dryness during dehydration due to heat or other reasons. The disease also has a pathological factor, when the dysfunction of the salivary glands is associated with Sjogren's disease.
- Candidiasis. Not only a burning sensation may appear, a white tongue is also a common symptom. There are forms of the disease when the tongue becomes red. Candida fungus is in the body of many people, but with a decrease in immunity, the infection spreads throughout the body, which causes damage to the mucous membranes. The reasons include chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, oncology, dysbacteriosis, beriberi, diabetes mellitus.
- Dentures. In this case, too, the tongue burns due to an allergy to the composition of the prosthesis, for example, due to the presence of a large amount of monomer in acrylic resin. This is often attributed to improper implant size and poor oral hygiene.
- Allergy. Burning tongue appears when the oral mucosa comes into contact with the allergen. During an exacerbation, there is inflammation, redness of the tongue, or numbness.
- Tooth deposits. Often hard deposits appear inside the lower dentition, which are tartar. It includes microorganisms that release toxins and are pathogenic. With constant contact of the tongue with the source of infection, bacteria affect the speech organ, which leads to pain, redness, itching.
- Diseases of the tongue. There are many ailments that lead to tingling. Among them are desquamative glossitis and folded tongue, due to which this unpleasant symptom appears.
- Leukoplakia. With this disease, there is a violation of the normal process of desquamation of the epithelium, due to which white plaques appear on the mucous membranes.
- Stomatitis. With this disease, erosive changes in the mucous membrane of the oral cavity are observed withtongue formation and fever.
- Mechanical factors. Injury to the tongue causes pain. Burning appears on contact with boiling water, biting teeth, eating solid food.

Other reasons
There are other non-dental causes of burning in the mouth and tongue. This may be related to:
- Scarce phenomena. With a lack of certain components in the body, tingling sensations may appear. With a symptom, there is a taste of iron in the mouth or a desire to eat chalk. This usually manifests itself with iron deficiency anemia, lack of vitamins, zinc.
- Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Often, burning of the tongue occurs with gastritis, in which reflux is observed - the flow of hydrochloric acid from the stomach into the esophagus. Another symptom is manifested in cholecystitis, leading to a violation of the removal of bile and the migration of digestive juice into the esophagus.
- Osteochondrosis. Due to dystrophic and degenerative processes in the spine, numbness of the tongue and impaired speech appear. With osteochondrosis, burning occurs due to impaired blood flow and damage to the nerve patency.
- Hormonal changes. Usually, a burning tongue is observed in women during menopause, when hormonal changes occur. Teenagers also have a problem.
- Mental disorders. In the psychiatric field, there is such a phenomenon as paresthesia - a violation of sensations that appears on a nervous basis.
- ORZ. Viral and bacterial diseases leading to inflammationthroat mucosa, lead to discomfort in the oral cavity.

The causes and treatment of burning tongue are interrelated, so you must first identify the factors that lead to this phenomenon. Timely medical assistance will eliminate this unpleasant symptom.
When burning in the mouth and tongue, it is necessary to carry out diagnostic measures. To do this, you need to contact your dentist. If the problem is related to dental factors, then the doctor, by examining the mouth, determines the pathogenic factor and eliminates its impact on the human condition. If during the examination of the tongue and teeth nothing was revealed that could lead to a burning sensation, then you should consult a general practitioner.

During the diagnosis, the therapist prescribes a general blood test or offers to donate blood for sugar. Liquid tissue is taken to determine the infection, which causes a burning sensation in the mouth and tongue, and determines the composition of the blood. In some cases, a scraping or swab of the pharynx can establish the diagnosis.
How to treat?
Treatment of burning tongue is carried out by eliminating the causes that led to discomfort. The program is selected individually based on the problem:
- In symptomatic therapy, it is necessary to treat the sore spot with the help of Metrogyl Denta ointment, which accelerates the healing of damaged mucosa and has local anesthesia.
- If the burning sensation is due to an infection, antiviral andantibacterial agents.
- For allergies, antihistamines and enterosorbents are used. If the reason lies in a metabolic disorder, then you need to take vitamin complexes, drugs to restore the course of biological processes.
- When burning tongue and lips are due to dental problems or dentures, then dental treatment is needed. It is necessary to prevent the spread of caries, which will prevent infection of the tongue and mucous membranes of the oral cavity.
- It is necessary to properly perform hygiene measures to remove soft plaque on the teeth and tongue.
- You should not bring the condition to dry mouth and dehydration.
Traditional medicine
In the presence of symptoms such as red tongue and burning, folk remedies are also used. Many of them have an antiseptic and antimycotic effect:
- Dry chamomile flowers mixed with St. John's wort and immortelle (1 tsp each). A glass of boiling water is poured into the mixture, and let it brew for 15 minutes. Rinse your mouth with the solution 3 times a day.
- It is necessary to prepare strong green tea - 1 tbsp. l. raw materials in 1 glass of water. The drink should be infused for 1 hour in a closed container. To eliminate the burning sensation, you need to rinse your mouth every 5-6 hours.
- In warm water (1 cup), soda and sea s alt (1 tsp each) must be dissolved. Mix the liquid formula and rinse your mouth every 2 hours.

The use of folk remedies allowsquickly get rid of the burning tongue. Moreover, each of them is considered safe for he alth.
What not to do?
During a burning sensation in the mouth, in case of damage to the mucous membrane of the pharynx, you should not:
- Eat hot or cold food.
- Eat sour drinks and fruits.
- Include aggressive foods in the menu - sour, spicy, s alty.
- Chew gum.
- Brush your teeth with a toothpaste containing sodium lauryl sulfate.
- Cauterize with alcohol or brilliant green.

During treatment, it is undesirable to visit places with large crowds of people, rooms with chemical dust. It is necessary to follow a protective regime, to prevent ailments that weaken the immune system.
The main measure of prevention is the control of oral he alth. To do this, it is necessary to place doctors in a timely manner, treat caries, and eliminate other dental diseases. Preventive measures include:
- Restoring a he althy diet.
- Brushing teeth twice a day.
- Dental checkups.
- He althy lifestyle.

Do not smoke or drink alcohol when burning, as these toxic substances can adversely affect oral he alth as well as overall well-being.
To avoid burning in the mouth, it is important to properly care for it. For daily cleaning, hygienic pastes are needed. It will work with themeliminate soft plaque and make breath fresh. Prophylactic agents are also used to prevent dental and inflammatory diseases. These products usually contain minerals that support dental he alth - fluorine, calcium, phosphorus, as well as medicinal plants, dietary supplements, antimicrobial components.
Toothpastes with a therapeutic effect are prescribed by a dentist. In composition, they may be different, but the effect is aimed at treating diseases of the gums and teeth. Whitening pastes contain chemical components, abrasives, acids. Enamel is perfectly whitened with them, but such compositions can be used no more than 2-3 times a week.
In oral care include rinsing. Rinsing agents are used after brushing your teeth. They contain bioactive substances that reduce bleeding gums and tooth sensitivity, and also protect against the occurrence of many diseases of the oral cavity. Rinsing must be done for 30 seconds.

For cleanliness of the oral cavity, special brushes and scrapers are used to eliminate plaque. An alternative to brushing your teeth are regular apples. After eating, dentists advise eating 1 fruit, the pulp of which can clean the enamel, massage the gums and saturate the body with vitamins.
Thus, with the right treatment, care and preventive measures, the oral cavity will always be in order. And if there is a burning sensation of the tongue, then effective methods of treatment are needed. This will eliminate in a short timethis unpleasant symptom