Initially, it was believed that a disease such as whooping cough, the symptoms of which will be described below, occurs only in children, but today there are recorded cases when this disease affected middle-aged people, as well as adolescents. However, in maturity, this disease is much easier to bear.

Whooping cough itself is a rather complex infectious disease. As a rule, the main symptom of whooping cough is a rather strong choking cough. In this case, the disease can be transmitted from one person to another.
How the infection is transmitted, the main pathogens
Speaking about the symptoms and treatment of whooping cough, it is worth noting that this disease can be easily transmitted by airborne droplets. Thus, a perfectly he althy person can catch this infection without even knowing it.
The main causative agent of the disease is the whooping cough bacillus Borde-Jargu, which received its beautiful name in honor of the scientist who discovered it. It is also called bordetella. Whooping cough does not live long in an open environment. As a rule, it dies quite quickly in conditions of high or low temperatures, during drought, as well as fromultraviolet radiation. For example, being under direct sunlight, it is capable of life for no more than 60 minutes. In cold conditions, she dies in seconds.
Thus, after the patient's stay in the hospital, no additional processing is required.
As a rule, the disease can be transmitted only through direct contact with the infected. In this case, the person must be at a distance of at least 2 meters from the carrier of the disease. Usually, adults and children "pick up" this ailment if they inhale mucus particles that the patient spreads during coughing, sneezing, or during a normal conversation. After that, the symptoms of whooping cough begin to appear in an infected person rather quickly.
If we talk about the greatest danger, then the greatest threat is posed by those people who suffer from spasmodic cough. During this period, they infect the maximum number of people.
Development mechanism
As a rule, the infection enters the human body through the upper respiratory tract. After that, the whooping cough is localized in the mucous membrane of the throat, bronchi and trachea. However, at this stage, the infection bacteria encounter category A immunoglobulins, which prevent the attachment of harmful components. In addition, immune cells begin to actively remove harmful bacteria from the body. This explains why the symptoms of whooping cough in children 3 years old are much more common.
The thing is that until this moment, the child's body retains immune cells received from the mother. However, from the age of 3the formation of individual immunity begins, respectively, the baby is not yet ready for such attacks from the outside. If the disease develops at an earlier age, this indicates that the baby's body is too weakened. In this case, the disease proceeds in a more complex form.

When pertussis is nevertheless fixed on the epithelium, it begins to release toxic substances, leading to inflammatory reactions. As a rule, the lesion affects the small bronchi the most. However, the pathogen is not able to penetrate into the cells, respectively, there can be no serious pathological changes. Nevertheless, the development of the disease leads to swelling of the upper layers of the epithelium and, in some cases, to desquamation and death of some cells. If a secondary infection develops against the background of whooping cough, this can lead to erosion.
If we talk about the symptoms of whooping cough in the form of a cough, then it usually develops in a rather complex pattern. First, the epithelium itself is irritated, which is influenced by the toxins secreted by the pertussis bacillus. Against this background, the development of an allergic syndrome begins. This is due to the release of special substances called inflammatory mediators. At the next stage, bronchospasms occur and the cough begins to very much resemble bronchitis of the asthmatic type.
At the next stage, the vagus nerve is irritated. This leads to the fact that in the central nervous system there is irritation of the foci responsible for the work of the respiratory center. In this case, the patient begins to cough. At the same time, the reactioncan attack any stimulus. For example, similar symptoms of whooping cough in adults can be caused by any stimulus, such as a sudden bright light, too loud music, stress, and more.
Whooping cough can also cause vomiting. This means that in particularly acute forms of the disease, a person can cough so hard that it will lead to nausea.
At the next stage, the disease affects the level of blood pressure. In this case, the heart muscle begins to contract too often. It can also lead to seizures that look very similar to an epileptic seizure.
According to the well-known children's doctor Komarovsky, the symptoms of whooping cough in very young children can be very serious when it comes to the rapid development of the disease. In this case, the lesion affects the respiratory center. This can even cause breathing to stop.
Whooping cough symptoms in adults
In adulthood, this disease is not as pronounced as in childhood. As a rule, the disease develops over 5-6 weeks. During this time, the patient goes through several stages:
- Catarrhal period. This stage can take up to two weeks. This period is intermediate between direct infection and the development of the disease. If we talk about what symptoms of whooping cough appear at this stage, then it is worth highlighting a constant dry cough. At the same time, the temperature rarely rises. As a rule, it is at this time that it is most difficult to diagnose a pathology, so do notmedical errors excluded. As a rule, the specialist comes to the conclusion that a person suffers from acute respiratory viral infections, in rare cases - from bronchitis. These mistakes are very dangerous, since in fact the patient poses a threat to others, since during this period he can infect a huge number of people, including his relatives and friends. In addition, whooping cough is much easier to treat at the initial stage. If the doctor could not recognize the disease in a timely manner, then the bordenelles will lose their activity on about the twenty-first day. However, during this time they will remain contagious. However, with the extinction of their activities, the symptoms of whooping cough disease will increase. This means that the patient will suffer more severe coughing fits.
- Paroxysmal period. This stage can be quite long. In some situations, this stage develops up to three months. This stage got its name not by chance. This is due to the fact that very specific coughing attacks are observed during this period, which are difficult to attribute to any other disease, and even more so to attribute everything to seasonal flu. The patient himself can quite easily determine this symptomatology. In this case, the cough will be a series of 5-10 aftershocks, almost without interruption. At the same time, during an attack, the patient practically cannot breathe. Because of this, after coughing, he grabs air with a characteristic whistle, which in medical practice is called a reprise. This condition is explained by the fact that the glottis narrows greatly. Usually after a whileafter the restoration of breathing, the attack is repeated. During paroxysms, sputum is secreted. If we are talking about the symptoms of whooping cough up to a year, then, babies begin to swallow the discharge, which may cause vomiting. The patient's face may turn red when coughing. Also, during attacks, patients begin to stick their tongue out so much that it can lead to injury. If an adult suffers from whooping cough, then in this case he literally weakens, there is a sharp deterioration in the condition. The paroxysmal period can last quite a long time, in some situations the disease does not let go for 3 months. After that, attacks occur less and less, and the cough becomes less severe. The most difficult thing during this period is for infants under the age of one year, but in newborns this ailment is very rare. If this does happen, then there is a high risk of stopping breathing for several minutes, so such manifestations are very dangerous in newly born babies. If we talk about the symptoms in the vaccinated, whooping cough in the paroxysmal stage in this case proceeds much easier. In some cases, its manifestations are practically not noticeable, so this phenomenon is called the "erased form".
After going through the catarrhal and paroxysmal period of the development of the disease, a person begins to feel better.

However, according to pediatric practice, the symptoms of whooping cough (cough) recede already in the second month of the development of the disease. However, it all depends on the specific situation. During this period, coughing fitsstill continue, but the person no longer experiences such severe suffocation, and his condition is gradually restored.
Possible complications in adults
If we talk about the symptoms and treatment of whooping cough, then it should be borne in mind that this ailment does not disappear without a trace. After relief, the disease can manifest itself in the form of complications that have arisen. So, sometimes an autoimmune process develops or a secondary infection appears.
If a person suffers from very strong and long bouts of coughing with suffocation, then in this case the brain does not receive the necessary amount of oxygen. This is due to the fact that spasms occur in the bronchi, which, in turn, leads to an abnormal respiratory rhythm. In addition, the process of blood circulation in the cervical region and head is disturbed. If a person has bouts of hypoxia, this can lead to encephalopathy, which is characterized by severe brain damage. Convulsive syndrome may occur in the meninges. Such complications are fraught with very sad consequences, since in such a situation a hemorrhage in the human brain can even occur.
But that's not all. If a strong cough provokes severe bronchospasm, then in this case it will be much more difficult for the lungs to fill with air. In the most severe situations, pneumothorax is recorded. This disease is characterized by a large accumulation of gases in the pleural cavities. This is due to ruptures that occur in the lung tissues. Also, the patient may develop subcutaneous emphysema. In this case, air will migrate frompleural cavity and redirected to the area where the subcutaneous tissue of the neck is located.

In addition, at times of severe coughing attacks, there is a sharp increase in pressure inside the peritoneum. This can cause an inguinal or umbilical hernia.
If we talk about secondary infections, then most often patients suffer from pneumonia and purulent otitis media. These pathologies are also very dangerous for the human body. Therefore, it is important to see the symptoms of whooping cough in time. Treatment, prevention and other measures must be carried out as soon as possible.
Also, against the background of whooping cough, an autoimmune process can develop. This is due to the fact that severe inflammatory processes occur inside the body. In this case, allergies can also develop. In rare cases, whooping cough turns into bronchitis or bronchial asthma.
Complications in children
If you look at the photos of the symptoms of whooping cough in children, it may seem that this is a manifestation of the usual seasonal virus.

However, do not lose sight of the problem. If a baby under the age of 6 months suffers from whooping cough, then in this case he may develop apnea or atelectasis, which is characterized by collapse of the lungs. Also, doctors often diagnose the appearance of pneumonia, convulsive syndrome and encephalopathy. The latter ailment, as mentioned earlier, leads to impaired functioning of the brain. Which can also provoke blockage of the bronchi.
There is also a risk that the baby will developbronchopneumonia. Such troubles are recorded in 15% of cases when it comes to children under the age of 1 year. Also, this disease negatively affects the work of the central nervous system. All these complications are extremely dangerous for any person, regardless of his age, but babies tolerate such phenomena much worse.
Atypical forms of whooping cough
In this case, we are talking about an abortive and erased form of the development of the disease. Similar symptoms are usually observed in adults and in those who have been vaccinated against whooping cough. If we are talking about an erased form, then in this case there are no characteristic coughing fits. However, this does not mean that symptoms are completely absent. The patient may suffer from a dry cough that becomes impossible to overcome with standard medicines. Such manifestations can last for many days, in some cases the development continues for months.
In the abortive form, seizures can stop as quickly as they started. As a rule, in this case, the patient suffers from the disease for no more than a few days. This is due to the fact that the person was given a timely vaccination against whooping cough.
To quickly get rid of an unpleasant ailment, it is recommended to consult a doctor. If we talk about the symptoms and treatment of whooping cough in adults, then in this case there is no need to observe bed rest if the disease manifests itself in a very mild form. Moreover, in such situations, patients are advised to walk and be in the fresh air as much as possible. But fromnoisy gatherings are best to stay away. As a rule, in this case, you can encounter a large number of irritants. It is also worth giving preference to places where there are many reservoirs. Moist air can help relieve coughing spells.
It is also worth considering that coughing fits are much easier to endure in the cold. Therefore, experts recommend ventilating the room and using humidifiers. The optimum temperature in the room should be between +18-20 degrees.
Regardless of the stage of the disease, you should definitely visit a doctor. He usually prescribes a course of antibiotics. In order not to bring the disease to the appearance of a spasmodic cough, it is worth taking erythromycin or azithromycin in a timely manner. However, you can start taking any drugs only as prescribed by a specialist.
Features of whooping cough treatment in children
If we are talking about a severe manifestation of the disease in children, exacerbations, chronic development and the development of life-threatening symptoms, then in this case hospitalization is required, regardless of whether the child is at home or in kindergarten. After that, activities are carried out exclusively in hospital conditions aimed at stopping the development of an infectious disease.

As Dr. Komarovsky says, the symptoms of whooping cough in children are rarely severe enough to require medical treatment. As a rule, they walk with the kids as much as possible. In addition, a special diet should be developed by the doctor. Correct Modenutrition and foods rich in vitamins help to improve the condition of babies.
If the disease develops in a severe form, then in this case it is necessary to ensure that the sick child eats more often, but at the same time in small portions. If the baby has vomited, then he needs to be fed.
When a mild or moderate stage occurs, the doctor prescribes erythromycin. Azithromycin and augmentin also give a positive effect.
In particularly difficult cases, when it is impossible to give pills to the baby due to constant vomiting, antibiotics are administered intramuscularly.
If a child does not experience dramatic relief after taking medication, many parents choose to discontinue treatment. However, this is not recommended. Most drugs have a cumulative effect, so it is impossible to expect a result every second.

Also, babies are often prescribed expectorants. They are not able to get rid of cough, however, they greatly alleviate the patient's condition.
Traditional medicine
If after the onset of symptoms of whooping cough in adults, treatment does not give visible results, then you can consult a doctor about the use of natural medicines.
As a rule, plantain foliage helps to cope with the disease. Everyone knows that this plant has excellent expectorant and anti-inflammatory properties. To muffle coughing fits, it is recommended to prepare a special drink. To do this, you only need to fillthat the collected leaves are boiled, add a little honey to the mixture, let it cool and give the patient a drink.
Also, ordinary onions will help in this matter. To do this, it is necessary to separate the husk from 10 onions and rinse it. After that, the components are lowered into 1 liter of water and boiled until half of the liquid has evaporated. After that, the composition is filtered. It is necessary to drink a useful medicine three times a day after meals. In this case, you need to use half a glass of medicinal decoction.
Tri-color violet is suitable for liquefying sputum. To do this, pour a few tablespoons of grass with a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 30 minutes. After that, it is enough to strain the mixture and give the patient 100 g every day.
Of course, everyone wants to prevent the occurrence of this disease. If we talk about the symptoms and prevention of whooping cough, then in this case the only option to avoid the appearance of pathology is to get vaccinated. Fortunately, today such vaccination of children is completely free.
In order to protect yourself from illness, you need to make 3 injections with a break of 3 months. The first vaccination is given when the baby has just turned 3 months old, respectively, the final injection is given at 18 months.
If we talk about the risk of whooping cough during pregnancy, then in this case it is recommended not to visit large crowds of people. The apartment must be constantly ventilated. Do not forget about the importance of regular wet cleaning indoors. You also need to see a doctor and undergo scheduled examinations.