People get positive emotions in many ways. Delicious dishes, sweets, fascinating dialogue, watching movies, hobbies, reading, art bring us joy. And a lot of people like massage (manual therapy), and probably everyone would agree to a free session.

A little about the past
Massage as a manual effect on the human body appeared already when primitive people lived on earth. Ordinary stroking, squeezing, pressing, rubbing contributed to the neutralization of unpleasant sensations and had a relaxing effect.
In the eastern states, the most uncomplicated massage techniques were resorted to after physical exertion, tournaments, and martial arts. He occupied a worthy place in medicine. Since the 6th century in ancient China, manual massage has been recognized as a separate discipline. In gymnastics and medical schools, clergy taught people this skill.
As for Europe, it was only at the end of the 18th century that massage began to be considered a full-fledgedmedical care provided to fencers and gymnasts. Unfortunately, this happened very late. Doctors with scientific knowledge in the field of anatomy as well as physiology have included manual massage in their practice.

How massage is done
Everyone knows that massage is done with hands. Even children know this. But there is also hardware, aromatic (using medical ointments, gels and oils), water and cryomassage (using all kinds of temperature conditions). Connoisseurs understand that this list is not entirely complete. Erotic manual massage should also be noted, which uses kisses, ice, gentle touches and warm stones. Mirrors, candles and expensive alcohol help to tune in to a romantic mood.
Types of massage
The most common types of massage: medical, cosmetic, sports, and hygiene. All of them require certain skills from the specialist. Massage is done to prevent certain diseases and to combat the "orange peel". This has been very important lately. Children are given a special massage, which is significantly different from an adult. To choose the type of manual therapy, you need to decide on the goal you want to achieve.

Some indications for massage
- Cardiovascular diseases: ischemia, cardiosclerosis after a heart attack, low and high blood pressure, myocardial dystrophy, functional neurogenic disorders, CHD, vein pathologies andarteries.
- Respiratory ailments: chronic bronchitis and pneumonia, asthma (but not during an exacerbation), emphysema.
- Pathologies and injuries of the musculoskeletal system: dystrophic changes in the joints, osteochondrosis and other diseases of the spine, various types of arthritis, bruises, fractures, sprains of muscles and ligaments, contractures, flat feet, scoliosis.
- Injuries and ailments of the PNS: neuritis, shaking paralysis, solaritis, plexitis, diencephalic syndromes.
- Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract outside the period of exacerbation: colitis, ulcer (without the possibility of bleeding), prolapse of the stomach, gastritis, intestinal dyskinesia, diseases of the gallbladder and liver, the period after surgery associated with duodenal ulcer, and cholecystectomy.
Who is massage contraindicated for?
Of course, manual massage as a therapy that has a tremendous impact on a person, depending on its type, may be prohibited. It is necessary to understand this. And you should not sign up for a massage, despite the contraindications. Only a completely irresponsible and frivolous person can do this.

Since manual therapy will certainly have an effect on the skin, then with all sorts of pathologies it will simply be impossible. In addition, with disorders in the central nervous system, as well as with malignant tumors and diseases, massage can only harm a person, and not help in recovery. Therefore, some people are better off not resorting to it. As you can see, massage can be not only useful, but also dangerous, benefits and harms.which must be taken into account by the patient when signing up for a session. Also, the chiropractor should ask the patient about possible pathologies. The patient must answer honestly, remembering that otherwise he may be harmed. Would anyone like this? Everyone wants to maintain or improve their he alth and strives for this in every possible way. Therefore, everything should be taken extremely seriously, including massage.