Skin polyps: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Skin polyps: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews
Skin polyps: causes, symptoms, treatment methods, reviews

Polyps on the skin can appear for a variety of reasons. The list of possible provocateurs of the disease is very wide. But for successful deliverance, the main thing is to quickly establish a diagnosis and begin treatment of the pathology.


It is worth highlighting the main causes of polyps on the skin (photos of neoplasms are posted in the article), which are widespread:

  • Infections of various levels of complexity, including chronic ones. Bacterial infections spread very quickly and can cause serious skin problems.
  • Skin injuries that do not heal for a long time, they begin an inflammatory process. As a rule, these are deep skin lesions, chemical burns.
  • Failures at the genetic level and he alth problems of a hereditary nature.

Despite the fact that these reasons are the main ones, they can be considered as such because of their widespread occurrence. If you delve intoproblem, then in any case, the formation of a fibroepithelial polyp of the skin requires the presence of the HPV virus - it is he who spreads due to the above he alth problems. Human papillomaviruses come in various types, but they all spread quite quickly in the body and often appear externally.

polyps on the skin
polyps on the skin

Infection factors

Favorable soil for infection with one of the types of HPV are the following factors:

  • Weak immunity, susceptibility to even a small level of infection.
  • Frequent infections that form in the body addiction to antibiotics that are used to fight. Each time it becomes more and more difficult to treat such a problem.
  • Permanent stressful situations against which various diseases spread at lightning speed.
  • Visit public places such as saunas, swimming pools. In these institutions there are different people, which means that you can get infected with any disease.
  • Diseases of the internal organs weaken the protective functions of the body quite strongly, there is a high probability of getting sick with the papillomavirus.
  • The systematic use of strong alcohol weakens the function of the liver, which as a result makes it possible for the active spread of viruses.
  • Frequent change of sexual partners. In this case, the body's immunity suffers greatly due to the difference in the hormonal levels of the partners. In order to rebuild, the body experiences stress. In addition, many do not know themselves that they are carriers of certain viruses. So get infectedyou can even from the person who, it would seem, cannot infect.
polyps on the skin
polyps on the skin


All of these factors can lead to negative effects on the skin and cause the formation of polyps. It is especially dangerous when several factors occur simultaneously, in which case it is extremely difficult for the body to cope, you should try to prevent this from happening. This requires attention to your he alth. Try to get your body diagnosed at least once every six months.

In addition, knowing how HPV is spread today, it is worth taking preventive measures aimed at strengthening immunity. The more prepared you are for unexpected infections, the better your chances of staying he althy.

Do not forget that many types of HPV are oncogenic, that is, they can go into the stage of cancer. If symptoms of the virus are detected, it is urgent to contact a specialist for examination. It is important to find out the level of danger of the virus in time, then it will be easy to deal with it, you will not have to spend too much time on a cure.

how to remove polyps on skin
how to remove polyps on skin

Of course, there are cases when polyps on the skin are a signal that a serious disease is developing. Do not panic, the main thing is to immediately get medical advice.


During the diagnostic period, it is important not to damage the formations on the skin, this can provoke a rapid inflammatory process or cell degeneration. It is necessary to provide growths with complete rest,try not to hurt them. The best way to change clothes or active sports is to simply seal them. In this case, there is little chance that their shape will change in a short time. At the same time, it is important to remove the patch at night, so that the skin breathes, the affected areas of the body should not be clogged for a long period. Otherwise, negative processes will develop very quickly in a humid and warm environment.

Special attention should be paid to those growths that have formed in the neck and face. Firstly, there are many important points associated with various human organs, and secondly, the skin is more delicate than in other parts of the body. The slightest careless actions can not only worsen the condition, but also cause wounds that will turn into potholes, pits. They often stay for life.

skin polyps treatment
skin polyps treatment


The symptoms of polyps depend on how severe the form of the virus is. As a rule, in the first stages, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, and this is the problem - to have time to diagnose the disease in time.

At the second stage, when the disease begins to progress and the inflammatory process develops, the growths begin to change shape:

  • Redness and engorgement begin.
  • The growth is covered with an ulcerative crust.
  • The growth becomes painful when touched.

The manifestations listed are just a few of the obvious signs. Depending on the rate of spread of the disease, the state of human immunity and its individualmanifestations may take other forms.

Mindfulness comes first

Unfortunately, even obvious signs are not considered by many as a signal for examination, they ignore the processes that have begun, because they think that these are ordinary warts. Women especially rarely pay attention to formations in the groin area, and they are one of the most dangerous. In this case, there is the possibility of developing uterine erosion and other diseases that pose a risk to he alth and life.

fibroepithelial polyp of the skin
fibroepithelial polyp of the skin


Treatment of polyps on the skin today has several options, both conservative and folk methods are used. Experts recommend that you first undergo a consultation and only then make a decision about possible methods of therapy.


There are 4 ways to remove skin polyps. Operations to destroy them include:

  • surgical intervention (removal with a scalpel);
  • exposure to high temperatures (electrolysis);
  • blocking blood circulation (ligation of the polyp leg);
  • cryotherapy (freezing a polyp with liquid nitrogen).

An easy and instant method called coagulation has gained wide popularity:

  • using a laser;
  • chemical coagulation;
  • cryolysis;
  • radio wave microsurgery.

It is worth noting that operations related to the removal of a polyp can only be performed by a dermatologist. self-medicateneoplasms, even small ones, are risky.

Folk remedies or removal: reviews

Folk remedies can be used only if it is confirmed that polyps do not pose a danger to human life. In this case, you should not abuse the means that can provoke the development of the disease. Many herbal formulations and substances have negative effects if used in the wrong amounts.

Many believe that folk recipes can only be used as antiseptic measures, wiping (celandine juice), so that there is no further spread of infection. In all other cases, medical therapy is recommended.

According to reviews, there are many ways to remove polyps on the skin using folk remedies (frozen decoction of celandine and string, garlic applications). The main thing is to choose the most optimal and painless. But it's better to have a doctor do it.

polyps on skin causes
polyps on skin causes

After the examination, the doctor will prescribe drugs and procedures that will serve both to get rid of existing problems and become methods of prevention. Medicines are prescribed in accordance with the identified causes of the disease.

Reviews state that polyp removal by coagulation is the most optimal. Medicamentous and folk methods do not bring such an effect as the complete elimination of the problem.

It is not recommended to take any measures to eliminate polyps before visiting a dermatologist, even if some procedures seem completely safe.
