Hemangioma of the brain in adults: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery, prognosis

Hemangioma of the brain in adults: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery, prognosis
Hemangioma of the brain in adults: symptoms, treatment, need for surgery, prognosis

Hemangioma is a benign condition and neoplasm of the brain, which, however, requires constant monitoring and, if necessary, emergency measures.

cavernous hemangioma of the brain
cavernous hemangioma of the brain


Scientists currently cannot name the exact causes of the disease. However, experts identify some possible factors in the development of cerebral hemangioma in adult patients:

  • hereditary disorders, genetic predisposition to diseases of the vascular system;
  • arterial hypertension and increased intracranial pressure;
  • extensive, serious head injuries;
  • prolonged exposure to large doses of radiation exposure. The risk increases in patients who are exposed to ionizing radiation. As well as exposure, which is caused by the influence of the atomic bomb, man-made disasters with the formation of radioactive exposure. unprovenfactors such as radiation from mobile phones, electromagnetic fields of power lines remain;
  • exposure to chemicals or carcinogens. The risk of developing brain hemangioma is among employees working in enterprises whose specificity lies in the production or use of chemicals;
  • constant nervous strain, strong stressful situations;
  • wrong way of life. It provides for both low physical activity and the use of alcoholic beverages, drugs, nicotine.


Often in adults, brain hemangioma occurs imperceptibly for quite a long time. Often the patient learns about his problem by chance during the examination. However, there are common symptoms of cerebral hemangioma in adults that make one think about the existence of the disease. These include:

  • regular headaches of varying duration, disturbing for unknown reasons;
  • discoordination;
  • vision problems, loss of taste, hearing, reduced sense of smell;
  • constant dizziness, vomiting, nausea;
  • fainting;
  • epileptic seizures;
  • convulsions;
  • disorder of intellectual activity;
  • impaired memory, concentration;
  • muscle weakness.

Hemangioma of the brain is divided into 2 types:

  1. Sluggish (torpid). Indolent hemangioma is characterized by pain inhead, convulsions, nervous disorders and insomnia. Seizures occur against the background of a headache and can manifest both locally and in several places at once.
  2. Prone to bleeding (hemorrhagic). A symptom of the hemorrhagic type of hemangioma is high blood pressure.


This neoplasm is a benign tumor that is formed from blood vessels located in the brain. In a certain number of cases, pathology can develop without any symptoms, without turning into a malignant one. But still, complications should not be ruled out, since they may require urgent intervention. There are 2 types of hemangioma.


Hemorrhagic hemangioma is small. It consists of a vascular tangle. Characteristic features of this type are a tendency to bleed and high blood pressure.


Torpid hemangioma is a fairly large tangle of blood vessels in the brain that feeds on blood from nearby arteries. In this case, the brain tissues suffer from oxygen starvation, migraines and epileptic seizures may develop. There are sleep disorders, as well as other disorders in the nervous system.

Additional classification

There is an additional classification, given the type of vessels that form them:

  • Capillary (telangiectasia) is the most common neoplasm of the brain, which has cutaneous localization. Cerebral hemangioma in children and adultsrises above the skin, but does not affect the epidermis, so bleeding is extremely rare. In terms of structure, a capillary neoplasm is a network of densely intertwined capillaries. Their walls can grow together and turn into a lump of vascular tissue.
  • Venous hemangioma of the brain - neoplasm presses on the brain, provoking the appearance of neurological disorders. If it appeared in the region of the crown, there may be symptoms corresponding to the capabilities of this area. The patient is worried about headache, fever, impaired coordination, it is difficult for him to recognize symbols and signs, and there is also a disorder of touch. Due to its structure, venous hemangioma is considered the most dangerous - there is a risk of rupture of the veins and hemorrhage.
  • Arteriovenous (mixed) hemangioma is usually localized in the internal organs. But with a superficial location, it can take the form of tortuous and branched arteries, veins and bundles that are under atrophied, altered skin and its fiber. In most cases, the neoplasm is located in the neck or head.
  • Cavernous hemangioma of the brain - neoplasms of this type feed the arterial large vessels. Most often they are localized in the skin. This type of tumor is the rarest. The cavernous hemangioma of the brain spreads quite quickly. With internal localization, parenchymal structures with a rich vascular network are affected.

Often, the question arises, why are small cavernous hemangiomas of the brain in adults dangerous? They aredangerous with the possibility of extensive bleeding.

cerebral hemangioma in adults
cerebral hemangioma in adults


Hemangioma of the brain is detected only by computer technology, it is impossible to make such a diagnosis by other methods.

Contrast angiography was in great demand until recently, but since the method was dangerous for patients, it is now practically not used. How is angiography performed? A special contrast is injected into the patient's vascular system and then an x-ray of the brain is performed.

Superselective angiography - this method is more gentle for patients, it is less dangerous for the body. It is often prescribed to detect pathology in the vascular system. This diagnosis is carried out in this way: a special contrast is injected into a certain part of the brain, where a hemangioma can presumably be located.

Computed tomography or CT is a safer method, as it does not violate the integrity of tissues. This is a diagnostic method that is aimed at x-rays of the brain. Special X-rays are produced in the tube and affect parts of the brain from different angles. The sensors receive data that is scanned layer by layer, the data is instantly processed and output to a computer. Therefore, the doctor immediately sees a detailed picture, detailed data of the entire brain.

Magnetic resonance imaging is a 100% effective examination. When diagnosed, it reveals hemangiomas of various sizes, from very small to large. And up to 98% revealstype of hemangioma. Also, the basic computer diagnostics is supplemented by general analyzes and additional studies. This is a complete blood count, biochemical analysis, ultrasound examination of cerebral vessels.


Under the influence of external factors, a tumor formed by the tissues of blood vessels in the structure of the brain can occur. A hemangioma looks like a red-blue knot, the size of which can reach 2 cm. Blood vessels with voids and clotted blood are tangled in it.

Formation in the head is very rare and difficult to remove. Most often, the tumor forms in the female, in men it usually occurs less often, after 25 years. Hemangioma can be located in any part of the brain, but it is usually found in areas of the cerebral hemispheres. There are also on the surface of the skin, but they are not as dangerous as brain formation.

The danger lies primarily in hemorrhage, which can lead to a stroke. If you do not start treatment, its progression will lead to death.

Effective ways

There are several ways. Each of them contains certain means and the desired sequence.

Treatment of any disease and malformations doctors start based on three factors:

  • disease location;
  • malformation size;
  • presence of possible hemorrhages.

Therefore, before getting rid of a nodular tumor, they undergo a consultation, after which an individual treatment is prescribed.

cerebral hemangioma
cerebral hemangioma

Surgical removal

With a small nodular formation, which is not located near the main part of the brain and not so deep, the removal occurs with the help of open surgery. To avoid any difficulties during the operation, it is carried out after a recent hemorrhage.

Hemangioma is formed in different parts of the brain and skin. In the brain, it can be located both on its surface and deep in it. If the neoplasm is far from the surface of the skull, then any operations against it are very dangerous for the patient's life. In this case, they try to avoid surgical intervention, because it may affect the functioning of some brain structures.

brain hemangioma symptoms
brain hemangioma symptoms

Endovascular surgery

If the hemangioma is located in the deep tissues of the brain, resort to endovascular surgery. With this type of intervention, a catheter is inserted into the problem area through the cerebral artery using X-ray devices and a guide. Thus, an embolus is delivered to the brain, which can cause blockage of blood vessels.

After that, the patient is repeatedly subjected to an additional series of angiographic images. In this way, doctors can be sure how successful the operation was. This method of dealing with cerebral hemangioma is one of the most advanced among all other methods of treatment.

hemangioma treatmentbrain
hemangioma treatmentbrain


Another treatment for cerebral hemangioma is a radiosurgical procedure. In this case, all existing vascular clusters stick together due to the effect of radiation on them. This process gradually leads to the death of malformations. The most important advantage of this type of surgery is that the integrity of the brain tissues is not violated in its process and there is no use of surgical knives. The accuracy of this method is maximum, the operation has practically no side effects. The disadvantage of radiosurgery can be considered only a long period of treatment.

With such a disease, you need to have time to get diagnosed so that there are no bad consequences.

brain hemangioma in adults symptoms
brain hemangioma in adults symptoms

Forecast and prevention

For the timely detection of cerebral hemangioma, regular examinations should be carried out: angiography, magnetic resonance and computed tomography. With early diagnosis of the disease, doctors often remove the tumor without damaging the tissues, especially if the tumor is on the surface of the brain. If a tumor is found in deeper layers, more complex operations are required, which can lead to negative consequences.

The prognosis of cerebral hemangioma in adults is quite favorable. Since it does not belong to malignant tumors, in about a quarter of patients it does not affect a full-fledged lifestyle and does not manifest itself in any way. But there are also complications that can causeserious injury to the patient. To avoid cerebral hemorrhage, you need to avoid any mechanical damage to the head, psychological experiences, as well as a sharp change in blood pressure.

radio wave therapy device
radio wave therapy device

To prevent the appearance of a tumor, doctors recommend leading a he althy lifestyle: more often in the fresh air, playing sports and not abusing alcohol. If any symptoms of brain hemangioma are found in children and adults, you should immediately contact an oncologist for further treatment.
