Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

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Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews
Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Video: Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews

Video: Headache, fever, nausea: causes, possible diseases, treatment methods, reviews
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What causes severe headache, fever, nausea? In frequent cases, the feeling of nausea, dizziness and weakness occurs after a strong physical or mental stress. With the systematic appearance of symptoms, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may indicate that serious diseases are developing. Self-medication is not recommended. Only after a thorough diagnosis of the patient, the doctor will prescribe a suitable treatment regimen.

Headache, fever, nausea - these are symptoms that can indicate both illness and ordinary fatigue. There are many pathologies in which nausea, dizziness and fatigue can occur. Such symptoms often cause discomfort and interfere with a full-fledged habitual lifestyle, so it is important to start therapy in a timely manner. If after rest the general state of he alth does not improve, you need to call an ambulance. The medical staff will find outthe reason for this feeling.

Varieties of dizziness

severe dizziness
severe dizziness

During dizziness, a person feels the movement of surrounding objects. There may also be a false sensation of rotation of other people. In particular cases, dizziness indicates a disease that is associated with the body position control system. It can be peripheral or central. If such an unpleasant symptom arose due to the development of the disease, then dizziness is called central. When the vestibular nerve of the inner ear is affected, vertigo is peripheral.

Main reasons

Strict diet
Strict diet

An unpleasant symptom does not always indicate that a pathology is developing. There are several reasons why this condition may occur. Namely:

  1. Rotation on a carousel or around the axis of the body. Under such conditions, dizziness is a normal reaction of the body to this effect. When the stimulating effect stops, the general well-being of the patient will improve.
  2. A side effect of a drug. Many medicines cause dizziness as a side effect.
  3. Decreased glucose levels. With a deficiency of glucose in the human body, weakness and dizziness may occur.
  4. Severe stress provokes psychogenic dizziness, which occurs in a difficult situation.
  5. Violation of the functioning of the autonomic system. Under such conditions, there is nebula and pre-syncope, headache, fever, nausea - symptoms,which often develop during dizziness.

Excessive excitement and fear of losing consciousness provoke a slight increase in body temperature.

What causes headache, weakness and nausea?

Therapist's consultation
Therapist's consultation

There are many reasons why such unpleasant symptoms may occur.

  1. With hypertension and hypotension, people often lose consciousness. If one of the signs of dizziness appears, it is necessary to sit down quickly, as fainting may occur.
  2. As medical practice shows, such symptoms often indicate that pregnancy has occurred. During pregnancy, signs often cause discomfort to women.
  3. Girls who try to lose weight with a diet are at risk of headaches, fever, nausea. Dieting is a lot of stress for the body.
  4. Diseases of the nervous system. The feeling of nausea, dizziness and weakness occurs in the process of developing diseases of the nervous system. Under such conditions, patients lose their balance and objects begin to rotate around the patient. If abnormalities in the functioning of the nervous system are detected, then excessive work of the sebaceous glands is observed. Symptoms in diseases of the nervous system may occur spontaneously. The duration of discomfort is from a minute to several days. If hearing is impaired, blood pressure has decreased, the pulse has increased, there is no need to self-medicate. High fever, nausea, weakness, headache - a reason to see a doctor. Attimely visits to the hospital, treatment is much more effective and faster.

Inner ear disease

In the process of developing the pathology of the inner ear, dizziness, nausea and weakness may occur. Among the main pathologies of this organ are:

  • circulation problems in the inner ear;
  • infectious disease;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • eye pathology;
  • increased pressure of a substance in the inner ear.

With epilepsy, brain disease, trauma, dizziness often develops. Only after a thorough medical examination, the doctor can identify the cause that provoked the appearance of high fever, nausea, weakness, and headache. Self-medication is dangerous because it can only exacerbate problems.

Effective headache remedy

Tablets "Analgin"
Tablets "Analgin"

The systematic use of painkillers for migraine is not recommended, as it is necessary to cure the disease, not mask the symptoms. There are several effective medicines that will help relieve headaches, namely:

  1. "Paracetamol" is the best drug for migraine for symptomatic therapy. It can be taken by both adults and children. The medicine not only anesthetizes, but also relieves fever. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, is effective for viral infections and toothache. It is not recommended to take pills for those people who have diseaseskidney.
  2. "Analgin" is a universal drug that is not recommended for systematic treatment. The medicine must be taken once until the doctor arrives. Only a doctor should prescribe medications, since at home it is impossible to identify the ailment that provoked the onset of migraine. Due to the fact that "Analgin" is able to quickly absorbed into the blood, the tablets effectively eliminate the symptoms of the disease. For colds and headaches, the medicine makes the patient feel better.
  3. "Sedalgin". If nausea, diarrhea, fever, headache are due to nervous exhaustion, then it is recommended to drink such pills. The composition of the drug contains analgin and caffeine. The drug works gently. Anesthetizes and stimulates, improves the functioning of the nervous system, relieves headaches in the shortest possible time. It is forbidden to drink pills with increased intraocular pressure and during the period of bearing a baby. Pregnant women need to monitor their he alth especially carefully, since self-medication can provoke a miscarriage.
  4. "Nalgezin" is an anti-inflammatory drug that effectively eliminates headaches and does not affect the course of the underlying disease. Its task is to relieve unpleasant symptoms.

It is mandatory to visit a doctor before starting treatment.

Rotavirus Therapy

Medicine "Imodium"
Medicine "Imodium"

When infected with this virus, fever, nausea, vomiting, and headache often occur. Not toTo prevent the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The specialist will prescribe effective drugs for the disease. With the help of "Imodium" you can eliminate the symptoms of the disease. The disease "leaves" the patient after 10-11 days, after which the sick person develops immunity to this infection. It is almost impossible to re-infect with the virus, with the exception of people who have problems with the protective function of the body. To prevent the recurrence of pathology, it is important to eat right, lead a he althy lifestyle and visit the doctor regularly.

Hypertension treatment

Hypertonic disease
Hypertonic disease

In the process of developing hypertension, headache, chills, fever, and nausea often occur. Under such conditions, you should visit a therapist in order for the doctor to prescribe effective medications. Depending on the form of the disease, the individual and physiological characteristics of the patient's body, the specialist will prescribe treatment. With the help of alpha-blockers, diuretics and other drugs, complex therapy is carried out.

Popular drugs

Thanks to Captopril, Perindopril, Quinapril, Trandolapril, hypertension is treated. The duration of the course of treatment and dosage is determined strictly by the doctor, depending on the severity of the disease. In particular cases, the doctor recommends taking the drug for 1.5 weeks. You should be aware that self-medication can harm and provoke the development of complications.


In this condition, the patient's general well-being and he alth deteriorate significantly. In order not to provoke the development of complications, it is important to consult a doctor in a timely manner. The following symptoms should be cause for concern:

  • appearance of unjustified aggression;
  • no sense of humor;
  • very tired and feeling weak;
  • worries about chronic headache;
  • ringing in the ears;
  • body temperature rises.

Severe nausea, headache, temperature 37 - these symptoms often cause discomfort, so they need to be treated. What factors provoke this condition? Due to chronic lack of sleep, constant stress, monotonous and boring work, a similar pathological condition occurs.

How to treat an ailment?

Nervous system exhaustion is treated with vasodilators, vitamins, sedatives and sedatives. In the process of therapy, it is important to eat properly and balanced. Doctors recommend sticking to a diet, but it is not enough to fix the problem. It is important to take medicines and carry out treatment with a folk remedy. You should quit smoking and normalize your daily routine. It is important to exclude from the diet those foods that excite the nervous system. You need to eat often and in small portions. Thanks to dairy, fish, vegetable, cereal dishes, the patient's immunity and general well-being will improve. Vegetables and fruits will positively affect the he alth of the patient, if included indaily ration.

Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea
Chamomile tea

Chamomile tea will help normalize the functioning of the nervous system and improve well-being with headaches, nausea, fever (38 degrees and above). To prepare a healing agent, it is necessary to pour 1.5 tsp. dry plant 1.5 tbsp. boiling water and let it brew for 7 minutes. Strain and drink before bed. If you add a spoonful of honey to such a drink, then it will not only be tastier, but also he althier. It is not recommended to include honey in the diet for those people who are prone to allergies.

Effective folk remedies

To improve the functioning of the nervous system, doctors often prescribe folk remedies. It is forbidden to treat nausea, vomiting, headache, weakness, temperature without first consulting a he althcare professional. Among the most effective folk remedies that will help improve the patient's well-being, there are:

  1. In equal proportions combine decoction of motherwort and valerian root. Drink several times a day. The dose is determined by the doctor depending on the strength of the manifestation of unpleasant symptoms. Self-medication can hurt.
  2. Rosehip compote. To prepare a delicious medicine, you need to add berries (350 g) to boiling water (1 l) and boil for 2 minutes. Add honey to the finished compote and consume several times a day.

If during such treatment the general state of he alth worsens or symptoms of headache, nausea, fever appear, you should seek help from a specialist and inform him of allunpleasant signs that caused discomfort.

Patient testimonials

Women claim that severe headache, fever, nausea are common signs of a disorder in the gastrointestinal tract. Often, these symptoms appear after a successful conception. Only a doctor can determine the disease that provoked the development of discomfort. Women are more nervous than men, and they are more emotional, so nervous exhaustion can occur. Under such conditions, you should rest more and avoid conflicts. Many patients claim that nausea, weakness, fainting appear due to high or low blood pressure, so it is recommended to measure blood pressure. If such signs are present constantly, then it is better to consult a doctor. People claim that self-medication rarely helps to get rid of the disease.
