Why does my foot get cold in both cold and warm weather?

Why does my foot get cold in both cold and warm weather?
Why does my foot get cold in both cold and warm weather?

Why does the foot freeze in cold weather, and sometimes in the summer? The reason for this may be some pathologies. In some cases, the answer to the question of why the leg is cold can provide an explanation about the structure of the body. The individual characteristics of a person, which, as a rule, consist in a small amount of muscle mass, significantly reduce the heat saving of the limbs.

why is my foot cold
why is my foot cold

Statistics says that in cool weather, the legs and hands of many women get cold. Men are protected from this by a better thermoregulatory system.

Pathological causes of sensations of cold in the limbs

The answer to the question of why the leg gets cold even in summer lies in the malfunction of the circulatory system. So, in people suffering from vegetovascular dystonia, there are malfunctions in the functioning of blood vessels, which are reduced at rest. This provokes a spasm. The blood flow slows down. There is a phenomenon in which oxygen is supplied to the organs and tissues of the human body in insufficient volume. Almost no blood reaches the extremities. Because of this, theystart to freeze. In this case, the hands, feet and nose become cold.

why do feet get cold
why do feet get cold

Anemia can be the cause of discomfort. Why does the leg freeze with this pathology? People who are deficient in iron lose heat very quickly. This is confirmed by medical data. To eliminate discomfort, the amount of iron should be replenished. This will help apples, beef liver, buckwheat porridge, dried apricots, as well as medicines in which this element is present.

Suffer from the cold and those who have a lack of vitamins and fats in the body. Why do people get cold feet all the time? This is due to the resulting fragility of capillaries and circulatory failures.

The leg can feel cold even in the summer when the thyroid gland malfunctions. Why are the feet and hands of such people cold? With this dysfunction, the thyroid gland begins to produce a small amount of hormones. In this regard, the body does not have enough energy for heating.

why are my feet cold all the time
why are my feet cold all the time

What should I do to keep my foot warm?

To eliminate discomfort, contrast baths should be done daily for the limbs. During this procedure, the leg should alternate between cold and hot water.

In the absence of contraindications, you must regularly visit the sauna or bath. This will stimulate blood circulation. A special effect occurs when using a broom made of elm, birch or oak branches.

how to warm your feet
how to warm your feet

To keep your feet and hands warm, you need to go in for sports. Gymnastics is especially useful. The “bicycle” exercise superbly accelerates blood throughout the body.

It is also recommended to wear loose clothing and not tight shoes. These things will not have a negative effect on the vessels. To prevent a pathological condition, it is important to quit smoking. Nicotine causes vasospasm, and, consequently, a feeling of coldness in the extremities.

How to quickly warm your feet?

If the limbs are cold, it is recommended to take thin socks and moisten their soles with alcohol. You can use vodka. Prepared thin socks are put on the feet preheated in warm water, and woolen socks are put on top.

Help cold feet s alt baths. For their preparation, sea s alt is dissolved in hot water in the amount of two tablespoons. In such a bath, it is desirable to add rosemary oil (10-15 drops) and 2 tbsp. l. milk.
