Rubella is a disease specific to children. In this group of people, it passes quite easily and in most cases does not cause negative consequences. It affects the causative agent of infection and adults. However, in adults, it has a more serious form, accompanied by pronounced signs of malaise, sometimes leading to various complications. The methods of infection, the symptoms of this disease, its treatment and prevention are described in the article.
Features of the virus
Rubella in adults, as well as in children, is characterized by the appearance of raspberry-colored rashes on the surface of the body. The infection is transmitted within a few days after the carrier is infected.
The microorganism that causes this disease is a threat only to humans.
Due to the rough shell, the virus attaches to the cells. After that, it can exert its negative effects on the body.

The life of the pathogen stops as a result of the influence of ultraviolet rays. An infected person transmits the disease to others. Sometimes the patient does not even know that viruses are multiplying in his body. Spreadingmicroorganisms occurs when coughing, talking, sneezing, from the expectant mother to the child (through the circulatory system).
The incubation period for rubella in adults is approximately ten days.
After the onset of characteristic rashes, a person poses a danger to others for several weeks. There were no cases of re-infection.
In the spring and summer, when the air is hot and humid, many patients come to the doctors with this disease.
Features of the rash
A characteristic feature of this phenomenon is the appearance of bright crimson spots on the entire surface of the human body. What does rubella look like in adults? Unlike the childhood form of the disease, it proceeds with the formation of areas that almost do not rise above the top layer of the skin. First, the rash covers the face and neck, then the limbs, thighs and pelvis. Spots with this disease are almost not a concern. However, if there is a pronounced feeling of itching, examinations should be done to rule out the presence of other he alth problems.
Affected areas of the skin can connect with each other. This symptom usually lasts for seven days. The spots are formed as a result of red blood cells sticking together under the influence of a virus.
Disease types
For rubella, symptoms in adults begin 10 to 25 days after the infection enters the body. Until this time, the patient does not notice a deterioration in well-being. The disease comes in various forms. Among its varietiesyou can list the following:
- Typical (bright symptoms, rather slow recovery).
- Atypical (the disease is mild, responds well to treatment, the person recovers soon).
In addition, in some cases, the infection can cause complications, in others it can pass almost without a trace. That is, it does not cause particular harm to the patient's body.
For rubella, symptoms in adults range from minor, moderate to severe.
Characteristic manifestations of the disease
Most often, even before the appearance of spots on the skin, a person has a high temperature. It can reach 40 degrees Celsius. Patients who are susceptible to a feverish state may find it difficult to relieve fever.

After two days, there is a noticeable increase in the lymph glands under the armpits, on the neck or in several places at once. Signs of rubella in adults include pain in the head. They resemble hemicrania and are not affected by drugs. Patients also lose cravings for food and experience nausea. This is due to the poisoning of the body due to the presence of viruses. If you drink enough liquid, you can relieve this symptom.
Rubella is often characterized by symptoms typical of respiratory tract infections. A person has nasal congestion, discomfort in the throat, muscles, bones. In addition, the eyes are irritated by bright rays of light, redden and strongly suppurate (especially in the morning). When on the skinspots appear, the feeling of nausea may increase, sometimes inflammation of the joints begins.
Since the above phenomena are observed with influenza, SARS, colds, and other ailments, it is possible to determine rubella at the beginning of its development only with the help of a doctor. Therefore, it is not recommended to postpone seeking medical help.
Danger of infection for expectant mother
When adults develop symptoms of rubella, pregnant women experience great anxiety.

And it is quite justified. The pathogen has a negative effect on the organs and systems of the fetus, which have just begun to develop. Many children who have experienced the influence of microorganisms suffer from serious defects in body and mind. Some babies are born dead.
If the expectant mother was in the same room with the patient and communicated with him, she needs to take a laboratory blood test. In cases where the woman's immune system is resistant to the infectious agent, nothing threatens the fetus. However, if there is a serious danger, the doctor usually advises an abortion. Most often, such a measure is recommended in the early stages. After all, it is during this period that the child is most vulnerable. If the fetus has been in the mother's body for a long time, there is a chance to save a future life. A woman is given an injection of a drug that improves the functioning of the body's defenses.
How to identify the disease?
To detect rubella in adults in a medical institution, the following activities are carried out:
- Conversation with the patient, assessment of his generalappearance and well-being. The main thing is to determine whether rashes on the face and body are typical for such an ailment.
- Examination of a person by a neurologist. It is necessary to identify disorders of muscle tone and the degree of sensitivity of the skin.
- Several types of laboratory blood tests. These activities are carried out twice.
- Research using a computer (appointed for a detailed examination of the brain regions in case of complications affecting the central nervous system).
Rubella disease in adults, the characteristic signs of this disease are similar to those of measles, intestinal infections, mumps, and hypersensitivity to certain foods or substances.
Helping patients
Treatment involves the use of medicines to relieve discomfort. The doctor makes a selection of funds based on the form and nature of the course of the disease and the characteristics inherent in the patient (age category, he alth status). Medicines that reduce the temperature are recommended, and those that inhibit the development of viruses, strengthen the body's defense systems. Drops will help reduce inflammation of the eyes. The feeling of pain in the muscles is also relieved with the help of special remedies.
How to treat rubella in adults with a runny nose and discomfort in the throat? The secretion of mucus from the nasal passages will stop the drops. To combat coughs, it is recommended to use syrups.

If the patient's lymphatic glands are too enlarged, he is prescribed procedures using electromagnetic waves.
Manydrugs can cause intolerance and worsen the course of chronic ailments. Therefore, the doctor must be especially careful when choosing them.
Use of medicinal herbs
Symptoms of rubella in adults can be relieved with herbal decoctions. For treatment, it is recommended to use infusions of linden flowers, rose hips, lingonberries, black currants. The fight against a wet-type cough is facilitated by the rhizomes of marshmallow, licorice. The preparation of such mixtures requires strict adherence to proportions.
Sick people are also advised to include small doses of honey in their diet. However, this substance is acceptable only if there is no intolerance to it.
Remedies made from medicinal plants should only be auxiliary to medicines.
How to avoid deterioration?
Sick people need to drink enough warm fluids. It is important to take vitamin supplements, get plenty of rest, and provide yourself with the opportunity for he althy sleep. Knowing how long rubella lasts in adults, it is recommended to place a person in an isolation room, as he is able to transmit viruses to others. With a mild form of infection, its treatment is carried out at home. However, in the event of complications and deterioration of the patient's condition, the patient should be in a hospital ward. Doctors should constantly monitor his well-being.
Features of the diet
A person suffering from the symptoms of an infection needs to ensure that enough nutrients enter his body. Food is divided into 6-7 small meals. Food should always befresh and easy to digest.

Doctors advise to exclude spices, fried foods, pork, smoked foods, cakes, buns, marinades. The diet includes lean varieties of fish and soups from it, lean meats, aspic dishes, kefir, and cereals. A diet of this kind helps to cope with the symptoms of poisoning that have arisen due to illness.
This event is a way to prevent infection. If a person has never experienced infection with this pathogen in his life, he needs to be vaccinated.

Knowing the answer to the question of whether adults get rubella, it is important to note that such a procedure will help protect yourself. This applies primarily to pregnant women, since the consequences of the activity of microorganisms are detrimental to the fetus. In the case when the expectant mother was next to an infected person, she should be examined. If there is a threat, doctors take action.
The vaccine against this disease is forbidden for women who are pregnant and breastfeeding, people aged 39 and older, patients with tumors (during treatment with serious medications), and those who suffer from a significant decrease in immunity.
Rubella shot when given to adults? It is placed at the age of 1 year, 6 years. The drug is re-administered to adolescents and adults 15-17, 25-27. Those who plan to become a mother need to get the vaccine three months before conception. It is desirable to undergo this procedure not only for women, but alsogirls.
Possible consequences
Timely and correct use of medicines, consultation with a doctor, good nutrition and rest can reduce the risk of complications. However, there are patients who neglect treatment. Other ailments that occur during rubella include the following:
- Inflammation of the membranes of the brain as a result of the activity of microbes. The disease causes respiratory disorders, disorders of the nervous system. Sometimes there are severe cases. In this case, the disease can end in a coma or end the life of the patient.
- Inflammation of the respiratory system. Appears due to other infections associated with rubella.
- Otitis. This condition can cause hearing loss.
- Inflammatory changes in the joints.
- Bodily and mental disorders in infants associated with an infection in a future mother (lack of hearing, vision, retardation).

In the case of this disease, a person has a feeling of limited mobility of certain parts of the body. There may be a feeling of severe discomfort, swelling. Arthritis is found in people of different age groups. That is, both children, and young men, and adults suffer from it.
Fortunately, being aware of the increased incidence of rubella in a certain area, avoiding close contact with its carriers, and regular visits to the doctor for vaccination can avoid such serious consequences.