Athelectasis of the lung is a disease associated with the loss of airiness of the lung tissue. Such a state is formed due to the influence of internal factors.
Today we will tell you what it is. The causes of lung atelectasis will also be considered in this article.
Pathology can capture the entire respiratory organ or be limited to only part of it. In this case, a violation of alveolar ventilation occurs, the respiratory surface narrows, signs of oxygen starvation are formed. In the collapsed region of the lung, conditions are created for the formation of inflammatory processes, bronchiectasis and fibrosis.

Emerging complications may require surgical intervention, which will require the removal of atelectasis. The collapse of the lung can also be caused by external causes. For example, this may be due to mechanical squeezing. In such a situation, the disease is called lung collapse. Next, we will look at the reasons for thispathology, find out how its diagnosis is carried out, and also find out what treatment should be.
Description of pathology
Athelectasis of the lung is a pathological condition in which the whole lung or only a certain part of it collapses. "Collapses" - it means that there is a convergence with simultaneous compression of the walls of the lung, as a result of such a process, air leaves the area, turning off gas exchange. The basis of this disease is primarily a violation of bronchial patency due to blockage of the lumen of the bronchus or compression of the lung. For example, a blockage could be a sputum plug or some kind of foreign body.
The magnitude of lung atelectasis directly depends on the size of the affected bronchus. In case of blockage of the main bronchus, the entire lung can collapse in a person. And with violations of bronchial patency of smaller calibers, atelectasis of one lung segment develops.
Classification of pathology
There are several types of lung atelectasis. By origin, it is divided into primary and secondary types. The first is diagnosed at birth, when the child's lung cannot fully expand during the first breath. The secondary form appears as a result of a complication after an inflammatory disease. According to the mechanism of appearance, the following types of atelectasis are distinguished:
- Obturation type. This type of atelectasis is formed in the case of a decrease in the lumen of the bronchus due to an obstacle in the form of a foreign body, tumor or mucus clot. The main symptoms will beshortness of breath along with dry cough and difficulty breathing. Distinguish between complete and partial collapse. Patients require urgent action aimed at restoring air permeability in the bronchi. With every minute, the likelihood that the body will be able to deal with it to the fullest is significantly reduced. After three days, restoration of ventilation is impossible. The occurrence of pneumonia is a frequent occurrence in this type of atelectasis.
- Development of the compression type. This type of atelectasis of the left lung or right lung has a favorable prognosis. Even despite a long period of compression of the lung tissue, it is possible to fully restore ventilation. This type of disease is formed as a result of the appearance of inflammatory fluid in the pleural cavity, which leads to compression of the lung. Symptoms increase gradually. Usually, signs of the disease manifest themselves in the form of mixed shortness of breath, while both exhalation and inhalation are difficult.
- Functional type. This type of disease is formed, as a rule, in the lower lobes. This type is associated with a violation of the mechanisms of respiration. Patients who are on prolonged bed rest are most susceptible to it. Pathology can occur against the background of the desire to limit respiratory movements due to pain associated with fractured ribs, and in addition, pleurisy. Atelectasis of the lung, which is caused by a stroke, is called contractile.
- Development of the contraction type. This type of pathology is formed as a result of the growth of connective tissues. Growth leads to compression of the pleura and adjacent areas.

Separately, it is worth mentioning atelectasis of the middle lobe of the lung. In humans, the middle lobe bronchus, being the longest, is most prone to blockage. The disease may be characterized by a cough with the presence of sputum, it is also accompanied by fever and wheezing. The disease is especially acute in the presence of damage to the upper lobe of the lung on the right.
When collapsed tissue is replaced by connective tissue, this is called fibroatelectasis. In a number of medical reference books, the contractile type of this disease is distinguished, in which the size of the alveoli decreases, and surface tension forms directly against the background of bronchospasms or as a result of injury. Depending on the blockage of the bronchi, which is found on the X-ray, the following types of atelectasis are distinguished:
- Disc-shaped, which compresses several beats at once.
- Subsegmental form of atelectasis. This type can lead to complete obturation in the lungs.
- Linear shape.
Before we figure out how to treat lung atelectasis, let's find out what its causes are.
Causes of pathology
Congenital atelectasis is associated with the penetration of amniotic fluid, meconium and mucus into the respiratory organs. The development of the disease is facilitated by intracranial trauma, which was received by the baby during childbirth. Among the most common causes of acquired atelectasis are the following factors:
- The process of prolonged squeezing of the respiratory organ from the outside.
- Development of allergic reactions.
- Occurrence of obstruction of the lumen of one bronchus or several at once.
- The presence of neoplasms of various nature, which leads to compression of the lung tissue.
- Presence of obstruction of the bronchus by a foreign object.
- Accumulation of mucus in significant amounts can lead to atelectasis.
- Among the causes of fibroatelectasis is pleuropneumonia along with tuberculosis.

In addition to this, atelectasis of the lung lobe is often provoked by various factors, including:
- Respiratory diseases in the form of pneumothorax, exudative pleurisy, hemothorax, chylothorax, pyothorax.
- Long-term bed rest.
- Rib fractures.
- Uncontrolled drug use.
- The appearance of excess weight.
- Bad habits, especially smoking.
In addition, it should be noted that the risk of atelectasis of the right lung or left lung in patients over the age of sixty is significantly increased. In addition, babies who are not yet three years old are susceptible to this ailment.
Causes of discoid atelectasis in the lungs can be different.
This is an abnormal condition where the lung tissue loses elasticity and collapses, and the respiratory surface becomes much smaller. As a result, there is a violation of the exchange of gases, oxygen deficiency develops in the tissues for normal functioning. Do not confuse atelectasis with zonesreduced ventilation of the lung of a person in a calm state, when the body does not require increased oxygen supply.
Disease symptoms
The severity of symptoms directly depends on which area of the lungs the pathological process has spread to. In the case of damage to one segment, as a rule, pulmonary pathology is almost asymptomatic. To detect it at this stage will only help x-rays. The manifestation of this disease is most noticeable in the development of atelectasis of the upper lobe of the lung on the right. In the case of damage to the middle lobe during the examination, doctors detect the rise of the diaphragm. The main symptoms of the disease are the following signs:
- The appearance of shortness of breath, which is observed during physical activity, and in addition, at rest.
- The presence of painful sensations on the side where the pathological process takes place.
- The occurrence of increased heart rate.
- Decreased blood tone.
- Occurrence of dry cough.
- The appearance of blueness.
It should be noted that the listed symptoms are the same for all patients, regardless of age.
What is the diagnosis of lung atelectasis? Consider this further.

Diagnosis of pathology
Primary diagnosis involves, first of all, taking an anamnesis along with a physical examination, assessment of the condition of the skin, measuring the patient's pulse and pressure. The main technique for diagnosing atelectasis syndrome isserves as an x-ray. X-rays show signs of lung tissue collapse, which include:
- Presence of uniform blackout in the affected area. Its size and shape may vary and depend on the type of pathology. The presence of an extensive eclipse, detected on x-ray, indicates lobar atelectasis of the lung.
- Presence of organ displacement. Due to the pressure exerted by the affected side, the organs located between the lungs are shifted towards the he althy area.
Diagnosis of lung atelectasis is quite simple. X-ray makes it possible to detect exactly where organs are displaced during breathing, as well as during coughing. This factor also determines the type of disease. Sometimes x-rays are supplemented with computed tomography or bronchoscopy. The level of lung damage, along with the degree of bronchial deformation and the condition of the vessels, is determined by bronchography, and in addition, by angiopulmonography.
Treatment of lung atelectasis should be comprehensive and timely.
Treatment Methods
In case of detection of atelectasis in newborns, the respiratory canals are cleaned, as part of this, the contents are aspirated using a catheter. Sometimes patients require mechanical ventilation. The treatment regimen for secondary atelectasis is made up for each patient on an individual basis, taking into account etiological factors. Conservative techniques include the following techniques:
- Carrying out therapeutic bronchoscopy to eliminate bronchial obstruction when the cause of the diseasethe presence of a lump of mucus or a foreign object appears.
- Performing a flush with antibacterial agents.
- Bronchoalveolar lavage. This procedure involves the rehabilitation of the bronchi using the endoscopic method. It is carried out in case of accumulation of a large amount of pus or blood.
- Performing tracheal suction.
- Performing postural drainage. In situations in which atelectasis is localized in the upper regions, during the procedure, the patient should take an elevated position, and if in the lower, then he is laid on his side.
Regardless of the nature of the disease, the patient is prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs along with breathing exercises, percussion massage, a light complex of therapeutic exercises and physiotherapy.

It is important to emphasize that you can not self-medicate and try to eliminate the disease through traditional medicine. Late visits for medical help significantly complicate and prolong the procedure for the treatment of lung atelectasis. In the event that conservative methods do not give positive results, they resort to surgical intervention, in which the affected part of the lung is removed.
Complications and consequences of pathology
Against the background of this lung disease (atelectasis), the following complications and consequences are likely:
- The development of acute respiratory failure, in which there is a violation of the breathing process with a sharp lack of oxygen inbody.
- Infection with pneumonia or lung abscess. With an abscess, a cavity filled with purulent masses forms in the focus of inflammation.
- When there is a large amount of atelectasis, compression of the whole lung occurs. In addition, against the background of the progressive development of pathology, a fatal outcome is likely.

It will be possible to prevent the development of any type of atelectasis if you follow the rules necessary for this:
- Try to stick to a he althy lifestyle only.
- As part of the recovery period after suffering bronchopulmonary pathologies, it is required to follow all the advice and recommendations of the doctor.
- Constantly control your body weight.
- Do not take any medication without a doctor's prescription.
- Regularly examined for preventive purposes.
The success of therapy directly depends on the causes that caused atelectasis, and in addition, on timely measures taken. The presence of a mild form of the disease is cured quickly enough.
Also, as part of the prevention of atelectasis, it is very important to prevent aspiration of gastric contents and foreign bodies. In addition, timely elimination of the causes of external compression of the lung tissue is required along with maintaining the patency of the respiratory canals. In the postoperative period, patients are shown adequate pain relief, exercise therapy, active coughing of bronchial secretions. Perform rehabilitation if necessarytracheobronchial tree. Consider also the timing of recovery and treatment of lung atelectasis.
Forecast and timing
The success of lung expansion primarily depends, as noted earlier, on the causes of atelectasis, and in addition, on the timing of the start of treatment. In the case of complete elimination of the cause in the first three days, the prognosis for the complete morphological recovery of the lung region is favorable. In the case of later periods of straightening, the development of a secondary change in the collapsed area cannot be completely excluded. Massive, and at the same time rapidly developing atelectasis can lead to death of patients.

Thus, lung atelectasis is a pathological condition in which a person experiences a partial or absolute collapse of lung tissues, leading to a significant decrease in air volume within the organ. Because of this, the full ventilation of the alveoli is disturbed. In cases in which the collapse of the lung tissue occurs due to external interventions, the term "collapse" is used. Against the background of this condition, a very favorable environment is formed for the development of pathogenic microflora, the risk of infectious inflammation, fibrosis and bronchiectasis increases. With the development of this pathology, it is necessary to seek medical help as soon as possible in order to achieve successful treatment and avoid serious consequences and complications.