So many people suffer from the problem of nasal congestion in the morning. Most prefer not to pay attention to this, because after some time after waking up, the unpleasant symptoms disappear. However, it is important to understand that if you stuff your nose in the morning for quite a long time, for example, several weeks or even months, then in this case it is imperative to deal with the cause of such an unpleasant syndrome.

The best thing, of course, is to see a doctor. As a rule, a specialist quickly determines why the nose is stuffy in the morning and prescribes treatment. However, it will be helpful to learn about the common causes of this symptom.
What usually causes nasal congestion
As a rule, experts consider three main reasons that cause such symptoms. For example, if the nose and throat are blocked in the morning, then this may be caused by a sharp or severe swelling of the mucous membrane. Such phenomena are quite common.
Also, a runny nose or a strong and constant discharge of purulent or mucous membranes often leads to congestion.masses from the nasopharynx. In addition, doctors consider the possibility of a genetic abnormality. If a person complains for a long time that his nose is blocked in the morning, then he may have an incorrect structure of the nasal septum. There is a possibility that the patient suffered a fracture in this area. It also distorts the septum, interfering with the normal breathing process in the horizontal position.
There are also a number of other reasons that can trigger these symptoms.
Dry mucous membranes and hypothermia
If we talk about why an adult or a child has a stuffy nose in the morning, then most often the cause is a common cold. For example, if a window was left open in the room at night, and it was cold outside, then it is not surprising that, upon awakening from a dream, a person will feel a similar malaise.

Negatively affects the condition of the body and excessive dryness in the room. If the air in the room is too dry, the nasal mucosa may become crusty. To get rid of it, the body begins to secrete mucus more actively, which leads to unpleasant symptoms in the morning.
If a patient complains that his nose is blocked in the morning, the doctor first of all asks if he has recently undergone any drug therapy. The fact is that some drugs, especially when it comes to potent antibiotics, provoke dryness of the mucous membranes. In this case, the body also begins an increased secretion of mucus. Howas a rule, unpleasant symptoms go away on their own, but the doctor may also prescribe drugs that will help restore all body functions.
Also, the reasons for stuffy nose in the morning can be various pathologies.
Chronic runny nose
In this case, we are talking about rhinitis or sinusitis. As a rule, in this case, during the daytime, the mucus that is secreted by the body slides down the patient's nasopharynx. Therefore, he can breathe quite normally and not complain of discomfort. However, at night, when the body takes a horizontal position, all the secretions accumulate in one zone. That is why, upon waking up, a person cannot breathe normally and fully.

Allergic reactions
Very often in the morning stuffy nose due to the fact that a person does not tolerate pollen. In this case, the problem is observed precisely during the flowering period of some plants. This means that if morning nasal congestion only bothers you in spring or summer, then you should consult an allergist and identify an irritant that needs to be avoided.
Some people are similarly allergic to dust. Even if the room looks quite clean, it does not mean that there are no allergens in it. For example, old mattresses always contain a huge amount of dust. When a person is awake, he does not have difficulty breathing. However, as soon as he lies down on a dusty mattress, the corresponding reaction begins. Therefore, waking up in the morning, he notices that he cannot breathe normally, and ina lot of mucus has accumulated in the nose.

It is worth paying attention to the symptoms during the rest. If sleep is restless and a person constantly sneezes and coughs, but in the daytime there are no such problems, then you should think about buying anti-allergic underwear and a new mattress.
Also, if your nose is stuffed up in the morning, and snot is pouring in a stream, it is recommended to take a closer look at your pets. As a rule, it is wool allergy that most actively manifests itself in the morning hours, when a person just wakes up.
Another common cause is inflammation of the adenoids or the presence of polyps in the nasopharynx. In this case, patients note the drying of the mucous membrane and copious discharge from the nose.
What to do to get rid of nasal congestion
First of all, it is worth conducting a complete diagnosis. It is impossible to perform all the necessary activities at home, so you will have to go to a therapist who will write a referral to specialized specialists.

As a rule, doctors first examine the nasopharynx. After that - palpation of the lymph nodes. If visual diagnostic methods do not give a result, then tomography of the sinuses of the nasal cavity is performed. It is also recommended to take tests and exclude the possibility of an allergic reaction.
To detect infection, experts conduct laboratory tests. Based on the data obtained, the doctor draws up an individual course of therapeutic measures.
Features of treatment
In this case, first of all, everything depends on the reasons that caused unpleasant symptoms in the morning. For example, if we are talking about an allergic rhinitis, then both medications and some therapeutic procedures can be prescribed to help alleviate the symptoms. The doctor must identify the allergen and choose the drug that will be most effective against it. In addition, patients are prescribed drops with vasoconstrictor drugs. Additionally, you need to take a course of taking medications that will help improve the functions of the immune system.
In some situations, doctors allow treatment at home. For example, patients are allowed to perform nasal irrigations with herbs and mild saline.

If, in the course of diagnostic measures, it was revealed that the patient is suffering from an infection, then such a diagnosis implies a more advanced treatment. For example, ointments or special antibacterial-type drops may be prescribed. You will also need to rinse the sinuses with the help of pharmaceutical products or decoctions. In more difficult situations, antiviral drugs and antibiotics are prescribed. Additionally, in order to quickly relieve the patient of an unpleasant symptom, the doctor may prescribe vasoconstrictor drops or sprays.
If we are talking about a chronic runny nose or a deviated septum, then in this situation only individual treatment is possible. Sometimes it is enough to confine ourselves to therapeutic procedures and medicines. However, in some situations, the doctormay decide to have surgery.

In conclusion
Don't take morning stuffy nose as normal. Symptoms often get worse over time. As a result, this may well lead to serious complications. It is best to diagnose and identify the causes of the disease.