In the ICD, hypotension is coded as I95. Pathology is quite common, although they talk about it less than about high blood pressure. The term is used to denote a situation when there is a persistent decrease in pressure relative to the average norm. Diagnose the disease, there is a ratio of less than 90/60. The problem requires prompt treatment if it has a negative impact on the general condition of the body, human productivity.

Shared understanding
In some cases, signs of hypotension do not even indicate any disease at all. There is a possibility that these are normal indicators for a particular person. Such individual variants of the standards are relatively common, they can be identified by the absence of negative symptoms. The pressure parameters differ from the norm only when measured, and the person himself feels good. Another form isadaptive, compensatory, which often accompanies people living in high mountains.
If the symptoms of hypotension bother shortly after a meal, the postprandial form is diagnosed. In some patients, such phenomena accompany a sharp change in the position of the body in space, the transition from a horizontal to a vertical position. The disease is called orthostatic. Its manifestations are also possible during physical activity.
Where does trouble come from?
The causes and treatment of hypotension is a topic that has long attracted the attention of specialists, as well as all those who suffer from downward pressure deviations. In some cases, a primary form is distinguished, but a secondary form is also possible. Sometimes VVD manifests itself as low blood pressure. Primary - this is a condition similar to neurosis, which affects the vasomotor brain zones. Often the disease is caused by a stressful situation, a prolonged overstrain associated with unstable emotions or a prolonged load of such a plan.
The causes and treatment of hypotension of the secondary type are somewhat different: the disease accompanies other pathologies. It is observed in people with anemia or hepatitis, as well as various disorders of the thyroid gland. Hypotension may accompany neoplasms (benign, malignant), gastrointestinal ulcers, tuberculosis. Often low blood pressure in a persistent form occurs in patients with cirrhosis, rheumatism. Medications, brain injuries can provoke such a condition.
VSD and blood pressure
Symptoms of hypotension often accompanyvegetative dystonia. This term is used to denote a special state of the body when the vegetative NS, which is responsible for controlling the activity of various internal organs, does not function correctly. VVD can cause malfunctions in the work of the heart, blood vessels, provoke abnormal processes in the endocrine, nervous system.

The consequences of VVD are failures of thermoregulation, heart rate and pressure. Under the influence of negative factors, vascular tone often decreases. If the VVD becomes the cause of arterial hypotension, this can lead to rather serious consequences, as the disorders progress over the years. Hormonal disruptions, neurosis or mental trauma, experienced stressful situations can give a start to negative processes. Often, VSD is formed against the background of alcohol abuse and under the influence of negative factors associated with a person’s workplace.
No one is protected
Arterial hypotension can suddenly manifest itself in absolutely any person, even absolutely he althy. So, there are many cases of persistent violation of pressure in athletes who regularly give their body significant physical activity. Pressure for such people is a reaction of the body that prevents overload. Indicators can also decrease with a change in climate and weather. Too high air humidity, radiation, electromagnetic field can play their role.
Primary symptoms
Suspicion of muscle hypotonia can be done when checking baselinepressure. Normally, a person's blood pressure ranges from 90/60 to 120/80. If several measurements show parameters below the specified range, we can already talk about a stable pathological decrease. You can easily check the indicators of the body on your own at home. To do this, you should have at hand a device - a tonometer. If it is not possible to measure pressure in this way or it is not possible to purchase a device, you can come for a check at any modern pharmacy. Nearly every pharmaceutical outlet is equipped with a blood pressure monitor for public use, and facility staff will help you use it, as well as provide first aid in case of too deviant values.

It is possible to suspect that muscular hypotension is developing if active sweating is observed, the extremities are cold, and thermoregulation processes are not proceeding correctly. In general, a person feels lethargic, tends to sleep, worries about weakness. At the same time, with hypotension, the pulse quickens, the quality of night rest becomes worse. Often patients are emotionally unstable, apathetic and irritable, complain of shortness of breath. With hypotension, pain in the heart area is possible, sometimes it hurts and the head is spinning.
What else is possible?
Considering the dangers of hypotension, it is worth noting not only the consequences of such a condition, but also its underlying causes. Often, a decrease in pressure is manifested by a state close to fainting, which creates certain risks for life in everyday life, when a person constantly has tofocus on the surrounding space so as not to get into a negative situation. The likelihood of fainting is especially high in stuffy enclosed spaces.
Know what hypotension is, people who react strongly to temperature changes, a sharp change in humidity levels. The disease is activated when emotional stimuli appear. There are also situations where the symptoms do not indicate stable hypotension, but still inspire certain concerns. To clarify the diagnosis, you should consult a doctor. If the listed problems are observed frequently, it is necessary to visit a specialist as soon as possible.
What does it lead to?
Even knowing what hypotension is, people with this pathology do not attach much importance to the diagnosis. If the attacks are quite rare, weak, many simply do not consider it necessary to take measures to restore the he althy state of the body, since the consequences are not fatal. Hypotension often manifests itself as nausea, the patient is weak, feels lethargic. The condition is rather unpleasant, but it does not seem to be something serious and really dangerous, rather just uncomfortable, as it leads to a decrease in performance. Doctors pay attention: the systematic manifestation of such disorders negatively affects cardiac function, so do not hesitate to start responsible treatment.

People who know firsthand what hypotension is, belong to the risk group for diseases of the vascular system, heart. A rapid pulse indicates the intensity of the functioning of the heart muscle - the mechanismcompensatory, is launched in order to saturate all tissues and organs of the body with oxygen, the lack of which is due to too low blood flow. The more frequent the pulse, the higher the cardiac load, the faster this leads to wear of the organ, which means serious he alth consequences.
Hypotension and general condition of the patient
With low blood pressure, people often feel tired from the very moment they wake up, even a long rest does not allow them to restore their strength. It is difficult to wake up in the morning, constantly haunted by a feeling of lack of sleep, and the ability to cope with everyday tasks appears only a few hours after waking up. By the middle of the day, the patients are weakening again, and by the evening there is a peak of activity. Faced with physical activity, such people quickly get tired. They develop shortness of breath, the heart beats quickly, responds with pain. Many confuse this condition with angina pectoris.
Medical studies have shown that in most cases, hypotensive individuals are overly impressionable, so speculation about their condition only worsens the situation. Many yawn, feel a lack of oxygen, complain of darkening in the eyes. It is especially difficult for patients to have forced prolonged immobility.
Interesting position
Know what hypotension is, should all women bearing a child. At such a time, a steady decrease in pressure is an important reason to start worrying about your he alth. Feeling the symptoms described above, you should make an appointment with a doctor. If the situation repeats itself often enough, there is a high probabilityinsufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, and this can cause serious disorders in the formation of systems and organs.
As revealed in the course of numerous specific studies, pregnant women who neglected drugs for hypotension were more difficult to tolerate toxicosis, and the entire period of pregnancy is difficult. Doctors assure that when carrying a child, it is easy to notice abnormal pressure - this is expressed by nausea and weakness, many women feel chronically tired. However, as can be seen from medical statistics, these symptoms are often neglected, confused with the manifestations of pregnancy due to hormonal changes, and therefore do not attach importance.
Important to know
It is known that symptoms similar to those described above may indicate internal bleeding. The probability of such a cause of deterioration in well-being is especially high if it happened suddenly, unpredictably, abruptly. Sometimes this indicates a heart attack or other extremely serious situation with a risk of death. To exclude these factors, it is necessary to call an ambulance. When specialists arrive at the scene, they will carefully check the patient and hospitalize if there are reasons for this.
Features of detection
The doctor, after listening to the patient's complaints, conducts a survey, analyzing all incoming information, clarifies about cases of hypotension in the family, and also formulates negative factors, identifying which of them are characteristic of a particular patient. On examination, be sure to listen to the lungs, heart, check three timespressure indicators. Sometimes daily, weekly, monthly monitoring is additionally prescribed. To clarify all the circumstances, you will have to undergo an examination by a cardiologist. The direction for this is written out by the local therapist. Sometimes the conclusion of a neurologist, endocrinologist is required.
As part of diagnosing hypotension, the patient's biological fluids should be examined, evaluating the protein, ionic composition, and glucose concentration. Check catecholamines, endocrine profile. Accurate data can be obtained through ultrasound, ECG and Doppler. Sometimes load testing is prescribed. In certain cases, CT, MRI are additionally performed, the work of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and kidneys is examined.
How to warn?
The most effective way to treat any disease is prevention. Hypotension will be no exception. Preventive measures include a he althy lifestyle, proper nutrition and daily routine. Every day you should take 8 hours or more of sleep, maintain physical activity so that the vascular system is always in good shape. The most useful are swimming, walking in the fresh air, running.

Preventing hypotension involves avoiding bad habits. When choosing foods for hypotension, it is necessary to give preference to light dishes that prevent a set of extra pounds. It will not be superfluous to introduce the habit of regularly taking pressure readings and entering them into a special journal. If possible, preventive comprehensive examinations should be carried out. This is especially importantfor individuals at risk for hypotension.
How to deal with adversity?
Treatment of hypotension at home begins with a consultation with a doctor - it is the doctor who can recommend methods and methods that can be used to cope with pressure surges. Please note: if a professional prescribed medicines and confidently said that traditional medicine in a particular case would not be beneficial, or even become a source of harm, his recommendations should be heeded. Perhaps the situation involves a risk to life, so you should not worsen your situation by neglecting medical advice.
Often, hypotension is just a manifestation of a different pathology, which must be fought to eliminate low pressure. If the primary form is established, then the treatment is prescribed complex, including pharmaceutical products and non-drug agents. The main task of the patient is to prevent secondary damage to systems, tissues, organs, which can be provoked by oxygen deficiency.
Where to start?
Treatment of hypotension at home is primarily the normalization of the daily regimen, the allocation of adequate time for sleep. It is important to work and rest within reasonable limits, eat properly and fully, control physical activity. It is worth making a good habit to walk every day for two hours, constantly ventilate the home, and humidify the air. Treatment of hypotension involves a complete rejection of bad habits, the introduction of hardening into everyday life. You should be careful not to change the position of the body too abruptly.

Among the classic pharmaceuticals to improve the patient's condition, they take those designed to increase vascular tone and normalize heart rhythm. Special tools have been developed to reduce the negative impact of external factors. The doctor can prescribe analeptics, nootropics, vitamin or mineral complexes. Sometimes psychomotor stimulants, adaptogens, anticholinergics, adrenomimetics come to the rescue.
What else will help?
Phytotherapy should be noted as a well-established approach to the elimination of hypotension. Often, it is supplemented with a prescribed course of pharmaceutical products. Phytotherapy is best combined with adaptogens. Such compounds tone the body, stimulate. Coffee, tea, baths with herbal infusions and decoctions will benefit. It will not be superfluous to make it a habit to use special herbal preparations - there are many of them on the pharmacy shelves, including those specialized for hypotensive patients.

To increase the effectiveness of the program developed by the doctor, it is worth using physiotherapy methods. The most common approach is electrophoresis using novocaine, potassium iodide. UVR, electrosleep, microwave treatment of the adrenal glands have a good reputation. Sometimes the doctor refers to a course of therapeutic massage, recommends wiping, dousing, hot chest wraps, oxygen baths.