A cyst is a fairly common diagnosis in medicine. It can form in the ovaries, in the maxillary sinuses, in the brain, and in any organ of our body. The patient, having heard about this from the lips of a doctor, is perplexed: “A cyst? What is a disease? And, most importantly, how dangerous is it? This is exactly what we will talk about today, trying to dispel fears and understand the essence of the problem.
Cyst: what is the true and false form of the disease

In medicine, a cyst is called a pathological cavity that has walls and is filled with a semi-liquid or liquid substance. This is a kind of capsule that can form in different organs or tissues. Its size and structure of the walls strongly depend on how and when this pathology appeared, where exactly it arose, etc.
There are true and false cysts. The latter do not have a special epithelial lining and are formed, for example, in scarred or inflamed tissues of anybody.
Cyst: what is a ramolithic or parasitic type of this pathology?

Depending on how exactly this neoplasm occurs in the human body, it is divided into types.
Thus, with tissue necrosis, ramolithic cysts can occur, which are formed when a necrotic area is separated from a he althy one by a shell. Inside it, over time, the substance remaining from the decay of the dead tissue accumulates in a semi-liquid state. This type of pathology is typical mainly for the brain (most often after a stroke) or bones (for example, a cyst of the knee joint is formed).
A parasitic cyst has a different mechanism of appearance. This pathology is the larval stage of development of the tapeworm, which has invaded the human body (most often in the liver, lungs or spleen), forming a capsule around itself. The patient often learns about such a problem only after a random examination, since the cyst does not manifest itself for a long time.

If a tumor appears in any organ, forming a cavity around itself, then this phenomenon is referred to as tumor cysts. Most often they occur in the glandular organs. These include cystic adenoma of the salivary glands, cystic lymphangioma, cystic ameloblastoma.
The retention type of the described pathology occurs due to the impossibility of outflow of secretions from, for example, the salivary or prostate gland. Stagnation due to blockage of the ductwith a small stone or cork, the accumulated fluid stretches the gland and a cavity is formed in it - a cyst.
What is a corpus luteum cyst and polycystic ovaries?
Separately consider the ovarian corpus luteum cyst, in which the follicle that burst at the time of ovulation, instead of being filled with corpus luteum cells, connects the walls and lets in a clear liquid, forming a cavity.

This diagnosed pathology often frightens women who are expecting a baby. Although unreasonable, since it does not aggravate the course of pregnancy.
The so-called "yellow cyst" can occur in any woman. And the reason for this is most often an imbalance of hormones. It occurs outside of pregnancy, mostly with mild symptoms (swelling of the mammary glands, violation of the cycle) and often disappears on its own.
But multiple ovarian cysts (polycystic) are mainly a congenital form of pathology and require surgical intervention, up to the removal of the entire organ.