Many people sooner or later may notice various white spots or pimples on their lips. A white spot on the lip can appear for various reasons, which should be taken into account during treatment.
Fordyce Disease

The appearance of not only light spots on the skin, but also granules can indicate a serious disease - Fordyce's disease. With this disease, small neoplasms appear on the mucous membrane or along the edge of the lips. Sometimes they can also appear in the language. Such bubbles do not pose a direct threat to human he alth, but cause a lot of inconvenience.
Vitamin deficiency
Basically, a white spot on the lip occurs due to a lack of vitamins, minerals and trace elements in the body. Most often, white spots warn of a lack of iron. This can be especially pronounced in small children under 10 years old and in infants.
Digestion system

It also happens that white spots on the lips occur due to disturbances in the digestive system. In case of constipation or flatulence from the human bodyslags and toxins can be removed, appearing on the lips with white spots.
Cold disease
White spot on the lip can be the result of a cold, accompanied by a herpes infection. She is able to overtake a person in the cold season. The lip area has a very delicate texture, so herpes very often appears on the upper lip as a white spot.
During pregnancy
It happens that white dots appear in pregnant women on the lips around the mouth. They can indicate a malfunction of the liver or adrenal gland, and can also be a sign of chloasma.

On the inside of the lip, a white spot may occur in case of stomatitis. With this disease, itching appears in the mouth and on the tongue. In addition, white spots may appear on the face.
Recurrent stomatitis
A white spot on the lip inside the mouth can occur with recurrent stomatitis. This inflammatory disease is chronic. With it, in the mouth, on the mucous membrane, small ulcerations (aphthae) appear. They can be focused not only on the lips, but also on the tongue, cheeks or palate. Such spots can not only cause discomfort, but also be very painful. If such an aphtha is periodically injured, it can remain for a long time, and after healing it will turn into a scar.
Traumatic stomatitis

A white spot on the lip inside the mouth also occurs due to damage to the mucousshells. Most often, such a sore appears after an accidental bite of the lip or damage to it with a toothbrush. But it also happens that this stain occurs after treatment at the dentist as an allergic reaction to dental instruments or when an infection is introduced.
Herpetic stomatitis
This disease can occur both on the outside and on the inside of the lip. The white spot is of viral origin and looks like a small bubble. After some time, these spots open up and small ulcers form. During this period, due to severe pain, it is almost impossible to eat. It can also cause symptoms such as fever and weakness.
Afty Bednar
With this disease, white spots appear on the lip of a child. Adults do not experience this disease. The spots look like traumatic erosion and occur not only on the lips, but also in the sky. This ailment can occur due to poor oral hygiene or rough mechanical rubbing of the palate. The top layer of these spots may have a yellowish tinge.
Candidiasis stomatitis
A white spot on the lip with this disease can occur in both babies and adults. The spots are located on the inside of the lip and have a curd-like appearance. Candidiasis stomatitis is a fungal disease, so antifungal drugs must be used for treatment.
Wen people

Discomfort on the lips may appear due towen. Wen is an inflamed sebaceous cell, which does not have a very aesthetic appearance. A wen can appear not only on the lip, but also on any other part of the body on which sebaceous cells are located, so the face, and lips in particular, are subject to the appearance of lipomas. They can grow large, accumulating fat, so if a wen occurs, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Ulcer under lip and above lip
White patches under or above the lip may also occur. The cause of the appearance of such sores can be dermatitis, herpes or pyoderma. The spots appear above or below the lip, they are covered with a crust and at first resemble chapping. Then they take on a clearer shape. If left untouched, they won't itch or cause any complications.
Treatment of white spots on lips
To treat this phenomenon, you need to find out where the white spot on the lip came from. For example, if digestive problems are the cause, you should add more fortified foods to your diet or drink ready-made vitamin complexes. If irritation occurs due to dryness, you just need to moisturize the area of the lips. If the white spots are wen, they can be removed with a toothbrush massage. Stomatitis is removed with soda and saline, you can use a blue solution. Iodine cannot be used to remove stains of any origin. Before treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor, because first you need to find out the cause of the disease, and only a specialist can prescribe the right treatment.