Agranulocytic angina is the most dangerous type of disease, which often leads to death. The main symptoms of this pathology are pyretic fever, pain when swallowing, increased salivation, regional lymphadenopathy, ulcers and necrosis in the oral cavity.
Agranulocytic angina - what is it
There are a number of factors that provoke this disease. Most often, a primary infection occurs against the background of a weakening of the protective properties of the immune system. All sorts of bacteria, fungi and viruses, accumulating in the oral cavity, form focal inflammation. After some time, in the absence of the necessary treatment, internal organs are damaged.
Much less often, agranulocytic angina is the result of existing pathologies. At the same time, it is quite difficult to find the real cause of the diseases.
In order for therapy to be truly effective, diagnosis and subsequent treatment must be carried out by a qualified specialist. Self-selection of medications and diagnosis is often erroneousand causes negative consequences.
Ulcer-necrotic neoplasms in the oral cavity and on the tonsils can be either an advanced stage of simple bacterial tonsillitis, or a disease provoked by a change in the structure of the blood.
If during the examination in the biological fluid a decrease or complete absence of granulocytes is detected, a diagnosis of "agranulocytic angina" is made. In such a situation, the body cannot control the number of opportunistic microflora in the upper part of the respiratory apparatus, as a result of which pathogenic bacteria multiply and the inflammatory process begins.
The disease is not classified as a separate form of angina, calling it a syndrome of several ailments. It is impossible to differentiate the signs of this disease from other types of tonsillitis without the use of laboratory tests. Depending on the type of causative agent of agranulocytic angina, the process can be viral, fungal or bacterial.
Causes of disease
Actually, the prerequisite for the development of the disease is the defeat of the palatine tonsils and nearby tissues by infection against the background of a deficiency of granulocytes in the blood, which provide the immune response of the body.
Agranulocytic angina can occur when infected with many types of infections - mostly pathogenic viruses, streptococci and staphylococci. All prerequisites for the development of a lack of granulocytes can be divided into two categories.
- Myelotoxic - conditions that render toxiceffect on cells from which granular leukocytes directly exit. This effect can bring some medicines, ionizing radiation, many chemical compounds. These drugs include cytostatics and beta-lactam antibiotics. As for chemicals, the body is negatively affected: mercury, benzene, insecticides, arsenic.
- Autoimmune - conditions that lead to the launch of complex reactions in the body. In this state, he begins to perceive his own cells as foreign, and destroy them. In such a situation, granulocytes are also affected. There are quite a few factors that are a trigger for autoimmune processes. These include, first of all, autoimmune diseases, infectious pathologies and medicines that can act as haptens. As for diseases, most often the development of this form of angina leads to: malaria, viral hepatitis, mononucleosis, cytomegalovirus infection, typhoid fever. Medications that can mimic defective antibodies are sulfonamides and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Among other things, severe allergic reactions, hormonal influences, and bone marrow deformation due to exposure to toxins can lead to agranulocytosis.
Types of disease
There are several types of pathology:
- myelotoxic - diseases of the bone marrow;
- idiopathic - agranulocytic angina with etiologyindefinite form;
- immune - cell damage by antibodies.
Most of all pathology affects women in old age.
The disease can occur in fulminant, subacute and acute forms. At the same time, adult patients may experience:
- growing pain in the throat as the disease progresses;
- acute type of illness accompanied by high fever;
- strengthening the work of the salivary glands;
- appearance of a putrid odor from the oral cavity;
- formation of ulcers in focal areas;
- gradual spread of ulcerative necrotic neoplasms from the tonsils to the oral cavity;
- the emergence of general toxicosis;
- there are signs of gingivitis and stomatitis, probably inflammation of the tongue;
- if the onset of the disease is ignored, bone tissue injury begins.

In an advanced stage, the infection can spread to the lower respiratory tract and digestive tract.
On the photo of agranulocytic angina, you can see the external signs of pathology. Knowing the visual manifestations of the disease will help to detect it in time, even at the initial stages of development.
Features of the flow in children
In this age category, agranulocytic angina can be acquired or congenital. The symptoms of the disease are very similar to the symptoms of the development of pathology in adults. However, the clinical picture of the disease in children is actuallymuch more pronounced, and its complications are extremely dangerous. To all the described symptoms are added:
- inflammation of the nasal mucosa;
- fainting;
- nonsense;
- gastrointestinal disorders - bloating, vomiting, bloody diarrhea;
- conjunctivitis.

When symptoms of agranulocytic angina occur, the patient is taken either to the hematology or infectious diseases department. During the initial consultation, the specialist can clarify the duration of the onset of symptoms, the presence of chronic pathologies and the names of the medications used.
After a detailed examination of the larynx, additional examinations may be required:
- general blood count - with this disease, there is a decrease or absence of granular leukocytes;
- urinalysis - protein, erythrocytes and leukocytes may be present in the urethra;
- A throat swab is needed to identify pathogens;
- serological assays required to evaluate immune responses;
- bone marrow puncture;
- abdominal ultrasound;
- an antibioticogram is needed to determine effective drugs in therapy;
- chest X-ray.
Among other things, this form of angina must be differentiated from some ailments:
- acute leukemia;
- scurvy;
- typhoid;
- ulcerative membranous tonsillitis;
- malaria.

Treatment of agranulocytic angina
The general principles of therapy are bed rest, avoiding heavy meals, drinking plenty of fluids, and following all doctor's orders.
Drug treatment is aimed primarily at normalizing the functioning of the bone marrow. In addition, it is extremely important to get rid of the emerging infection. Approximately a month the patient is treated according to a specific scheme:
- Nucleic acid sodium is administered intravenously to stimulate the production of leukocytes;
- glucocorticosteroids are used to inhibit the work of antibodies;
- activators of granulocyte production;
- blood transfusion;
- use of antimicrobials - penicillin and ampicillin;
- cortisol shots;
- to get rid of bleeding in some cases, you need "Vikasol" or calcium chloride;

- vitamin complexes, mainly trace elements of groups C and B;
- local therapy for ulcers involves rinsing and treating mucous membranes and focal areas directly with appropriate ointments, furatsilin, potassium permanganate and soda;
- necrotic tissue is removed promptly under general or local anesthesia;
- In the advanced stages of angina, a bone marrow transplant may be required.
Traditional medicine
Completely get rid of agranulocyticsore throats with home remedies is not possible. However, as an additional therapy after the completion of the acute stage of the disease, you can use folk recipes to get a positive result faster.
- Aloe leaves must be cleaned of the outer film and held for half an hour behind the cheeks. The plant disinfects the mouth, helping to remove pus.
- Rinse with beetroot or potato juice can reduce inflammation of the larynx.
- You can use hot inhalations based on medicinal herbs - thyme, chamomile, sage, St. John's wort, calendula.
- Onions and garlic prevent the spread of bacteria.
- Recipes with honey help boost immune defenses.

It is worth saying that rinsing and inhalation can bring a positive effect only with systematic use.
Probable Consequences
In case of ignoring the pathology and refusing appropriate treatment, the risk of developing severe complications is extremely high. Since the causes of agranulocytic angina lie in an infectious nature, the diseases provoked by it have typical symptoms. So, a neglected pathology can cause the occurrence of:
- peritonitis;
- hepatitis;
- mediastinitis;
- disorders of mental development in children;
- sepsis;
- pneumonia;
- damage to the urogenital apparatus;
- toxic shock.
Because the exact causes of agranulocytic angina are still unknown to the end, there are no special measures to prevent the disease. However, experts still recommend:
- refrain from contact with various toxins;
- control the quality of the products used;
- do not exceed the allowable dosage of strong drugs;
- follow the rules of oral hygiene.

From close contact with carriers of the infection is best avoided, since the disease is transmitted by airborne droplets. In stationary conditions, the victim is isolated from other people. At the same time, the ward and household items used by the patient are systematically disinfected.