Is dementia a sentence?

Is dementia a sentence?
Is dementia a sentence?

Dementia is a dementia that develops with age. As a rule, in older people, memory usually worsens, concentration of attention is weakened. According to doctors, this is completely normal - the body ages and begins to function worse. However, if we are talking about constantly progressive disorders of mental activity, there is such a diagnosis as dementia. This, in fact, indicates a sharp deterioration in mental abilities. It is natural that in most cases the disease does not allow the patient to lead a normal full life.


As a rule, the disease develops quite slowly and gradually. Therefore, relatives and friends of the patient often miss the moment of its onset and catch on only when the person begins to commit frankly strange acts and, in general, show signs of a mental disorder. Although there are cases when the disease "destroyed" the patient in just a few months.

Possible causes

dementia treatment
dementia treatment

Of course, dementia is a disease that does not occur in a vacuum. Among the most common factors provoking its development, expertscalled brain damage. In addition, the disease often appears on the background of alcoholism, head injuries, recent strokes and Parkinson's disease. It should be noted that some of these causes can be eliminated, but by and large it is not possible to stop progressive dementia. Somewhat less often, this problem worries patients with multiple sclerosis, AIDS, multiple atrophy.


dementia of the Alzheimer's type
dementia of the Alzheimer's type

As you probably already understood, dementia is a very serious test for both the patient and his loved ones. Its symptoms can vary - it depends mainly on which part of the brain is affected. How to understand that your elderly relative is seriously ill? "Wake-up calls" are the following facts: he ceases to recognize old acquaintances; cannot remember events that happened quite recently; confuses words; makes decisions with difficulty; gets lost in elementary calculations; it is difficult for him to control his behavior. Over time, the patient may develop hallucinations. Dementia of the Alzheimer's type usually begins with changes in behavior. Always sweet and polite, a person for no reason becomes aggressive, harsh, and may even fall into delirium. Of course, to make sure the diagnosis is correct, you will need to consult a specialist, perhaps even more than one. The doctor will take all the necessary tests and conduct a series of tests.


Don't think that life ends the day you are diagnosed with dementia. Treatment of it, of course, does not guarantee that the patient will again become exactly the same as before, but it will help slow down the course of the disease. Therapy depends on the symptoms, features and causes of the disease. For prevention, older people are advised to undergo special tests from time to time and visit their doctor for an examination.
