Remedy for sinusitis. Remedy for sinusitis "Sinuforte". Washing with sinusitis

Remedy for sinusitis. Remedy for sinusitis "Sinuforte". Washing with sinusitis
Remedy for sinusitis. Remedy for sinusitis "Sinuforte". Washing with sinusitis

Colds do not always pass without a trace, sometimes after them an inflammatory process develops in the maxillary paranasal sinuses - sinusitis. If the disease is not treated, it will become chronic. How to choose the best remedy for sinusitis? Read about it in the article.

remedies for the treatment of sinusitis
remedies for the treatment of sinusitis


Such drugs are quite effective and today are often prescribed by otolaryngologists. They suppress infection and stop the spread of disease-causing organisms. But to say that antibacterial drugs are the best remedy for sinusitis would be wrong. In the case when the disease is provoked by viruses, they will not bring benefits, and may even harm. You should consult your doctor before using antibiotics. The specialist will determine the severity of the inflammatory process and its nature, based on which he will say whether you need to take such medications or not. When choosing a drug, sensitivity to it must also be taken into account.bacteria that caused the disease.

We list antibacterial agents for the treatment of sinusitis that give a good result:

1. "Amoxicillin". It is a penicillin antibiotic. If no positive changes are observed when applied for three days, it should be replaced with a drug from the cephalosporin group or Amoxiclav.

2. "Clarithromycin", "Azithromycin", "Macropen". These are macrolides that are prescribed in the case when the patient does not tolerate penicillins, and cephalosporins cannot be used, since cross-allergy is possible on them.

3. Sparfloxacin, Levofloxacin are fluoroquinolones used when other antibacterial agents are ineffective.

4. Bioparox. Refers to topical (local) antibiotics. This is the best remedy for sinusitis in the case when the inflammation is mild. At a severe stage of the disease, such a medicine is prescribed as an additional one.

remedy for sinusitis
remedy for sinusitis


With such an ailment as sinusitis, the outflow of mucus from the maxillary paranasal sinuses is disturbed, resulting in a favorable environment for the reproduction of pathogens. To restore the process of self-cleaning of the sinuses, decongestants are used - vasoconstrictor drugs produced in the form of sprays and drops. They affect the tone of the capillaries in the nose, contribute to the reduction in the mucous membrane of the nasal conchas of cavernous tissue. As a result, the nasal passages expand and breathing improves.

Separate from vasoconstrictorsmedicines, one most effective remedy for sinusitis is not possible - the choice in favor of one or another drug should depend on the clinical picture. All drugs differ in duration and severity of action. The most common are the drugs "Adrianol", "Vibrocil", "Otrivin", "Galazolin", "Tizin Xylo", "Dlyanos", "Nazol" and "Sanorin". Decongestants are good treatments for sinusitis, but they should not be used for more than ten days (some medications should be taken even shorter). The fact is that in the case of long-term use in the nasal cavity, a pronounced edema occurs, which entails a change in the structure of the mucous membrane.

best remedy for sinusitis
best remedy for sinusitis

Dose form

Very important form of drug release. Regular drops are quite difficult to dose, often when they are used, most of the medicine flows from the nasal cavity into the throat. As a result, the therapeutic effect is not always achieved, but there may be a threat of overdose. Injecting drops from a balloon that must be squeezed with your fingers is fraught with the same problems. Therefore, it is recommended to give preference to sprays in solid bottles.


Such medicines are used to reduce the viscosity of mucus. The most famous mucolytic remedy for sinusitis is Acetylcysteine. In addition to the main pharmacological properties, the drug also exhibits antioxidant activity, due to which its interaction withoxidative toxins. The most common mucolytic remedy for sinusitis of plant origin is Sinupret. By increasing the activity of the cilia of the epithelium, it allows you to accelerate the release of pathological secretions. We will tell you more about this drug a little later.


For the treatment of inflammation of the sinuses, such drugs are used in the form of nasal sprays. They produce anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory effects, as well as reduce the production of secretions by the glands of the nasal mucosa and eliminate tissue edema. The most effective remedy for sinusitis among corticosteroids is Nasonex. Mometasone is the active ingredient in this medication. If the inflammation is mild, Nasonex can be used as monotherapy (without prescribing other drugs). In other cases, it is used as an adjunct against antibiotic therapy.

effective remedy for sinusitis
effective remedy for sinusitis


These are substances that regulate the functioning of the immune system. In case of inflammation of the sinuses, drugs of bacterial origin are prescribed that stimulate humoral and cellular immunity. The best immunomodulatory remedy for sinusitis is Broncho-munal. The drug "Ribomunil" is also considered effective. They are used as part of complex treatment, as well as to prevent recurrence of the disease.

Homeopathic medicines

Therapy of the inflammatory process in the sinuses of the nose with homeopathy in modern society is becoming more and morepopular. Phytopreparations are developed on the basis of extracts of various plants and, as a rule, do not contain any chemicals, which means that they are absolutely safe for humans, have practically no contraindications for use and do not cause side effects.

Homeopathic remedy for sinusitis "Belladonna" (in the third, third decimal, sixth dilution) is prescribed in case of acute inflammation, when there are throbbing pains and fever, dilated pupils and redness of the face. After taking the drug, the patient, despite profuse sweating, should wrap up warmly. In especially serious cases, the drug is used in increased dosages.

If sinusitis has passed into the chronic stage, depending on the constitution of the patient, drugs such as Silicea, Mercurius Solutab, Kalium Yodatum, Kalium Bichromicum are used. In the presence of pressure and pain in the bridge of the nose, a medicine prepared on the basis of red mercury sulfide, or the so-called cinnabar (in the sixth, twelfth, thirtieth dilution), is used. If the discharge from the nose is viscous and includes impurities of blood, and there is a bitter taste in the mouth, the homeopathic preparation Hydrastis is prescribed (in the third, third decimal, sixth dilution).

homeopathic remedy for sinusitis
homeopathic remedy for sinusitis

Gepar Sulfur (sulphuric liver) is considered an effective remedy for sinusitis. The drug will be useful when there is pain when touching the sinuses and there are copious discharges of pus. It is used in the sixth, twelfth, thirtieth dilution. In case afterinflammation of the maxillary sinuses, a neuralgic syndrome develops, the Mezereum remedy (wolfberry) will help. It should be taken if the soreness increases in cold conditions, and decreases in warm conditions. Assigned in the third, third decimal, sixth dilution.

Remedy for sinusitis "Sinuforte"

This drug is also among the homeopathic. Modern pharmacologists have found that the cyclamen plant can be used to treat inflammation of the sinuses. The extract of its root just contains the Sinuforte remedy for sinusitis as an active ingredient. Cyclamen has a liquefying effect on mucosal receptors, enhances the secretion of pathological secretions and facilitates its outflow from the maxillary sinuses.

The drug, according to the conclusion of leading experts in the field of otolaryngology, is best used in the initial stages of the development of sinusitis, as well as in long-term colds. In such cases, the remedy "Sinuforte" will effectively and quickly eliminate the painful manifestations and prevent the occurrence of complications. Symptoms such as facial and headache, fever, nasal congestion, as a rule, completely disappear already on the third day of treatment. The drug is produced in the form of a lyophilized powder intended for the preparation of a solution that should be administered intranasally. The agent is used for six to eight days once a day (the drug is sprayed once into each nasal passage).

remedy for sinusitis sinuforte price
remedy for sinusitis sinuforte price

The medicine is usuallyIt is well tolerated and does not cause side effects, but it is still recommended to consult a doctor before using it. If the fistulas are completely blocked, increased secretion of mucus can cause dangerous conditions, as well as cause severe pain in the inflamed sinuses. During pregnancy and lactation, it is forbidden to take the Sinuforte remedy for sinusitis. The price of the drug varies between 1309-1741 rubles per bottle (fifty milliliters).

Drops "Sinupret"

We have already mentioned this medicine before. The drug is also homeopathic, it contains extracts of flowers of black elderberry, primrose, verbena, sorrel. Together, these natural ingredients produce strong antimicrobial and antiviral effects, stimulate immune processes, and reduce inflammation. Sinupret drops are effective not only in the case of sinusitis, but also in other pathologies of the nasopharynx. The advantage of the drug over antibiotics is that it does not affect the beneficial microflora and affects only pathogens. The dosage of the medicine is selected individually, based on the age of the patient.

Irrigation therapy

An integral part of the treatment of inflammation of the sinuses is their washing. With sinusitis, for these purposes, the preparations "Akvalor", "Marimer", "Dolphin" or "Aqua Maris" are used. They are made on the basis of sea water (previously sterilized) by changing the s alt content in it to the required concentration. Such fundscontribute to a decrease in the viscosity of mucus, an increase in the activity of the cilia of the ciliated epithelium. They also narrow the vessels of the nasal mucosa somewhat.

washing with sinusitis
washing with sinusitis

In conclusion

So, to eliminate the inflammatory process in the maxillary sinuses, there are many effective drugs. After identifying the clinical picture, the otolaryngologist will be able to choose the best remedy for sinusitis for you. Self-medication is not worth it, because you can start the disease to such a state that surgical intervention is required. Only a doctor can determine which drug will be most effective for you. Stay he althy!
