How to treat cystitis: tips

How to treat cystitis: tips
How to treat cystitis: tips

Unfortunately, sooner or later most women have to deal with the question "how to treat cystitis". In this article you can find a detailed and detailed answer to it.

how is cystitis treated
how is cystitis treated

General characteristics

Before telling how cystitis is treated, let's say a few words about the disease itself. This term doctors refer to inflammation of the bladder. It should be noted that today cystitis is the most common pathology among all diseases of the urinary system. Those who have encountered this problem know that the disease is painful, reducing efficiency and limiting a person in literally everything. It should also be emphasized that the question “how to treat cystitis” is mainly asked by women. This fact is explained by the anatomical features of the structure. In men, acute cystitis usually acts as a complication of prostate adenoma.


If you ask a doctor how cystitis is treated, he will explain to you that the treatment is prescribed depending on the form of the disease. First you need to determine whether it is acute or chronic, primary or secondary (in this casethe disease becomes, as it were, a concomitant symptom with diabetes or problems with the bladder and urethra).

how to treat cystitis in men
how to treat cystitis in men


The most common factor that provokes the development of the disease is an infection that has entered the bladder. As a rule, the first attack occurs after severe hypothermia or microtraumatization of the mucosa (it can occur during medical manipulations or sexual intercourse). Allergic cystitis can develop while taking antibiotics. It is also customary to single out the so-called "honeymoon cystitis", when an exacerbation occurs immediately after sex and is caused by the penetration of the partner's microflora into the woman's urethra.


The main signs of acute cystitis are cutting pains in the lower abdomen, aggravated by going to the toilet, constant urge to urinate, unpleasant odor, fever. There may also be blood and foreign matter in the urine.

how to treat acute cystitis
how to treat acute cystitis


How is cystitis treated? The first visit to the doctor must begin with a diagnosis. It is advisable to visit both a gynecologist and a urologist, and undergo a series of studies: pass a general urine and blood test, do an ultrasound of the kidneys and bladder, cystoscopy, a smear for all infections. If you want to know how to treat acute cystitis, remember the following: all procedures must be carried out in a complex, otherwise you will not achieve any result. If an attack of the disease hit you for the first time, your main goal is to destroy the infection. ForThis applies antimicrobial therapy in conjunction with diuretics. In order to relieve pain, you can take antispasmodics. It is also necessary for the duration of treatment to completely abandon sexual contact and carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene: change underwear daily, wash yourself after each trip to the toilet. In order for recovery to come as quickly as possible, you should drink a lot and give up too s alty and spicy foods (by the way, tomatoes and red fish are strictly prohibited - they provoke inflammation). How to treat cystitis in men and children? In principle, in the same ways as for women. The most important thing at this stage is to prevent the disease from becoming chronic. In this case, getting rid of it will be much more difficult.
