Polycystic - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Polycystic - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease
Polycystic - what is it? Symptoms and treatment of the disease

Polycystic disease is a female ailment that can develop in a representative of the beautiful half of society at any age. The essence of the disease lies in hormonal failure, which is accompanied by disruptions in the woman's menstrual cycle, the lack of expected ovulation. Such a pathology is quite serious, because it threatens the development of infertility.

What is the reason for the development of the disease?

Medical opinion regarding the cause of PCOS is ambiguous. Studies have shown that the lack of sensitivity of body tissues to insulin, which is responsible for regulating blood glucose levels, is the primary reason for the development of pathology. The ovaries of a woman suffering from polycystic produce a disproportionate amount of male hormones. For this reason, the female body is unable to process the excess amount of insulin.

polycystic is
polycystic is

Doctors managed to identify a number of the most likely provocateurs of the disease:

  • stress condition;
  • frequent colds;
  • heredity;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • prolonged sore throat.

The disease can overtake a woman even at the slightest change in climate. Among the causes of the development of polycysticsome ailments of other organs are also included. We are talking about the pituitary gland, thyroid gland, hypothalamus, adrenal glands.

Symptomatics of polycystic ovaries

How does PCOS manifest itself? The symptoms and causes of the disease are interrelated. The clinical picture in this case is very diverse.

polycystic treatment
polycystic treatment

The patient has:

  • Irregularities in the menstrual cycle. There are delays of 6 months or more, scanty, copious discharge.
  • Infertility. There is no ovulation (the process of rupture of the follicle and the maturation of the egg does not end with its release outside the ovary).
  • Weight gain. Excess adipose tissue accumulates in the abdomen (male principle).
  • Hirsutism. Hair on the body and face is actively growing, a bald patch appears on the top of the head.
  • Acne, oily skin.
  • Acanthosis. Darkening is formed in the area of \u200b\u200bthe armpits, under the chest. Stretch marks appear on the body.
  • Coarse voice.
  • Pain in the lower abdomen. Characterized by aching pain against the background of squeezing the organs by the ovaries or due to excessive production of prostaglandins.
  • Hyperinsulinemia is an excess of insulin in the blood.
  • Increase in size of the ovaries. On palpation, swollen, hardened, sometimes painful ovaries are determined.
  • Endometrial hyperplasia - overgrowth of the uterine lining.

Diagnostic measures

How is PCOS diagnosed? Symptoms of the disease are paramount guidelines for the diagnosis. Doctors make the final verdict only aftermore research.

  1. Ultrasound examination of the pelvic organs. Ultrasound makes it possible to assess the size of the ovaries, to refute / confirm the presence of cysts. In the case of the development of the disease, the specialist observes a thickening of the albuginea, the growth of the uterine mucosa.
  2. Checking for hormones. We are talking about the level of FSH and LH. The ratio of indicators within 3:1, respectively, indicates the presence of polycystic disease. An excess of testosterone, in some cases prolactin, is revealed. In the urine there is a high concentration of androgen. Reduced progesterone during the second phase of the cycle.
  3. Biochemical blood test. An increased content of glucose in the blood is revealed, the indicator of fats and cholesterol goes off scale.
  4. Uterine cavity curettage. The procedure is performed for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

General principles of disease treatment

Is it possible to unambiguously say how to cure polycystic disease? Treatment of pathology is complex and includes:

  • dieting (reducing the amount of carbohydrates in the diet, reducing the calorie content of food, focusing on protein and frequency of meals);
  • elimination of metabolic disorders;
  • use of oral contraceptives;
  • stimulation of ovulation if a woman wants to get pregnant;
  • keep active.

Conservative treatment method

Polycystic disease is a disease, the cure of which is 50% dependent on hormonal drugs. This approach ensures the full maturation of the follicle, followed byovulation. There is rarely a need to take antiandrogenic oral contraceptives, the effect of which lasts for two to three months.

polycystic symptoms
polycystic symptoms

To establish the menstrual cycle, synthetic analogues of progesterone, the female hormone, are prescribed. Anti-androgen-containing drugs can also be attributed to the class of such drugs. Blocks the effects of male sex hormones spironolactone. If there is a problem of excess weight, drugs aimed at burning fat are required.

In the case of therapeutic methods for the treatment of PCOS, one should not hope for a quick result.

Surgery to help

When conservative medicine fails, specialists turn to surgery. Surgery for polycystic ovaries involves:

  • removal of part of the ovary;
  • destruction of certain areas of the ovary;
  • maintaining the process of androgen synthesis.

After the operation, the probability of cycle recovery is 90%, and the possibility of pregnancy is about 70%. The disadvantage of surgery for polycystic disease is a short-term result that lasts only 4-5 months.

causes of polycystic
causes of polycystic

In medicine, 2 types of such operations are known:

  • wedge resection;
  • laparoscopic electrocoagulation.

With successful surgical treatment, experts advise switching to hormone therapy. Such an integrated approachprovides guaranteed relief from the ill-fated disease.

Nutrition for PCOS

Often the development of the disease occurs against the background of overweight patient. In this case, it makes sense to go on a diet. A woman's diet and calorie intake are individual and calculated by a nutritionist.

polycystic reviews polycystic symptoms and causes
polycystic reviews polycystic symptoms and causes

Among the general principles of nutrition for polycystic ovaries are:

  1. Reducing the calorie content of food consumed.
  2. Restrict carbohydrate intake (sugar, cereals, pasta, bread, etc.).
  3. Adding protein-rich foods (meat, seafood, eggs, cottage cheese, etc.) to the diet.
  4. Eating small meals 5-6 times a day.
  5. Incorporate fruit and vegetables between meals.
  6. Availability of fasting days during the month.

How about exercise?

Polycystic is a disease that does not exclude physical activity, on the contrary, exercising at a moderate pace will only help a woman get in shape and return to her old life.

Fitness, aerobics, swimming in combination with proper nutrition will allow you to adjust the weight. It will be sufficient to do 2-3 times a week. However, you should be prepared for the need for constant physical activity even after losing extra pounds. Only an active lifestyle and a he althy diet as a habit guarantees the further absence of hormonal problems.

Traditional medicine to help

Is it possible withusing alternative medicine to defeat polycystic disease? Folk remedies can speed up the process of a woman's recovery if used in combination with other methods of treatment.

polycystic symptoms and treatment for polycystic
polycystic symptoms and treatment for polycystic

Usually, compresses and tampons (external), as well as infusions and decoctions, are used as folk remedies for illness. Below are some of Grandma's effective recipes.

  1. Tampons with mummy. Pour mumiyo in the amount of 150 grams with 3 dessert spoons of warm water. After swelling of the main component, mix the mixture. A tampon formed from a bandage is placed in the composition and inserted into the vagina before a night's sleep. The course of treatment is 10 days. Procedures are not resorted to during menstruation.
  2. Compress with soda. In a three-liter jar, mix a glass of vodka, 1 dessert spoon of soda (slaked with 9% vinegar) and boiled water (for the remainder). Dip a cotton cloth into the resulting mixture and apply to the lower abdomen. We do a compress before going to bed. We repeat the procedure for 2 weeks. After 3 weeks, repeat the course. With tumors, such compresses are contraindicated.
  3. Decoction of licorice. Pour licorice in the amount of 1 dessert spoon with a glass of boiling water and insist for 3 hours, filter. We drink regularly on an empty stomach in a glass.
  4. Dandelion tea. Grind one small root of the plant into powder. We distribute the resulting dry tea into paper bags of 2 grams. We brew one packet per medium cup of boiling water, drink once a day 30 minutes beforemeals.
  5. Tincture of boron uterus. Grass in the amount of one dessert spoon pour a glass of boiling water, insist for 2 hours. We drink the entire amount of the resulting tincture during the day.

For polycystic disease, alternative methods of treatment can be used, but you should consult a doctor before taking such a medicine.

Possible complications and prognosis

If left untreated, PCOS can cause:

  • diabetes;
  • Miscarriage;
  • fibrocystic mastopathy;
  • hyperplasia;
  • endometrial cancer;
  • increased risk of myocardial infarction, stroke, hypertension.

Polycystic disease is a disease with a favorable prognosis. Timely and high-quality treatment leads to the restoration of the ability of a representative of the weaker half of society to conceive and bear a fetus in 75-90% of cases.

Polycystic and Pregnancy

What threatens pregnancy polycystic? The symptoms and treatment of the disease cannot be considered favorable for the growth and development of the fetus, but the disease cannot be called a sentence. Very rarely, a woman suffers from polycystic disease during pregnancy, because polycystic disease itself depresses the reproductive function.

polycystic folk remedies
polycystic folk remedies

Among the possible problems that a woman in a position with polycystic ovaries may face are the following:

  • bearing problems;
  • threatened miscarriage;
  • the threat of fetal fading;
  • threatpreterm birth (later);
  • gestational diabetes;
  • high blood pressure;
  • changes in body weight;
  • increase in blood androgen levels.

In such situations, the supervising doctor prescribes appropriate medicines. In any case, a woman has a chance to endure and give birth to a he althy baby.

As you can see, we are talking about a rather serious disease that can cost a woman the opportunity to become a mother. How to protect yourself and not find out what polycystic is? Patient reviews only confirm the need for regular visits to the doctor for a routine examination. By identifying the disease at an early stage of its development, you increase your own chances for a favorable outcome.

Take care of your own he alth!
