What kind of disease is chronic posthemorrhagic anemia (ICD-10 code - D50.0.) and how to treat it? This will be discussed in this article. Anyone can get this disease. Acute post-hemorrhagic anemia (in other words, acute anemia) can develop as a result of intense bleeding in a short time.
The disease will be detected if significant clinical and hematological changes began to occur in the body, the patient is diagnosed with acute or chronic blood loss. The patient has a significant decrease in blood volume. Hemoglobin must comply with the established norm: in males, the indicator should not fall below 130 g / l, in females - not less than 120 g / l. Indicators less than the established norms are considered a deviation, which provokes the development of posthemorrhagic disease.
Hemoglobin is a protein responsible for supplying oxygen to the entire body. When the patient's hemoglobin level drops, the cells of the body experience starvation.oxygen, which can affect the functional activity of not only organs, but the entire system of organisms as a whole.
Chronic posthemorrhagic anemia ICD-10 code assigned D50.0.
Different forms
The disease is divided into acute and chronic.
Acute disease differs from chronic posthemorrhagic anemia in that the patient has severe blood loss. In the chronic form, the patient has an iron deficiency that can be replenished.

Considering the numerous symptoms of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, it should be noted that each patient has different signs. There is a pale complexion, shortness of breath, constant darkening in the eyes, often dizzy, weakness in the body, hypothermia and arterial hypotension develop. If a person is seriously ill, he has a huge blood loss, there may be individual symptoms: the patient’s movements are inhibited, which leads to loss of consciousness, or he may experience a state of shock.
To determine if a patient has posthemorrhagic anemia, the patient must be diagnosed as soon as possible. At the same time, he must pass a general blood test in the clinic, and only then, if specific signs are found, it is possible to determine the picture of the disease: at what stage it is and how to treat the patient.
Having established the cause, it is urgent to eliminate the source of blood loss, while conducting special therapy. After determining the disease, it is checkedheart rate and pulse. In the presence of a weak and frequent pulse, the patient may experience arterial hypotension, which negatively affects human he alth. Young children can also suffer from chronic anemia, but here we can say that the course of the disease is much more severe for them than for adults. They may also have low hemoglobin, which is replenished with special drugs.
Considering the numerous symptoms of posthemorrhagic anemia, it can be noted that they depend on the volume of blood loss and the duration of the disease. At the beginning of the course of the disease, in the presence of profuse blood loss, the patient has signs of severe weakness in the body, pallor of the face, flickering of goosebumps in the eyes, dryness in the mouth, a decrease in body temperature is possible, a person is worried about cold sweat.

Causes of disease
The causes of the formation of the disease are quite diverse and are determined on an outpatient basis.
Firstly, acute blood loss in a patient can occur if he has received a certain injury or through surgery, internal bleeding (often bleeding can occur as a result of stomach or duodenal disease), pregnancy and other pathologies that may occur in female diseases. The disease occurs as a result of a lung disease, as well as a disease of the esophagus. To stop bleeding in a patient, it is first necessary to look for the source of the loss.
Second, bleedingmay be triggered by any tumors, the patient may be affected by blood vessels (hereditary or as a result of an acquired disease).
Causes of chronic post-hemorrhagic anemia can be hemorrhages (when blood bleeds from the vessels) from the female genital organs and bleeding of different localization associated with hemorrhagic diathesis (thrombocytopenia, hemophilia). The same factors will also play a role if the patient has been using anticoagulants for a long time, which inhibit the appearance of fibrin threads, prevent thrombosis, stop the growth of already formed blood clots, and increase the effect of enzymes on blood clots.
The main cause of chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, doctors call acute or chronic blood loss resulting from external or internal bleeding.
Often there is a loss of small volumes of blood in gastrointestinal hemorrhoidal, renal, nosebleeds, in violation of blood clotting. Various tumors that arise in the stomach or elsewhere can be painful, while destroying the tissue and organs of the patient, leading to the development of internal bleeding and further this type of anemia.

Degrees of development
It is important to distinguish the degree of development of chronic anemia:
- 1 degree. The patient's hemoglobin index shows below 120 g/l, but above 90 g/l. The first degree is mild, since hemoglobin is slightly reduced. With this course of the disease, severe symptoms in the patientare absent, weakness of the general organism rarely occurs and fatigue increases. These are the first signs of the development of the disease. At the first call, the patient should immediately take an analysis and seek help from a specialist to restore hemoglobin and select a mandatory diet.
- 2 degree - moderate. The hemoglobin level can vary from 90 to 70 g/l. The patient may experience initial signs of the development of the disease: dizziness, shortness of breath appears. The brain is poorly supplied with oxygen, in connection with this, the patient is recommended to be outdoors more often, breathe fresh air, eat special microelements and vitamins in the form of iron.
- 3 degree - the most serious and severe when the patient's hemoglobin is below 70 g / l. The patient's life is in danger. Hair may fall out, there is a change not only in hair, but also in nails. At this stage of the disease, disturbances in the work of the heart, blood thinning appear. There is numbness in the extremities. At this stage, it is important to follow all the advice of a specialist to increase hemoglobin. Failure to comply with the recommendations can lead to a disastrous outcome, in particular, to the death of the patient.

Acute stages
Posthemorrhagic anemia in acute form can take place in three stages:
- In a patient suffering from a chronic form of the disease, first of all, there is a decrease in blood pressure, pallor is noticeably expressed on the face, tachycardia, shortness of breath occurs.
- On the secondstage, after a few hours, the patient begins to decrease the number of red blood cells, and thus hemoglobin decreases. Fluid enters the plasma and the vascular bed begins to fill, this process takes about two days.
- The third stage begins from the fourth to the fifth day, when the disease has already begun to develop and progress. Plasma iron levels are very low.
What can be observed in a sick person in a blood test
For an accurate diagnosis, it is recommended to take the analysis several times. The blood picture in chronic posthemorrhagic anemia will be as follows.
In the first minutes, the Hb content may even be high due to a decrease in BCC. When tissue fluid enters the vascular bed, these indicators decrease even when bleeding stops. The color index, as a rule, is normal, since there is a simultaneous loss of both red blood cells and iron, that is, normochromic anemia. On the second day, the number of reticulocytes increases, reaching a maximum on the fourth or seventh day, that is, anemia is hyperregenerative.
Cure disease
It is possible to cure the disease of posthemorrhagic anemia, but it will take a long time and a lot of effort for the patient.
To cure a patient, the source of the bleeding must be identified. If a person bleeds from a wound on the skin, it is necessary to try to eliminate the source of loss by bandaging or by suturing the vessels. If the patient has insufficient blood clotting, this presents characteristic problems during various injuries andbleeding that will not be easy to stop later on, eventually leading to anemia.
The most severe form of the course of the disease can be cured by transfusion of a high dose of blood (in other words, to make a "blood transplant"). For rehabilitation, you can additionally inject blood-substituting solutions.
For recovery procedures, the patient is recommended to correct the qualitative composition of the blood by replenishing it with various components. Further, the patient's blood pressure will increase, which can be judged on a successful procedure. If the patient does not go to recovery, he is recommended to inject solutions that should help restore the water-s alt balance and make up for the vitamin deficiency.

It is possible to cure a patient of a chronic form of anemia by expediently using a variety of vitamin preparations: iron, B vitamins.
The patient should be prescribed symptomatic therapy that helps eliminate disorders and normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, liver, kidneys.
The final diagnosis of the patient should only be made by a specialist, based on the symptoms, to confirm the disease, you need to donate blood. The necessary procedures are selected by the doctor. The specialist determines which drug should be taken and how the patient should be treated in the future.

Drug therapy
For the treatment of chronicposthemorrhagic anemia, the specialist is required to prescribe to the patient preparations of ferrous or ferric iron. In moderate and severe forms, a therapeutic diet is combined with the appointment of drugs that supply iron in an easily digestible form. Medicines differ in the type of compound, dosage, form of release: tablets, dragees, syrups, drops, capsules, injection solutions. The interval between doses of drugs should be at least four hours. Iron preparations in the course of treatment are taken from three to four weeks to several months with periodic monitoring of hemoglobin levels. Preparations containing divalent iron have significant advantages over ferric iron, since they are absorbed by the body faster than other drugs. But you can not abuse these drugs! They are well absorbed by the body, and most often this can be dangerous, since excess doses of iron can lead to negative effects: the patient may be poisoned by excessive use of such a drug. The deterioration of the assimilation process can be provoked by such products: tea and milk. You can not use vitamins and iron for a long time, as hemoglobin will quickly increase, which can also lead to certain disorders. To determine the effectiveness of therapy, the patient will again need to donate blood to make sure of his recovery.

Prognosis of disease treatment
Treatment of a patient with posthemorrhagic anemia is a long andvoluminous restorative process.
If a patient suddenly lost ¼ of blood, such a loss can adversely affect human he alth and further lead to the development of acute anemia. The patient is waiting for a fatal outcome if the blood loss is ½. If the patient slowly lost blood in significant volumes, there is no strong danger to life, since it can be compensated by the introduction of various components into the body.
To correct chronic posthemorrhagic anemia, you should use all the medications prescribed by the doctor, as well as normalize nutrition. It should include only quality foods high in iron, vitamins and trace elements.
It is possible to cure the patient, but a lot of effort will be spent on his recovery. Full rehabilitation may take more than two months from the date of the onset of the development of a progressive disease. At the same time, a sick person will feel better, gradually restoring his strength, lost during blood loss and a decrease in hemoglobin levels.
Patient Disability
Disability in chronic posthemorrhagic anemia is prescribed depending on the degree of the disease. With moderate severity, a 3rd disability group is assigned, in which you can work. But the load can be either normal or gentle.
With a severe degree of posthemorrhagic anemia, a second group is given. Conditions for work should be specialized, simplified or at home.
A few words in conclusion
Chronic formanemia is a serious disease and should not be neglected. With severe symptoms, it is important to seek medical help. It is better not to get sick, but to monitor your he alth, follow a proper diet and take vitamins that increase hemoglobin in the blood.