Cystitis with blood is the result of an inflammatory process in the bladder. The pathology is accompanied by a sharp cutting pain in the lower abdomen, the patient feels painful and frequent urge to go to the toilet, in which urine is excreted along with blood. What are the causes of this disease? What symptoms accompany this condition, and what is required to cure the patient?

Causes of disease
The main reason for the development of cystitis with blood, which is characterized by painful urination, is E. coli. When it appears in the urination canal, it gradually settles into the bladder, and because of this, an inflammatory process develops in the mucous membrane. If there is no proper treatment, then blood capillaries are also involved in inflammation, their walls are damaged, and urine mixes with blood during urination. In this case, we are talking about hemorrhagic cystitis.
Shade of urine
Shade of urinealso due to the stage of the disease and ranges from pale pink to cloudy brown. Urine has a strong unpleasant odor. Cystitis with blood in women is more common than in men. Representatives of the weaker sex, in principle, suffer from cystitis more often, including hemorrhagic.
Such "injustice" is due to anatomical specifics: the female urethra is wider, viruses and bacteria penetrate it faster. Hemorrhagic cystitis is common in children. It is worth noting that this is the opposite case, as boys suffer more from cystitis than girls.

Why does pathology develop?
A disease such as cystitis can develop when urine is unable to move normally from the bladder, if there is a mechanical obstruction, for example, a stone or tumor in the lumen of the urethra, or due to narrowing of this lumen in the form of a scar.
The disease can also occur due to neurogenic situations, with a sharp loss of the bladder muscle wall's ability to contract. Blood in the urine also appears when a person endures too long and does not empty his bladder. At the same time, muscle fibers are overstretched, and blood circulation in the walls of the bladder begins to deteriorate.
Foreign object
The cause of cystitis with blood may be the presence in the bladder of a foreign object that irritates the mucous membranes and provokes blood impurities in the urine. Men suffer from hemorrhagic type of cystitis often due to adenomaprostate. The cause of pathology in women is often sexually transmitted infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia). Such infections can provoke the appearance of hemorrhagic cystitis, including in men, but in more rare cases.
In the beginning, with the development of cystitis, only painful urination is felt, for a couple of days an admixture of blood in the urine is added to it. For a day, women and men have up to forty urination. At the same time, the urge to go to the toilet happens at night. At the same time, a person wants to empty his bladder, but when going to the toilet, he cannot do this. Severe cutting pains appear in the lower abdomen during urges, and after going to the toilet they intensify.
Blood in the urine with cystitis is often accompanied by a rise in temperature to fairly high rates. Also at this time there are very frequent urges to go to the toilet, even a small portion of urine makes the patient feel very strong urges, and the pain after that does not stop and even intensifies. In this case, the blood in the urine is not immediately noticeable. It appears a few hours after the disease occurs. Sometimes there can be so much blood that even urination is delayed. If she suddenly disappeared from the patient's urine, then we can talk about a quick recovery. Symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis can go away even without treatment for one to two weeks, but they can develop into a chronic type of disease, characterized by exacerbations that are repeated with differentperiodicity.
If cystitis with blood continues for a long time, the patient develops shortness of breath, weakness and constant fatigue, which is a consequence of anemia that occurs with a hemorrhagic protracted illness.

Complications of the disease
The most dangerous complication in hemorrhagic cystitis is the blockage of a blood clot in the urethra. At the same time, urine continues to flow into the bladder from the kidneys, while having no exit. Bladder tamponade appears. It continues to expand to large sizes at this time.
Microbes can enter the bloodstream through capillaries with damage in the bladder mucosa, spread throughout the body with blood flow, and inflammation of the uterine appendages, pyelonephritis or other inflammatory pathologies can develop.
Symptoms of cystitis with blood in women should not go unnoticed.
Required Research
When a patient contacts a doctor with complaints about the presence of blood in the urine, the first appointment will be to donate blood for analysis. Due to this, acute inflammation can be noticed: an increase in ESR and an increased number of leukocytes. In the patient's urine, many erythrocytes and leukocytes are most often found, with bakposev, it is possible to identify the causative agent of the disease. If hemorrhagic cystitis is due to a viral rather than bacterial infection, then a urine test will not show the presence of bacteria. An increase in the total number of leukocytes is formed due to an increase in monocytes.
Forconfirmation or refutation of the presence of a bacterial process in the bladder requires the implementation of bacteriological seeding of urine on nutrient media. At the same time, the reaction of the infectious agent to antibiotics that can help in the treatment is also being analyzed.
Another important step in the diagnosis of blood in the urine with cystitis in women is cystoscopy. Using a cystoscope, a specialist examines the walls of the bladder and their condition, the presence of foreign bodies, tumors and stones in it. To finally make a diagnosis, sometimes it is necessary to conduct additional studies, namely, radiography of the kidneys and bladder. After these manipulations, the specialist will be able to make the correct diagnosis and then prescribe the necessary treatment for cystitis with blood.

Features of treatment
Pathology is treated only after a medical consultation. In order for the therapy to be effective and fast, you need to contact a urologist in time. When the disease progresses, it can become chronic. You can not rely only on home remedies for getting rid of cystitis, as they often become meaningless. They can be used only after medical consultation and along with traditional therapeutic manipulations. If there is no proper treatment, cystitis can spread to the kidneys and ureters, and this is fraught with complications. The chronic type of the disease is difficult and long to treat.
First of all, the cause of the pathology is eliminated. Bacterial infections are treated with antibiotics. If cystitis is of viral origin, the specialist will prescribe antiviral drugs and immunomodulators. If symptoms of cystitis with blood occur due to taking a number of medicines, the doctor will suggest that they be abandoned for some time or replaced with safe analogues.

In addition, drugs are prescribed that strengthen the vascular walls and stop bleeding.
You need to drink plenty of fluids. It should be taken in one day at least three liters. It is very important to adjust your diet. In the treatment of hemorrhagic cystitis, too s alty, spicy foods, chocolate and alcohol are prohibited. Also excluded are foods that cause the excretion of blood along with urine with particular force.
To eliminate pain, antispasmodics and analgesics are prescribed. Baralgin and Diclofenac are especially effective.
When cystitis becomes chronic, physiotherapeutic procedures are performed for treatment: iontophoresis, inductothermy, irrigation of the bladder with antiseptic solutions, UHF, magnetic laser therapy.
Women should visit both a urologist and a gynecologist, since often cystitis with blood occurs due to diseases of the female reproductive system.
Home remedy treatment
To cure hemorrhagic cystitis, natural teas that stop the blood are used - for example, from yarrow and nettle (one tablespoon each).
Sedentary will benefitbaths with the addition of chamomile decoction. You can stay in such a bath for no longer than twenty minutes.

- If cystitis is painful, a decoction of bearberry and lingonberry leaves (one tablespoon each) will help. They are poured with boiling water and languish in a water bath for forty minutes. Take 50 milliliters before meals.
- Dried bearberry and yarrow (two tablespoons) and birch buds (one spoon) are poured with boiling water and infused in a water bath for half an hour. You should drink three times a day, the dose is 150 milliliters.
- Chamomile (two spoons) is poured with one glass of boiling water and insisted for an hour. Then add a teaspoon of honey to the broth and drink it three times, 100 milliliters each.
- Dill seeds should be crushed to a powder and pour a glass of boiling water, leave for an hour. This infusion should be drunk on an empty stomach in the morning.

But, of course, before starting therapy, you need to identify the causes.
Cystitis with blood is an extremely unpleasant pathology, however, with a timely visit to a specialist and the fulfillment of all prescribed by him, recovery will not be long in coming.