Hyperplastic rhinitis is a fairly common disease, which among otorhinolaryngologists is usually attributed to the group of protracted, chronic rhinitis. It is worth noting that the diagnostic process in this case is quite complicated, because the main symptoms resemble a common cold. So what is the peculiarity of this disease and what methods of treatment are considered the most effective?
Hyperplastic rhinitis: what is it? Signs, features and causes

Hyperplastic rhinitis is a form of inflammation that is accompanied by an overgrowth of connective tissue in the nasal passages. Consequently, patients exhibit breathing difficulties and some other problems.
As a rule, adults suffer from the disease, much less often such rhinitis is diagnosed in children. Symptoms and treatment are certainly interesting points, but first it is worth studying the main causes of the onset of the disease.
Even thoughthe disease has been known for hundreds of years, the exact mechanism of development has not yet been sufficiently studied. Nevertheless, it was noted that the proliferation of connective tissue is much more often diagnosed in patients with a deviated septum. Potential causes include other problems:
- chronic sinusitis;
- allergic diseases that are accompanied by irritation and swelling of the mucous membranes of the nose;
- diseases of the lymphatic system;
- decreased activity of the immune system;
- frequent respiratory infections;
- Inadequate treatment of diseases of the nasopharynx and upper respiratory tract;
- work or live near hazardous industrial plants;
- smoking;
- hereditary predisposition.
Hyperplastic rhinitis: symptoms

In the initial stages, the disease is accompanied by the usual symptoms, including nasal congestion and the appearance of mucous secretions. But as it develops, hyperplastic rhinitis greatly complicates nasal breathing and often becomes the cause of its complete absence. Because of this, patients complain of dry mouth and partial (sometimes complete) loss of smell. There is snoring in a dream. The feeling of nasal congestion does not disappear even if the nasal passages are clear.
Hyperplastic rhinitis is accompanied by other symptoms, including:
- feeling of a foreign body in the nose;
- loss of appetite;
- unpleasant, sometimes even painful sensationswhen swallowing;
- aching headaches;
- frequent nosebleeds;
- hearing loss;
- presence of thick mucous discharge from the nose, and often with impurities of pus.
Due to the growth of connective tissues and problems with nasal breathing, the mucous membrane does not receive enough oxygen. Quite often, an inflammatory process develops, which proceeds in waves, then fading, then progressing, and the appearance of purulent, thick discharge in this disease is not considered uncommon. Even vasoconstrictor drops do not help with congestion. Increased risk of serious bacterial infections.
Diagnosis of disease

Of course, to begin with, the doctor must familiarize himself with the patient's complaints, as well as conduct a physical examination. Hyperplastic rhinitis is accompanied by swelling of the turbinates, pallor of the nasal membranes, and drooping of the ends of the turbinates in the nasopharyngeal region. Atypical brown or gray spots often appear on the mucous membrane.
Of course, studies are being carried out in the future, including a complete blood count and an endoscopic test. A nasal swab is also taken from the patient to check for bacterial infections. Diagnostic methods include radiography and diaphanoscopy. Examine the nasal passages after using vasoconstrictor drops to determine their effectiveness.
How is hyperplastic rhinitis treated?

Treatment depends on the characteristics of the course of the disease, as well as its possible causes. For example, a person is strongly advised to quit smoking or change jobs when it comes to hazardous chemical production.
For treatment, vasoconstrictor drugs are used, in particular Xymelin, Otrivin, Nazivin. Often, patients are prescribed glucocorticosteroids, such as Avamys. Sometimes a mixture of glycerol, glucose, and corticosteroids is injected into the nasal passages. Massage of the nasal membrane with the use of "Protargol" and "Splenin" is also effective.
As for the removal of excess masses of connective tissue, modern medicine uses chemical cauterization (for example, trichloroacetic acid), laser therapy, cryotherapy and some other methods. In severe cases, a conchotomy is performed, a surgical procedure during which the doctor removes tissue using medical scissors.
Possible complications of the disease
In the absence of adequate therapy or attempts to cure the disease on their own, complications may develop, including the appearance of chronic nosebleeds, the development of a protracted inflammatory process, lack of nasal breathing and loss of smell.
Unfortunately, complications often spread to other organs. Hyperplastic rhinitis can lead to hearing loss, chronic headaches, and jaw pain. Complications include bronchitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis, and frequent conjunctivitis. Some patients develop cardiacinsufficiency, problems in the liver and kidneys, a general deterioration in well-being and a decrease in efficiency.
That is why it is so important to detect the disease in time and start therapy, especially if hyperplastic rhinitis is diagnosed in children. Symptoms and treatment in this case are almost the same as in adult patients, but for a growing body, nasal breathing can be seriously damaged.